
The inaugural issue of Yangquan Zhangmu Research was first published

author:Market Weekly

On October 31, the Yangquan Zhangmu Research Association held the launch ceremony of the inaugural issue of "Yangquan Zhangmu Research" at the Municipal Cultural Center.

"Yangquan Zhangmu Research" is divided into special attention, family lineage examination, poetry appreciation, academic exploration, Gu Ancestral Festival, hometown ancient and modern 6 columns, the inaugural issue has a total of "Zhang Mu family cultural heritage", "three generations of Shuoru one lineage - Zhang Mu's achievements of the family origin" and other 22 articles, detailed the organization of Yangquan Zhang Mu Research Association, Zhang Mu personal and literary works and other content. At the ceremony, the heads of relevant units such as the Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature issued letters of appointment to 7 special consultants of the Yangquan Zhangmu Research Association, and the Yangquan Zhangmu Research Association donated publications to the representatives of various counties (districts). Subsequently, the Yangquan Zhangmu Research Association was inaugurated in Dayangquan Village.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Yangquan Zhangmu Research Association, Yangquan has a long history and profound heritage, and Zhang Mu is an outstanding representative of it. Since its establishment more than a year ago, according to the research direction, 10 research groups have been established, weChat public accounts have been established, and the editor has completed the first issue of "Yangquan Zhangmu Research". In the future, the research will continue to conduct in-depth research and make due contributions to the promotion of Yangquan regional culture through publicity methods such as media integration. (Wei Junhua, Li Yucai) (Source: Yangquan Municipal People's Government website)