
"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?

author:Xiao Wang accompanies you to watch gossip

Today, Wu Yifan dominates the screen hot search, the topic of "rape at least 30+ girls" has appeared on the overseas hot list, public opinion has further fermented, and the names of Wu Yifan and Du Meizhu are firmly locked together, but the "origin of the universe", Lin Xia, the first victim of Wu Yifan's "deception cannon", has long been forgotten by the public.

"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?

Time back seven years ago, in 2013 Wu Yifan just debuted as an exo boy band member in China and South Korea, for a time the scenery is unlimited, Lin Thea with Wu Yifan's "bed photo" turned out, due to the public opinion environment and communication problems at that time, Lin Thea failed to be and now all beautiful bamboo, received so much attention, Lin Thea released "bed photos" and text message records were questioned by fans as fake, and she herself has been "net explosion" by fans for many years.

"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?
"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?

However, according to the first few "kvje_1106" of the mailbox account revealed by Wu Yifan in the picture, with the commonly used mailbox suffix abroad, it can be accurately searched on the network that the account has sold cars in Canada, and it can also correspond to the Renren network account named "Wu Yifan" and the happy network account named "Wu Fan", the mailbox also appears on the Korean erotic website to seek seeds, and Wu Yifan went to South Korea after 2007 as a trainee The timeline is highly consistent, and the evidence provided by Lin Thea is very true.

"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?
"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?
"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?
"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?

If Lin Xia's affairs had received enough attention at that time, perhaps there would not have been new victims such as "Little Gina", "Niu Sister" and Du Meizhu, if what Du Meizhu said was true, Wu Yifan's means of deception was not an individual act, but a complete industrial chain, he had a strong legal and whitewashing team, and at least three hundred marketing numbers on the whole network were just his rotten money, which led to his more and more unscrupulousness, but this time, Xiao Wang hoped that he could stand up like a man and take responsibility for what he did.

"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?
"The Origin of the Universe": What is the relationship between Linthea and Wu Yifan?

(The pictures are from the Internet, invaded and deleted.) )

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