
























榮獲“建黨百年中國傳世書畫藝術名家突出貢獻獎”、“建黨百年人民藝術家”、“慶祝改革開放 40 年中國書畫藝術領軍人物”、“中國新時代國際藝術大家”、“國際藝術名家”、“國際形象大使”、“國際文化形象大使”、“中國書畫藝壇風雲人物”、“萬衆一心,翰墨傳情——藝術家在行動”等榮譽。《中國郵冊》為其連續發行“文化複興、砥砺前行——中華文化複興踐行者走進迪拜”、“啟航新時代——慶祝改革開放四十周年”等大型文獻類珍藏郵冊。其藝術成就曾被全球三百多家著名媒體及國内衆多網際網路媒體聯合報道。


6 歲起,在北京孫元畫室跟随老師系統學習書法、國畫、素描、色彩。

8 歲,參加中央電視台大型教育節目《開學第一課》錄制,擔綱街舞領舞。

9 歲,參加電影《留守的天空》拍攝,在劇中飾演男二号。

10 歲,山水畫、花鳥畫通過中國美術學院少兒考級最進階9級。赴美國遊學。

11 歲,繼續在孫元畫室學習深造。期間赴南韓、印尼、歐洲等國遊學。

12 歲,在中國地質大學附屬中學舉辦《2018 張貝爾新春書畫展》。

14 歲,進入中央美院合作畫室“拙人畫室”學習。入選中國郵政“慶祝改革開放 40 年中國書畫藝術領軍人物”。

15 歲,考入中央美術學院附屬中學。赴歐洲十四國文化藝術旅行。

16 歲,沿着“絲綢之路”文化旅行,參觀敦煌莫高窟、嘉峪關、七彩丹霞、麥積山石窟、龍門石窟、西安碑林、大雁塔等人文、自然景觀,積累創作素材。








精研書畫 少年得志——記書畫家張貝爾










著名書畫評論家 史峰 2021年4月20日


Zhang Beier, at the age of 14, entered the "Humble Man Studio" of the Central Academy of Fine Arts cooperative studio to study. Selected as a leading figure in Chinese calligraphy and painting art celebrating the 40 years of reform and opening up by China Post. At the age of 15, he was admitted to the Affiliated Middle School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Travel to fourteen European countries for cultural and artistic purposes. At the age of 16, he traveled along the "Silk Road" cultural journey, visited the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, colorful Danxia, Maijishan Grottoes, Longmen Grottoes, Xi'an Stele Forest, Big Wild Goose Pagoda and other cultural and natural landscapes, and accumulated creative materials. The work was selected for the China Post's "Entering Dubai - Practitioner of Chinese Cultural Revival" album. Publish and distribute China Post's "Zhang Beier, the Inheritor of Chinese Cultural Revival" postcard. At the age of 17, he created a 25 meter long scroll of Chinese landscape painting called "Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". At the age of 18, he received admission invitations from seven universities in Europe and ultimately chose to pursue his undergraduate studies at a comprehensive university, the School of Arts and Digital Media (he was awarded the "Excellent Works Collection" scholarship by the university before enrollment). Mr. Zhang Beier is an outstanding young artistic talent in China. I have shown a strong interest and artistic talent in calligraphy and painting since childhood, and under the guidance of my parents and calligraphy and painting teachers, I have laid a solid foundation in calligraphy and painting. The experience of studying and growing up in famous universities such as Tsinghua University Kindergarten, Peking University Affiliated Primary School, and Central Academy of Fine Arts Affiliated Middle School has also cultivated a life philosophy, worldview, and values of "carrying virtue and self-improvement", as well as an academic personality of "happy and enterprising, elegant and atmospheric". The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation requires generations of talented individuals with ideals, insights, talents, and responsibilities to overcome obstacles and forge ahead. We must strive for self-improvement, not disappoint the times, not disappoint the youth!

Mastery of Calligraphy and Painting: A Young Man Achieves Success - A Record of Calligrapher Zhang Beier

There are always young geniuses in countless families. However, not all young geniuses have the opportunity to become outstanding figures in the arts of calligraphy and painting. The transformation of a genius into a hero requires family education, enlightenment, and assistance. Calligrapher and painter Zhang Beier has made remarkable progress in the art of calligraphy and painting, advancing ten levels in a day. His remarkable artistic achievements are clearly related to his natural talent, as well as the sense of responsibility and dedication that his parents have nurtured with their interests and careful assistance!

So Zhang Beier's path to success has the wisdom and dedication of family education. For Zhang Beier's parents, if they had free time, looking back on the successful journey of cultivating Zhang Beier's talents, books, written in words, would undoubtedly be a best-selling model for family education. Of course, today we may as well briefly mention the importance of family education and directly enter Zhang Beier's artistic world, extract some works, and witness the wonder of this artistic genius transforming into a talented calligrapher and painter!


Generally speaking, there are many young artists who specialize in one field, and it is rare to see someone like Zhang Beier who has extensive knowledge and excellent skills! I have honed my calligraphy skills with great regularity, created my paintings with ease, and had the real skill of sketching still life in Western painting! A young man, knowledgeable in various fields and proficient in every aspect, can handle and put down everything, and can create gold calligraphy and cotton paintings. This is truly surprising, and there is no doubt that a young man can create calligraphy, painting, and painting works as skillfully as he has grown old? Look at the plum blossoms he painted, with his skillful brushstrokes and meticulous study of objects and shapes, as well as his vivid and lively combination of form and spirit, imbued with colors and charm according to his style! Painting has great grandeur and a super pattern, completely breaking free from the immaturity of youth painting and possessing the carefree style of professional painting!

Without decades of pen and ink skills, it is difficult to have such a painstaking quality of pen and ink that can kill paper and accumulate pleasure! In just ten years of cultivation, he has traveled to China and traveled around the world, and has entered a high level of professional experience. In the art world, whether it is painting plum blossoms and orchids, or painting landscapes and tigers, he appears to have the exquisite and elegant style of literati painting, with a pleasing artistic taste and a cultural charm that dominates people's hearts! If given time to look forward to, his painting creations will surely be exquisite and superb! Furthermore, his calligraphy skills are also quite distinctive. His seal script is full, round, and thick, with a strong Qin style atmosphere, combining hardness and softness. His strokes can strike mountains and rivers with ease! There are also meticulous researchers and writers of clerical script, who write about silkworm heads and swallow tails, about flowers and willows. The elegant clerical script showcases the style of the Great Han Dynasty, and there are also exclusive achievements in writing that follow the times.

Fine study of calligraphy and painting, young people achieve success. It is unquestionable that Zhang Beier has honed his brush and ink skills, as his paintings have not only received deep recognition at the professional level, but also received high-level certification in the calligraphy and painting art collection market! Those who have prior knowledge and foresight in art collections have already closely watched his works. Taking advantage of the young man's initial aspirations, they will purchase a large number of them, waiting for time, and they will be invaluable! Because from the mature characteristics of Zhang Beier's painting style, there is no need to accumulate many more days, and he will definitely become the pinnacle of the art world! The direction of the market always moves faster! Knowing the subtleties, Zhang Beier, with his current pen and ink skills and growing value potential, must be an iconic talent in the field of calligraphy and painting!

