
Refreshing and pleasant Sherwine bean blossoms

author:Southern Sky Lone Ranger

Yunnan is located on a plateau, the three-dimensional climate is very obvious, the climate varies greatly, such as Yuanmou, Hekou and other places, which are relatively hot throughout the year; Meili Snow Mountain, Baima Snow Mountain and other parts of the year-round snow. Yunnan has a large undulating terrain, the lowest altitude is only 76.4 meters, the highest altitude reaches 6740 meters, and the average altitude is about 2000 meters. In addition, there are many ethnic groups in Yunnan Province, so it has created many distinctive cuisines. When traveling to a place, you should taste the local specialties, so that it will be a complete tour. Today, visit Xuanwei to taste The elegant, refreshing and fragrant bean blossoms of Xuanwei.

Refreshing and pleasant Sherwine bean blossoms

In Xuanwei, people often make their own dish, called bean blossom or cauliflower, which may be said elsewhere in Yunnan to refer to tofu brain. And Sherwine's bean blossoms or cauliflower are actually the same dish. When making tofu, it is necessary to first carry out natto, grind fine, squeeze, filter soy milk, and Xuanwei cauliflower is to use this step of soy milk (here soy milk is filtered tofu residue, and now the soybean milk machine out of the soybean milk can be different yo), pour into a thick pot, boil (to someone to watch the cooking, soy milk after opening will immediately come out), adjust to a low heat and then cook it, in order to go to the raw bean flavor; and then according to each person's preferences, put in the cut into thin strips of greens, bitters, cabbage, melons, etc. (generally do not need to add other spices), Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to a slow boil. At this time, the soy milk and vegetables will solidify, and the bean blossoms will become.

Refreshing and pleasant Sherwine bean blossoms

Soybean milk is rich in protein, vegetables are rich in vitamins, this combination of nutrition is very classic; white tofu (let's call it so) combined with verdant vegetables, let people look at it is pleasing to the eye, the mood is good; the smell of tofu and the breath of vegetables are perfectly mixed, refreshing. However, the rolling bean flower (Xuanwei people's image name, rolling is boiling), it is simple to see, but it is very particular about the level, if it is not cooked well, it will have the taste of raw beans and lettuce; if the fire is not good, the color of the dish will be changed, or the bean blossom will be boiled paste, which is difficult to eat; the amount of water is also very exquisite, and it is not delicious to put more and put less to cook.

Refreshing and pleasant Sherwine bean blossoms
Refreshing and pleasant Sherwine bean blossoms
Refreshing and pleasant Sherwine bean blossoms

After the beans are rolled, it is eaten. Cauliflower is a very fair dish for people rich and poor, in Xuanwei, even if you are a billionaire, the beans and flowers you eat are the same as ordinary people's homes, and even the materials used by people in poor rural areas are good and delicious. Beans and flowers are suitable for meat and vegetables, but people prefer its original taste. Most people will prepare a bowl of peppery dipped in water, dipped in more flavor. Because of its light and greasy consumption, the phasenaise flower is popular at high-end banquets. Whether it is eating bean blossoms or drinking bean flower water (in the elderly population, it is usually not called bean flower soup, tofu soup, can only be called bean flower water, tofu water, only when the white happy event can be called soup), it is a kind of enjoyment, this enjoyment can only be known if you eat it yourself. Sherwin-Williams bean blossom a very good dish!

Refreshing and pleasant Sherwine bean blossoms
Refreshing and pleasant Sherwine bean blossoms