

{"info":{"title":{"content":"籃球女孩長大變水中飛魚,4歲遇車禍下半身截肢,21年後現況驚豔","en":"The basketball girl grew up to become a flying fish in the water, and when she was 4 years old, she was amputated in a car accident and her current situation is amazing 21 years later"},"description":{"content":"1996年出生的女孩錢紅豔,在4歲那年不幸被一輛大貨車撞倒後,卷入車底導緻盆骨以下完全截肢。為了讓她繼續上學,爺爺把舊籃...","en":"Qian Hongyan, a girl born in 1996, was unfortunately hit by a large truck when she was 4 years old, and was caught in the bottom of the car, resulting in a complete amputation below the pelvic bone. In order to keep her in school, Grandpa put the old basket ..."}},"items":[]}
