
"Male And Female Love" Ying Daizhen: Experience the philosophical meaning from the performance

author:Guizhou Net

Guizhou Network ( News: Recently, "Male And Female Love" starring Ying Daizhen was exposed to be shortlisted for this year's Sundance International Film Festival in the United States. Ying Daizhen, who touched the big screen for the first time, played a young and depressed boy in the play, and began a non-human love affair with the mature woman Yu Nan.

"Male And Female Love" Ying Daizhen: Experience the philosophical meaning from the performance

The young actor of "Male And Female Love" should be DaiZhen

As early as the CCTV drama "My Heart Is Brilliant", Ying Daizhen received widespread attention from the audience with the role of Ye Liaoyuan, and the image of the "bastard boy" he created was praised as the "most eye-catching" role in the play. Talking about this work, Ying Daizhen admitted that the first scene he shot was hit and lay in tears on the hospital bed. "I couldn't find the feeling of crying at the time. Staff proposed eye drops. I said no, the first time I shoot such a scene, I can't drop eye drops, I can't compromise, otherwise I will have a sense of dependence in the future. ”

Ying Daizhen is relying on his dedication to acting to make him shine on the screen. He has his own experience of acting. Acting, he said, is also a philosophy, and the philosopher Heraclitus said that "one cannot step into the same river twice." "Even if I was asked to play the same role, I still played it in a different state. As time has changed, my looks and my experiences have changed, and the way I act has changed. Ying Daizhen said that if he went to play "My Heart Is Brilliant", he would have a different way of acting.

Ying Daizhen graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, and in this school that has trained many powerful actors, Ying Daizhen studied very hard. In order to practice my lines, I get up at 5:30 every morning to do morning exercises. When I'm in line class, I read my lines while doing push-ups. Ying Daizhen said that at that time, he only wanted to make the foundation solid, and try not to lose people after graduation.

When filming the movie "Male Joy and Female Love", Ying Daizhen also played his serious play to the fullest. In order to shoot a good scene, keep trying different ways until you find your own feelings. In the play, he learned from director Huang Yao and his partner Yu Nan to constantly improve and improve himself.

Ying Daizhen's deduction of his own path is quite innovative to use the metaphor of bathing. He said that when people take a bath, they will put their feet in first, and when they feel hot, they will subconsciously reflect back. After slowly adjusting to the temperature, the water will completely stretch out through the body and enjoy the comfort of the bath. At that time, people returned to their true selves. In fact, when actors first enter the film and television industry, they will want to quit when they slowly adapt, try to unfold themselves, and finally enjoy the comfort of unfolding.

In an interview, the word That Ying Daizhen mentioned the most was the word "serious.". This is probably his definition of himself, serious acting and serious life. For fame and fortune, Ying Daizhen frankly said, "In fact, I want more people to know that I am a person who can act and is a serious person, which is enough." ”

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