
"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" officially started The director exposed the first day of the film scene photos

author:1905 Movie Network
"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" officially started The director exposed the first day of the film scene photos

The 1905 movie Network News Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy 3" was officially launched on November 9. "Rolling Director" James Gunn posted a large group photo on his social networking site and said that after a long period of waiting and preparation, "our journey finally arrived here, and I returned to the set with the Silver Guardian family and started the first day of shooting."

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" officially started The director exposed the first day of the film scene photos

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is scheduled to be released on May 5, 2023

The preparations for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 are full of variables. First of all, due to the impact of the epidemic, the filming of the film was shelved. Later, because of the cooperation between "Rolling Director" and Warner, a new version of "X Contingent" was filmed, and the film could not be carried out. Finally, some of the remarks in the early years of the "rolling director" were turned out by netizens, and friction with Disney delayed the filming of the film. "Rolling Director" said: "A few years ago, the script was complete. I'm constantly tinkering, adding a little bit of stuff, changing a little bit of stuff. By and large, the script was written three years ago. ”

Regarding the changes to the film, there are two main ones. The first is to increase the role of Rocket Raccoon. His past and story will become an integral part of the film. Moreover, in the future, the role of Rocket Raccoon is expected to usher in its own spin-off movie. Secondly, the role of Nebula and Mantis Woman will also be increased. In Marvel's male world, the female drama of Nebula and Mantis Woman may have a strong ornamentation. In addition, there may be the death of an important character in the story. Currently, the film is scheduled to be released on May 5, 2023.

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