
[Spring 2019] [Yesterday's Food 02] [ Hidetoshi Nishijima / Seiyo Uchino]

author:Pig Day drama subtitle group
[Spring 2019] [Yesterday's Food 02] [ Hidetoshi Nishijima / Seiyo Uchino]

Director: Kazuhito Nakae / Katsumi Nojiri / Kenshi Katatsuru

Writers: Ogiko Andana

Starring: Hidetoshi Nishijima / Seiyo Uchino

Genre: Drama / Same-Sex

Official website:

Country/Region of Production: Japan

Language: Japanese

Premiere: 2019-04-05 (Japan)

又名: what did you eat yesterday?


Shiro Kasa (Hidetoshi Nishijima) is a lawyer who works at a small law firm. Every day, he had to leave the firm and go to a cheap supermarket nearby. While selecting affordable ingredients, he quickly decided in his mind what to eat for dinner. For Shi Lang, it is very important to keep the monthly food expenses within 25,000 yuan.

When he returns home, Shi Lang will quickly start making dinner, making three dishes and stewed rice, and miso soup. After dinner was cooked, Kenji Yabuki (Seiyo Uchino), the barber who lived with him, went home. The two call each other "Shi Lang" and "Kenji", and are a pair of lovers. For them, the time to have dinner together is an important moment to share their daily lives and ideas.

One day, while the two were walking together, they met a regular visitor to the barbershop, Miss Chiishi. Miss Sengoku saw Shirren and said, "Is this your boyfriend?" Is it obvious that you are a lawyer but you are a woman? When Shi Lang heard this, his face immediately changed. He doesn't want people around him to look at him with prejudice, so he hasn't shown his sexuality to his colleagues. Kenji has talked about these things not only with colleagues, but even with guests. Will tonight's table be a big fight?

This is the beginning of the story that depicts the slightly bitter but warm every day, every day at the dinner table.

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