
New filmmaker Ying Daizhen recalls her first-year college life

author:Guizhou Net

Guizhou Network ( News: Directed by Huang Yao and starring Guo Xiaodong, Yu Nan, Ying Daizhen, Sun Yi, etc., the love ethics film "Male and Female Love" was recently shortlisted for the Sundance International Film Festival in the United States. Due to the shortlisting of the film, young actor Ying Daizhen gradually entered the eyes of professional filmmakers.

New filmmaker Ying Daizhen recalls her first-year college life

Ying Daizhen attended the opening reception of the Beijing International Film Festival

Ying Daizhen was well known to the public for starring in the role of Ye Liaoyuan in "My Heart Is Brilliant" in his junior year, and was affirmed by many people in the industry because of his perfect interpretation of the role and his serious work attitude. Some film critics believe that this handsome-looking boy with melancholy eyes has solid acting skills and delicate performances, and his future drama will be very generous. This big boy who graduated from the acting department of the Central Academy of Drama in 2013 is very mature and stable in speech and demeanor, has a persistent pursuit of performance, and sees his current state very thoroughly. When asked how Ying Daizhen views the critics' comments, Ying Daizhen said that these have fully benefited from the hard study and serious study of acting in school. Ying Daizhen said, "I recently watched the reality show "First Grade", and their class status is exactly the same as ours. Mr. Huang Zhizhong is a line teacher, and his teaching method is the state I was in when I was in the line class at school. "The auditors in "First Grade" practice their lines every day while doing sit-ups, and they also have to do morning work very early. Ying Daizhen said that these are all true portrayals of his first year of college, and perhaps his first-year life is even harder than on TV. "I had to get up at five o'clock to do morning work, and the summer was fine, and before dawn in the winter, I practiced 'hey, ha' on the playground."

Because of Ying Daizhen's outstanding appearance, when he first went to college, he also had a crew invitation, but Ying Daizhen only began to contact film and television drama shooting when he was a junior in college, which is relatively late for an acting student. Ying Daizhen does not think so, he feels that when he was in school, he was not fully prepared, and many acting assignments were immature, and if he went out to shoot too early, he would embarrass his alma mater. In his junior year, he was recognized in all aspects and won the first class scholarship of the whole school in that year. By chance, I met my current agent and recommended him to meet the director of "My Heart Is Bright". Everything was a kind of fate, which eventually led to his first film and television shooting. Ying Daizhen is a person who longs to be recognized, and when his efforts reach a certain level and he is finally recognized, he will make him happier. "Because of my hard work in college, I got to the first-class scholarship, because of my efforts to meet my current agent, and because I seriously interpreted the role of Ye Liaoyuan, I won the recognition of the director and the audience." Now that I think about it, these are all very happy things. ”

Ying Daizhen is a serious person, but also a person who has great respect for serious work. He said, "Everyone on the crew of the movie 'Male and Female Love' is a very serious and hard-working person, which is a very respectful team. He was very happy to learn that the film had been nominated for the Sundance International Film Festival, "First of all, this is an affirmation of the whole film, to the director Huang Yao, to several of our leading actors, and to everyone who has paid for the film." I believe that Ying Daizhen, who knows how to be grateful and works hard, will harvest his flowers and applause on his own performance stage.

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