
Chinese famous point: wife cake (sweet crisp) super detailed

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Chinese famous point: wife cake (sweet crisp) super detailed

Practice steps

1, first make the puff pastry part, the butter (white oil) and low gluten flour by hand together, the beginning will be like corn zhen like granular, slowly with the melting of butter, will gradually clumping.

2. After becoming a dough, kneading repeatedly will become softer and softer.

3. Divide into 8 equal doses and cover with plastic wrap to be used.

4, then do the oil skin part, the white sugar with the blender grinding into powdered sugar, mixed with the gluten powder, butter (white oil), salt, rub well by hand, add most of the water in the formula, because the flour water absorption is not the same, so it is best not to add all the water at once, you can try to add it in parts. By kneading, rubbing, dragging and other barbaric methods and dough, until the dough is combined into a smooth and glutened dough, you can pull out a uniform film that can show fingerprints. If you have a bread machine at home, you can start making noodles with the bread machine before making the puff pastry. Divide into 8 evenly divided doses and covered with plastic wrap to set aside.

5, now to make the stuffing. Chop the sugar melon (if you don't have it, you can replace it with raisins, preserved fruits, etc., but the flavor is not so authentic) and set aside. Bake sesame seeds (preferably white sesame seeds, I only have black sesame seeds at home) and minced coconut in the oven (about 180 ° C for about 7 minutes on high and low heat), then weigh together with water, peanut oil and white sugar in a heatable basin, heat on the stove until boiling, turn off the heat, and then quickly add sugar winter melon and glutinous rice flour while hot and stir well.

6. The glutinous rice flour is quickly blanched and hugged.

7, if the filling is not hard enough, the solution is to put into the microwave oven on high heat to bite, according to the specific situation, a ding 30 seconds to observe, not hard enough and then stacked times, the filling can be molded and divided. Also averaged 8 doses (disposable gloves are recommended, otherwise it will be sticky).

8. Now let's make multiple layers of puff pastry. Pinch the puff pastry and the oil skin, if the puff pastry part is harder than the oil skin, let go of the palm of the hand repeatedly pinch it will become soft, try to make the two parts of the softness and hardness consistent. Wrap the puff pastry into the oil skin, pinch the mouth tightly in the form of a bun, press the mouth underneath, wrap all the dough at once, and arrange it in order.

9, according to the order of the previous step to pick up the wrapped puff pastry (the first wrapped dough has been relaxed at this time), with the root of the thumb that is, the big fish flat, with the rolling pin to roll long, flip the bottom face up and roll up again from top to bottom, the mouth pressed below, still placed in the order of succession.

10, according to the previous step in order to pick up the puff pastry roll horizontally placed on the desk, with a large fish flat, with the rolling pin to roll wide, and then flip the bottom face up, 90 ° turn the direction of rolling long, roll up from top to bottom, close the mouth pressed below, press flat, directly roll into a round crust.

11. Wrap in a well-divided filling.

12, the mouth must be pinched tightly, do not leak the filling.

13. Close down and press flat.

14, placed in the baking tray covered with oil paper or high-temperature oilcloth, leave a space, brush a layer of egg liquid on the surface, brush a layer after drying, slightly dry after the knife to cut out the deep channel, to scratch the filling, because the internal filling will expand when baking, the paddling is to release hot air, to avoid surface bursting. If there are white sesame seeds, sprinkle a small amount on the surface decoration. The oven is preheated to 200 ° C, down to 160 ° C, the middle layer is baked for about 20 minutes, observe the surface color, it is easy to bake, to the ideal degree of uniform color can be baked.

15, can't help but bite open one, crispy and delicious, come to see the inside: the layers are clear, pick it up and crisp off the slag!

Mood story

Wife cake is a kind of traditional Han nationality in Chaozhou, Guangdong, and is the most well-known sweet cake in Guangdong Chaozhou mooncake with the least ingredients, the simplest workmanship and the most well-known. It has a thin skin and a thick filling, the filling is moist and soft, and the taste is sweet but not greasy. According to legend, during the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties, the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty constantly collected various taxes from the people, the people were oppressed and plundered very seriously, and there was an endless stream of uprisings throughout the country, Zhu Yuanzhang's wife Ma Shi was a very clever person, in the early days of the uprising, because at that time there were wars, food was often insufficient, the army also had to run east and west to fight, in order to facilitate the soldiers to carry dry food, so Ma Shi came up with wheat, winter melon and other things that can be eaten together, ground into powder, made into cakes, distributed to the non-commissioned officers, Not only is it convenient to carry, but it can also be eaten anytime and anywhere, which has played a great help to the marching army. Because such a mess of things added together to make a cake is more difficult to eat, so smart people on the basis of this cake to update the method, and finally people found that the cake made with sugar winter melon, wheat flour, cake powder, caramel, sesame and other raw materials is very delicious, sweet and delicious, this is the ancestor of the wife cake. Wife cake is mainly divided into two parts of multi-level puff pastry and rich connotation of soft filling, when the first time you are not skilled, it is recommended to make a portion according to this recipe, if you are greedy to do more, people who lack patience will really go crazy. The oil used in the original recipe for the effect of puff pastry was white oil, but I was a person who really had a psychological problem with the chemical synthesis of ingredients, so I changed it to natural butter, maybe the flavor is different, but I personally feel that it is just as crispy.

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