







薛穩發先生筆名亞傑,1954 年 8 月生于全國曆史文化名城、中華史聖司馬遷故鄉陝西省韓城。地靈之處自古人傑輩出,身處一個有着濃厚的重學重教之風,且文化底蘊深厚的環境中,自然對薛先生習書的影響息息相關。自幼就癡迷書法,上承當地強漢山、大陸著名書法家歐陽中石、劉炳森等老一輩書法家,通過随師研墨侍硯,在耳濡目染中對書法藝術從懵懂的認知逐漸着迷而深嗜,并由此走上了漫長的學書之路。在習書的曆程中,薛穩發非常注重實踐功用。在承古臨摹期間,他對王羲之、歐陽詢、顔真卿、柳公權、趙孟、米芾的法帖進行精心研習,從帖學中博采衆家之長,于嚴謹虔敬的“尚古”精神裡去領會古人的書作内涵。經過長期踐行,他對書習之步驟及意義亦有一番深悟。他認為,"臨帖的基礎一定要打好。但隻臨好不是目的,而是要從貼中‘走出來’,當然,這不是一蹴而就的,是一定要經過多年實踐才能達到的。” 薛先生是這樣說的也是這樣做的。同時,薛先生一貫恪守着‘尚古’規則,不但學習優美的字形,更重要的是要從臨帖的過程中領會書法的内涵精膸 。在不斷勤學精練的過程中,薛穩發以堅實的楷書基礎為承載,更不耽于對他家書體之習研。楷字之外,行、草、隸、篆皆是其擅長之作。細觀其作,他的行草“清遠”、“筆暢”、“生動”、“遒勁有力”,平和頓挫之用筆,能看清“回腕餘勢”之墨色和筆意,在端美清拔中彰顯着“爾雅”、“秀整”的韻味。可謂有“備衆善而自韬晦,行于簡易閑淡之中,而有深遠無窮之味”。不僅是精湛筆墨之融彙,更彰顯着其灑逸不羁的疏放情懷。







薛穩發先生現為國家一級美術師,國務外交禮品師,中華國禮藝術家、2023 年福布斯中國(藝術福布斯)十大名人、愛國藝術形象大使、中國文化全球推廣大使、中國文化藝術國際傳播大使、中國古文化優秀傳承者、中國最具影響力藝術家、中國書畫領軍人物。


現任全國人民藝術家信用管理中心書畫藝術委員會主席、中儒文化産業聯盟主席、香港中國書法家協會副主席、中國書法家協會會員、中央國家機關書法家協會會員、中國書畫家聯誼會新文藝群體書畫家工作委員會會員、中國楹聯協會書法藝術研究會會員、中國教育電視台水墨丹青書畫院會員、中國企業報道藝術資本理事會副主席、中國企業文化促進會藝術家工作委員會委員、《中國書畫寶庫》書畫評審鑒定委員會委員、中國國際報告文學研究會中華文化傳承委員會專家委員。其書法作品多次參加國際、全國、省市大賽,屢獲金獎、特别金獎、最高榮譽獎、最高成就獎。并被衆多企業、海内外學者及書畫愛好者收藏,多副作品以國禮贈送外國政要,多次參加原文化部、中國文聯等機關組織的外出及走進企業文化交流,多次參加中央春晚書畫雅集錄制,先後出版個人書法作品集,2016 年 6 月和歐陽中石先生合作出版《中國書畫兩大家作品鑒賞》。2017 年至今連續多年出版個人專輯獻禮全國兩會。


一直以來,薛穩發先生雖然平日應付着更為繁忙的工作和社會活動,但仍不耽誤臨池之功,不僅在書法藝術上沒有落于人後,反而得到了更為臻善之藝境,也是以而獲得更高成就。薛先生個人傳略及多幅作品被列入《中國藝術大家》、《中國書畫家名人錄》、《中國當代書畫名家庫》、《引領中國的時代驕子》、《書畫典藏一一中國書畫名家保值增值作品選集》、《華人精英人才大典》、《中國力量---- 創新人物成就大典》、《創新中國的時代先鋒》、《美麗中國建設者》、《中國夢共和國贊歌大型人物紀實典籍》、《中國書法史籍》、《中國書畫當代名家》等諸多經典巨著,并被中央電視台、陝西電視台、央視網、中國書畫網及各類媒體報刊多次采訪報道。


經中國 ISQ9000A 藝術體系資質認證評審委員會、國家文旅部、全國書畫大賽評委會、組委會等機構分别授予:" 德藝雙馨書畫名家"、"華夏傑出人物"、"中國力量----創新人物"、 "中國傑出愛國人士"、 " 著名書畫家"、 "優秀人民藝術家"、"當代百佳書畫名家"、"當代藝術大師"、"當代實力派書畫百家"、"最具有升值潛力的人民書畫家"、" 中國愛心書畫藝術名家"、"中國 21 世紀傑出藝術家"、" 中國當代書畫名家"、"中國古文化優秀傳承者"、"中國書畫領軍人物"、" 品牌影響力書法藝術人物"、"中國當代最具投資收藏價值的藝術家"、"新中國最具影響力藝術家"、"藝壇精英"、"世界文化交流偉大貢獻獎"、"中國書畫終身成就獎"等榮譽稱号。




Mr. Xue Wenfa is one of the most creative calligraphers in China. The term "creation" is written simply and not easily obtained. Mr. Xue deserves this honor for a reason. His works are beautiful and gentle, based on the cursive script of the Tang Dynasty, incorporating the strengths of the Han Dynasty's Zhangcao and Jianbo scripts, and accommodating the brushwork of seal script, clerical script, regular script, and other elements. The fresh and elegant brushwork reflects simplicity and innocence, and he pursues the inspiration of calligraphy creation in the simplicity and beauty. His calligraphy has never surpassed the bottom line of calligraphy and the inner things left by the ancients, achieving a common appreciation of both refined and popular. This is the fundamental reason why Mr. Xue Wenfa can soar in calligraphy creation. Ouyang Zhongshi once commented: "Looking at Xue Wenfa's calligraphy works, they are balanced and symmetrical, with harmonious contrast, appropriate emphasis and density." The brushwork: varies according to the body, solid and rich, active and powerful, with each body being integrated. It forms a unique artistic style that is elegant and stable, robust and warm, and lively and heavy.

His artistic creations have profound connotations, beautiful artistic conception, emotions, and vitality. Mr. Xue's works can be described as diverse and colorful in four words. In his works, not only can he use various forms such as line, grass, clerical script, and seal script, but also in his innovative works, one can see his superb brushwork skills and creative charm. His diverse brushwork and ink styles are breathtaking. If you carefully examine them, it is not just a superficial form, but also a deep and profound sentiment that is deep, elegant, distant, and profound.


Mr. Xue Wenfa, whose pen name is Yajie, was born in August 1954 in Hancheng, Shaanxi Province, China, in the hometown of Sima Qian, a renowned historical and cultural city in China. Since ancient times, there have been many outstanding people in the place of earthly spirit, living in an environment with a strong emphasis on learning and education, and a profound cultural background, which naturally had a close impact on Mr. Xue's study of books. I have been obsessed with calligraphy since I was young. The older generation of calligraphers, such as Ouyang Zhongshi and Liu Bingsen, who were famous calligraphers in our country and from the Qianghan Mountains, gradually became fascinated and deeply addicted to the art of calligraphy through studying ink inkstones with their teachers. Through exposure and observation, they embarked on a long journey of learning calligraphy. During the process of studying, Xue Wenfa placed great emphasis on practical application. During the period of inheriting ancient texts, he carefully studied the calligraphy of Wang Xizhi, Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, Zhao Meng, and Mi Fu, drawing on the strengths of various schools from the study of calligraphy, and comprehending the connotations of ancient works in a rigorous and devout spirit of "valuing the ancient". After long-term practice, he also gained a deep understanding of the steps and significance of studying books. He believes that "the foundation of copywriting must be laid well. However, only focusing on good calligraphy is not the goal, but it is necessary to 'step out' from the post. Of course, this is not achieved overnight, it must be achieved through years of practice." Mr. Xue said and did the same. At the same time, Mr. Xue has always adhered to the 'ancient' rule, not only learning beautiful character shapes, but more importantly, understanding the essence of calligraphy through the process of copywriting. In the process of continuous diligent learning and refinement, Xue Wenfa takes a solid foundation in regular script as a carrier, let alone studying and researching his family's calligraphy style. Grass, clerical script, and seal script are all his specialties. Upon closer inspection of his works, his brushwork is "clear and distant", "smooth in brushwork", "vivid", and "powerful and powerful". With his calm and vigorous brushwork, he can clearly see the ink color and meaning of "turning back the wrist and remaining momentum", showcasing the charm of "elegance" and "elegance" in the elegant and elegant style. It can be said that he is "prepared for the good of others and self concealing, walking in a simple and leisurely manner, and has a profound and infinite flavor." Not only is the fusion of exquisite brushwork, but also showcases his unrestrained and unrestrained carefree emotions.


His seal script and clerical script have a profound and restrained beauty, from which one can feel the piety, stability, and meticulousness of "seeing the pen and ink, one becomes dignified". The form of its characters is relatively slender and uniform, with strong and straight strokes, rigorous brushstrokes, accurate brushstrokes, and white and harmonious strokes. The strokes are elegant, quiet and simple, with black ink pouring between the air and bones condensed, and occasional white flowing areas, revealing the spirit; The character has a strong and firm posture, with a stable and magnanimous end. The composition is open and closed, rich in changes, adhering to the principle of "roundness, elegance, and fluency", and displaying the tension of antiquity and softness. The entire work is arranged neatly, with unique features in interpretation, signature, and printing. The overall appearance is stable and dignified, with a delicate and flowing beauty. In the balance of firmness and softness, the form and content complement each other, making the work exude a vibrant vitality in the natural rhythm.


Mr. Xue is not only returning to ancient times, but also being adaptable when studying. Integrate one's own understanding and experience into the work, and then use brush and ink techniques to express them, ultimately forming one's own personal style.


He has summarized the five character learning rules of attendance, enlightenment, learning, practice, and path through years of practice. Striving for excellence and perseverance are its spiritual support, while mastering the rules of writing and composition through long-term exploration is necessary. In his works, people can not only see the artistic image of characters, but also feel the harmonious rhythm of dance lines and poetry. Observing his works, the muscles and soul of the works are permeated in the rhythmic jumps of tension and relaxation. With the spirit of writing, the spirit of life is vividly endowed to the wandering strokes, forming a vivid work with both form and spirit, and unique and exquisite brushstrokes, which further achieves Xue Wenfa's artistic position in today's literary world.

Mr. Xue Wenfa is currently a national first-class artist, a national diplomatic gift artist, a Chinese national gift artist, a 2023 Forbes China (Art Forbes) Top 10 Celebrities, a patriotic art image ambassador, a global promotion ambassador for Chinese culture, an international dissemination ambassador for Chinese culture and art, an outstanding inheritor of Chinese ancient culture, the most influential artist in China, and a leading figure in Chinese calligraphy and painting.


The current Chairman of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee of the National People's Artists Credit Management Center, Chairman of the Chinese Confucian Cultural Industry Alliance, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association, Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Member of the Central State Organ Calligraphers Association, Member of the New Art Group Calligraphers and Painters Work Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Member of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplets Association, Member of the China Education Television Ink and Painting Painting Academy, Vice Chairman of the China Enterprise Reporting Art Capital Council, Member of the Artists Work Committee of the China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association, Member of the "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Treasure" Calligraphy and Painting Evaluation Committee, and Expert Member of the Chinese Culture Inheritance Committee of the China International Reportage Literature Research Association. His calligraphy works have participated in international, national, and provincial and municipal competitions multiple times, winning gold awards, special gold awards, highest honor awards, and highest achievement awards. And it has been collected by numerous enterprises, scholars at home and abroad, and calligraphy and painting enthusiasts. Many works are presented as national gifts to foreign political figures, and I have participated in various outings and corporate cultural exchanges organized by the former Ministry of Culture, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and participated in the recording of the Central Spring Festival Gala Calligraphy and Painting Collection multiple times. I have also published a collection of my own calligraphy works. In June 2016, I collaborated with Mr. Ouyang Zhongshi to publish "Appreciation of the Works of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting.". Since 2017, I have been publishing my personal album as a tribute to the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference for many consecutive years.


Throughout the years, Mr. Xue Wenfa has been handling busier work and social activities, but he has not hindered his achievements in Linchi. Not only has he not fallen behind in calligraphy art, but he has also achieved a more refined artistic realm and higher achievements as a result. Mr. Xue's personal biography and multiple works have been included in the "Masters of Chinese Art", "Celebrity List of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Library of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Proud Figures Leading China", "Selected Works of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Preserving and Increasing Value", "Classic of Chinese Elite Talents", "Chinese Power - Achievement of Innovative Figures", "Pioneer of Innovating China", "Beautiful Chinese Builders", "Documentary Books of Large Figures in the Praise of the Chinese Dream Republic", "Historical Records of Chinese Calligraphy", "Contemporary Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", and many other classic masterpieces. They have also been published on CCTV, Shaanxi TV, CCTV, etc. China Painting and Calligraphy Network and various media outlets have conducted multiple interviews and reports.


Through the China ISQ9000A Art System Qualification Certification and Evaluation Committee, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Calligraphy and Painting Competition Jury, Organizing Committee and other institutions, we have been awarded the titles of "Deyi Shuangxin Calligraphy and Painting Master", "Huaxia Outstanding Figure", "China Power - Innovative Figure", "China Outstanding Patriot", "Famous Calligrapher and Painter", "Excellent People's Artist", "Top 100 Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters", "Contemporary Strength Calligrapher and Painter Hundred", "People's Calligrapher and Painter with the Most Appreciation Potential", "China Love Calligrapher and Painter Art Master", "China 21st Century Outstanding Artist", "China Contemporary Calligrapher and Painter Master", "China Ancient Calligrapher and Painter Master" Honorary titles such as "Excellent Inheritor of Culture", "Leading Figure in Chinese Calligraphy and Painting", "Brand Influential Calligraphy Art Figure", "Artist with the Most Investment and Collection Value in Contemporary China", "Most Influential Artist in New China", "Elite in the Art Industry", "Great Contribution Award for World Cultural Exchange", "Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting", etc.

Although he has received many accolades, Mr. Xue has always adhered to the life philosophy of "being a good person first, then pursuing a career in art, being knowledgeable and tireless in his actions". His artistic career has never been influenced by fame and fortune, only by being cautious and self reliant. For many years, he has been good at public welfare, such as charity sales for disaster relief, giving words for poverty alleviation, and donating money and materials. He never thinks of giving back. Mr. Xue's upright character and pure artistic conception have earned him praise from society and the public.

