
Gu Ying's autobiography of drug rehabilitation (48) - a strange life, a strange ending

author:Gu Ying
Gu Ying's autobiography of drug rehabilitation (48) - a strange life, a strange ending

I have always believed that the tragedy in the human world is the separation of wives and children, the destruction of the family, but with the continuous deepening of my case service, I am more and more frightened to find that all beings in the world are suffering, in this world, not all reasonable and beautiful, can exist or realize according to their own wishes, we are born to be destined to pay off the debt for the causes of your past life...

The son of the farmer mentioned in the previous article, he is a high-achieving student in a famous school, in this I will refer to him as the devil's head a bar, from childhood his parents taught him to be a farmer is very bitter, only by constantly striving to become a highly educated person, can there be a day of the beginning. His parents have not let him lose at the starting line since kindergarten, and he has let him learn everything, and he is also obedient and serious. According to oral accounts, since then he has been looked down upon by many girls, saying that you can also learn what girls learn, are you ashamed? But he wants to be the best all-rounder in order to fulfill his parents' instructions... Gradually, he stopped talking to girls, except for his mother. It wasn't until he entered the university and met a girl with very superior conditions that he found that when the girl took the initiative to kiss him, he wanted to gag, got goosebumps, and couldn't stand it, so he fled in a hurry... After going back, he checked a lot of information, determined that he had a gay tendency, he did not dare to tell his family, and he could only hide from his classmates, when he was depressed, he went to the bar with his classmates, where he met a man who made his heart beat faster and psychedelic, so his tragedy began!

Gu Ying's autobiography of drug rehabilitation (48) - a strange life, a strange ending

This man is also just a college student, but he has been a gay man for many years, often mixing in bars to make money, but also infected with AIDS, this disease should also be infected by others to him, but he did not tell him, actually seduced the little devil and slept with him, and then guided him to smoke methamphetamine! Life is like this, one wrong step, one wrong step! So the little devil relied on the money earned by the bar companions to maintain his drug funds until he graduated from college. Because of his sunny and handsome appearance, and versatile and eloquent, he entered a foreign company as an executive shortly after graduation, and because of his outstanding performance, his salary was higher than that of ordinary people, so he bought a house in Shanghai. However, with the continuous increase of desire, his intake also smoked from occasional to daily, and the cost became larger and larger, until his parents came from his hometown to send him money, and only then did he realize that his son was abnormal. The formerly gentle son is gone, and has become a skinny and irritable stranger!

One day, after the parents found a bag of methamphetamine in his pocket, they found us after several twists and turns, hoping that we could help their son. And he also felt sorry for his parents, thinking that they had a hard time pulling themselves up and couldn't let themselves come back. So he went to the center to meet with our doctor and teacher, and told me the whole truth during the consultation, just so that I could understand the real situation and help him hide his parents. At this time, he did not know that he had been infected with AIDS, and it was not until the man was detained in an accident that he learned that he had this license. Based on safety or fantasies, he also went to test, and the result was that he almost broke the jar and broke it... This case was very difficult at that time, because he had a high income to maintain drug consumption, and he felt that there was no hope in life because he had AIDS, and because his homosexual status could never change, how difficult it was to stay away from drugs.

Gu Ying's autobiography of drug rehabilitation (48) - a strange life, a strange ending

In the past, we have not encountered similar cases, so we are also doing while learning, this family we went to two experts a drug rehabilitation instructor, and Jie Jie's family volunteers participated, lasted two years of bumps and bumps, until the emergence of lesbians around me, only to turn things around... It really fulfilled a sentence: there is nothing you can't do, only what you can't imagine!

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