
Beanstalk, super under the meal

author:Half a life

River bean blossom, is a very popular cuisine in Sichuan and Chongqing region, the cauliflower flower mentioned here, is based on the practice of rotten tofu innovation, rotten tofu is made of old tofu, cauliflower is fried with bean blossoms and green leaves, and the traditional use of soy milk to make bean blossoms in the process of adding vegetable leaves is also different, the taste is not the same, the following to introduce to you the specific methods of cauliflower.

Beanstalk, super under the meal

Ingredients: 1 portion of river water bean blossoms (sold in supermarkets and vegetable markets, pour into the basket to naturally filter the water, do not let the bean blossoms condense), a piece of oil and wheat vegetables, wash and chop and set aside.

Accessories: green onion, minced ginger, garlic paste, salt, monosodium glutamate, salad oil.

Procedure: Pour in the appropriate amount of salad oil in a hot pot, add ginger, garlic paste, then pour in the bean blossoms and stir-fry, fry the bean blossoms into a sticky shape, then add the oil wheat leaves to stir-fry together, when the vegetable leaves are almost ripe, add the appropriate amount of salt and MONOS glutamate, stir-fry evenly, and sprinkle with green onions.

If you like the flavor of pickled pepper, you can put the crushed pickled pepper together when you put the leaves and stir-fry together, if the bean blossom is not easy to buy, use lactone tofu, but the taste is a little different.

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