
Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

author:Liang Ping released

"Hold her tight and don't let go, and walk together for the rest of your life."

Under the guidance of the host

An old couple embracing each other

Bring the atmosphere of the entire wedding scene to a climax

August 27 (the day before Tanabata)

Mr. Li Chuanming, aged 77

with Ms. Wong Sung Ying, 79

Step into the Diamond Wedding Hall

That day

It's their 60th year together

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

The old couple put rings on each other

Meet and fall in love for a moment

Time back 60 years ago, Li Chuanming, who lived in Pinghe Village, Jukui Town, was young and handsome, and was in the prime of the cardamom years. As in the past, he went to work at the grain station in the early morning, but what he did not expect was that there would be a figure that would always "live" in his heart.

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

Two old men cutting cakes

"A little girl who cooks rice, her movements are sharp, she has two big braids, her smile is so beautiful, every move touches my heart." 」 Referring to the first time he saw his wife, Li Chuanming was still so happy, he said it was love at first sight.

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

Huang Chengying is beautiful, diligent, smart and generous, because of the needs of work, came to Li Chuanming's unit to cook. Gradually, Li Chuanming and Huang Chengying became acquainted, and there was also a faint affection between the two, working together during the day, meeting at night to watch the sunset and talk about the next day's work, their love did not have extra exaggeration, plain but so romantic.

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

The 26th day of the eighth lunar month in 1959

Li Chuanming fulfilled his dream wish

Befriended beloved Huang Chengying

Talk about weddings at that time

Li Chuanming always felt that he owed something to his wife

"At that time, my family was poor, and when I got married, I didn't have anything, so I borrowed a set of clothes and a suitcase and went to kiss." Li Chuanming recalled that the scene of that year was still quite interested, Huang Chengying's home to Li Chuanming's home was only three or four miles, but this short distance carried full of sweetness.

"A road to the end, a lifetime will not let go." The old couple said this, and did the same, 60 years of wind and rain on the road is full of thorns, the couple worked together to support, and they raised 7 children with each other.

Hold hands together for a lifetime

Li Chuanming's second daughter, Li Chengju, said that in order to support the family's life and provide for the children to study, the father went out early every day to run for the family's livelihood, and in countless late nights, when the children woke up from their dreams, they could always see the weak back of the mother sewing and mending under the dim oil lamp.

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

Family portrait at the wedding site

In 1962, Li Chuanming returned home as a captain, and his wife Huang Chengying made dried beans at home, so Li Chuanming took advantage of the gap between growing grain and went to various township brigades to exchange money to subsidize the family.

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

In the 60 years of wind and rain, in order to share the pressure on her husband, the wife often works quietly at night, which makes the husband helpless and moved, and the husband's strong support for carrying this home also makes the wife feel at ease and worried. And 40 years ago, Li Chuanming's illness tested the couple's feelings even more.

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

That year, Li Chuanming's body was weak, he could not work, he could not get out of bed, and people were becoming emaciated. Huang Chengying took her husband, tossed to Pingjin Town Xicun Hospital, the doctor diagnosed that it was caused by lack of nutrition, but the treatment fee before and after the need for 25 yuan, his family usually saved more than 10 yuan to save more than 10 yuan, and there was a lack of 15 yuan, how to do?

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

"In order to save 15 yuan of life-saving money, my mother borrowed money everywhere without success, and finally found a government loan to raise my father's life money!" Referring to the story at that time, Li Chengju felt a lot of feelings, and her mother put down all things to accompany her father every day, and carried the burden of the whole family with her weak shoulders.

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

60 years of wind and rain are all in a hug

Today, 60 years of mutual support have made the old couple still love each other as before, and Li Chuanming often holds his wife's hand and strolls the streets to reminisce about the youth that belongs only to two people.

Children are grateful

"On the first day of June, I saw my father wearing a red coat and suddenly felt very much like a wedding dress. Parents work for us all their lives, not even a simple wedding, we do children's hopes to give parents a dream, to do a wedding to witness the love of their parents' life! Li Jing, a daughter, was quite touched when she talked about why she would give her parents a wedding.

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

On the day of the wedding, the famous Hong Kong singer and Chinese imitator Feng Wenle also came from Hong Kong to congratulate the diamond wedding of the old couple, a song "Choice" sang the searing true feelings of the old couple 60 years ago, and a song "The Moon Represents My Heart" confirmed that they had been together for 60 years.

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

The two elderly people expressed their gratitude to the audience

Feng Wenle said: "Li Jing and I are good friends, although we have known each other for a short time, but I am attracted by her personality charm, I would like to meet the old couple who can teach such a daughter, so I pushed off a lot of slots, specially came to see them, in the expression of blessings at the same time hope to bring them joy!" ”

Sixty years of long time, but also to live together! Praise the cross-century love of the two elderly people

Now, their family is four generations in the same family, a total of more than 50 people, including entrepreneurs, principals, international students... Although the children and grandchildren have their own careers and families, the old couple is still their spiritual sustenance, and it is still a harbor for them to rest when they are tired.

Text/Photo Intern reporter Wu Ping

Some of the pictures come from the web

Reviewed by Li Chunyan, editor-in-charge of Chen Qi

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