
What exactly are the pros and cons of medicated fitness? Netizen: Just look at the Asian giant Huang Zhexun

author:Forever feel the cow

It is well known that professional bodybuilders cannot do without drugs, and the reason they use drugs is very simple, that is, to obtain a larger muscle dimension and achieve better competition results. In the early days of bodybuilding, the older generation of bodybuilders can also train more exaggerated muscles through natural bodybuilding, but with the development of science and technology, the advent of muscle-building drugs has made hard training less and less important, and the bodybuilding industry seems to have changed its taste.

What exactly are the pros and cons of medicated fitness? Netizen: Just look at the Asian giant Huang Zhexun

Pharmaceutical fitness can be said to turn bodybuilding into another chapter, a chapter of a technological giant. The bodybuilder celebrities that everyone is familiar with now have more or less used drugs, which can be said to be divided according to age, and the earlier bodybuilders use less (or the less the dosage is used). And now the emergence of drugs has given these players a huge impact, three years of hard training can not withstand the C cycle of others for three months, everyone in order to be able to eat this cake, ignore the various drawbacks caused by drugs. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of drug fitness through Huang Zhexun.

What exactly are the pros and cons of medicated fitness? Netizen: Just look at the Asian giant Huang Zhexun

Huang Zhexun's full name: chul soon hwang, born in 1983, height 177.5cm, weight 102 kg, has won the mustelania natural bodybuilding competition championship 4 times, which also made him famous in the international bodybuilding industry, breaking the rumors that Asians can not practice the big dimension, no matter what, this alone Huang Zhexun has indeed contributed to Asian bodybuilding. The benefits of using drugs are self-evident, first of all, the geometric growth of muscle dimensions, and the ability to maintain low body fat throughout the year without controlling the diet. Secondly, in a short period of time, fame and fortune are doubled, and it takes the least amount of time to do things that others can't do in a lifetime, and the money is full.

What exactly are the pros and cons of medicated fitness? Netizen: Just look at the Asian giant Huang Zhexun

Although, he can gain fame and fortune for a short time and have a regretful figure. However, the disadvantages of using drugs are also very large, if ordinary people or athletes use large doses for a long time, they will make their male hormones stop secreting, which means that when you stop secreting the day comes, your male life is gone. And steroids will make your internal organs enlarge, resulting in internal organs being compressed, because the capacity of the internal organs in the abdomen is so large, there is no place in the body, and it can only come out. In recent years, there are many bodybuilders who have undergone abdominal surgery, and if you do such surgery, if you are not careful, your bodybuilding career will be scrapped, and your life will be dangerous.

What exactly are the pros and cons of medicated fitness? Netizen: Just look at the Asian giant Huang Zhexun

But for now, bodybuilders / Internet celebrities in their view, compared to life-threatening, the disadvantages of reputation are more frightening to them, because there will be a lot of people questioning your muscles, if you can't accept this accusation or be debunked one day, then the big brand endorsement will have no luck with you, the champion who spent so much time and money will be useless, the fans will take off the powder because they like the natural trainers more, it is difficult for a few people to be able to do it like the giant arm brother who exposes himself to medication and can continue to suck powder.

What exactly are the pros and cons of medicated fitness? Netizen: Just look at the Asian giant Huang Zhexun

And Huang Zhexun is the one who is often questioned, although the fitness circle often breaks the news that he admits it, but there is never evidence. And he's also been stressing on social platforms that he's a natural bodybuilder and doesn't use drugs at all. Maybe at this point, it's hard to admit it. Regarding the pros and cons of drug fitness, I believe that through the example of Huang Zhexun, everyone has been very clear.

Finally, what do you think about drugs, welcome everyone, leave a message, comment.

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