



Famous contemporary Chinese artist Pi Encheng



























Famous Artist Pien Cheng's Series of Fine Arts in the Calligraphy of the Book of Changes by National Studies


Wei Bei Guoxue Yijing Boutique Xiaokai


魏碑國學易經精品小楷《嶽陽樓記》( 138厘米X36厘米)

Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing boutique Xiaokai "Yueyang Tower Record" (138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學易經精品小楷《心經》( 138厘米X36厘米)

Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing boutique Xiaokai "Heart Sutra" (138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學易經精品小楷《文天祥正氣歌》( 138厘米X36厘米)

Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing boutique Xiaokai "Wen Tianxiang Zhengqi Song" (138cm x 36cm)











  3、 廣泛的社會認可:皮恩成的作品在多次書法展覽中獲得好評,并被全球華人聯合會易道文化研究院授予“中國當代國學藝術家”、“國學大一智慧文化領軍人物”榮譽稱号。2017年6月9日由英國牛津藝術學院出版發行《中國驕子》國際版,收錄中國當代藝術,文學、科學三位驕子皮恩成,莫言,楊振甯。三人事迹入編《中國驕子》國際版。由著名英國牛津藝術學院國際機構,各大院校頂級機構500強企業收藏推廣。2017年8月8日皮恩成事迹入編聯合國藝術中心的《環球大典》,聯合國成立70周年之際,全球著名藝術家走向囯際,經紐約聯合國總部藝術中心準許,2017年8月8日皮恩成、劉大為、張海、徐悲鴻、畢加索、梵高六人事迹作品入編世界巨著《環球大典》全球發行十萬冊,由世界各國頂級藝術機構,一百多個國家領袖将收藏此大典。皮恩成創作的國學易經藝術精品小楷書法藝術作品被多個國家藝術中心和博物館,世界名院研究機構發行百萬冊收藏和收藏家收藏。2017年9月1日著名藝術家皮恩成、何家英、陳洪武、靳尚誼、劉大為、劉文西、範曾、張海八位事迹作品入編《中華書畫史詩》巨著大典,《中華書畫史詩》大典,是由國家級中國書畫藝術研究中心主編,由國務院研究室主管主辦出版機關“中國言實出版社”全國全球發行,入編的八位藝術家将載入史冊。2017年9月18日皮恩成,張海、範曾、詹建軍、盧禹舜、霍春陽、靳尚誼、何家英八位著名藝術家事迹作品入編《環球翰墨》巨著大典,《環球翰墨》巨著大典,是由中央級機關出版社“中國民航出版社”出版發行,首次全國全球發行量十萬冊推廣宣傳。2017年9月18日皮恩成,沈鵬、歐陽中石三人事迹作品入編《絢麗中國》巨著大典,由中國旅遊教育出版社出版發行,首次由國内公開定項發行,全國新華書店,網絡商城,高檔書畫畫廊,并向海内外媒體,網絡、國際拍賣公司和實力收藏家推薦推廣宣傳。2017年9月19日著名藝術家皮恩成,靳尚誼、範曾、劉文西四人事迹作品入編《中華民族巨著》大典,由國家級大型綜合出版社“中國民族出版社”出版發行,首次全國國内外頂級藝術機構,全國各大書店發行十萬冊,孔子學院長期投放推薦推廣宣傳。2017年9月19日著名藝術家皮恩成、歐陽中石、崔如琢、劉文西、王明明五位藝術家事迹作品入編《炎黃藝術選集》巨著大典,由國家級中央廣播電視大學出版社出版發行、首次全國國際出版發行十萬冊。2017年9月19日著名藝術家皮恩成,李铎、林岫、王明明、馮遠五位藝術家事迹作品入編《大師作品欣賞》巨著大典,由馳名中外國家一級出版社“北京榮寶齋”出版社出版發行,首次發行十萬冊。2017年9月19日著名藝術家皮恩成,蘇士澍、沈鵬事迹作品入編《國學》巨著大典,由國家級中國經濟出版社出版發行,全國國際出版發行十二萬冊。2017年9月19日著名藝術家皮恩成事迹作品入編《書畫走進企業》中國500強企業特刊,由中國企業家聯合會出版社出版發行十萬冊,首次全國國際出版發行十萬冊推薦推廣宣傳。2017年12月7曰著名藝術家皮恩成,啟功、沈鵬、歐陽中石、蘇士澍、李铎、劉大為、範曾、黃永玉、崔如琢、劉文西、靳尚誼、詹建俊、楊曉陽、史國良十五位著名藝術家經過評審事迹作品入編《囯藝傳承》巨著大典。全國國際出版發行十萬冊。著名藝術家皮恩成入選十家出版社巨著大典封面人物。2017年12月1日中國國畫院上司鑒于皮恩成院士在書法藝術上取得的藝術成就,創作的國學易經書法藝術皮恩成皮體楷書藝術精品風格突出。研究決定特聘請皮恩成院士為中國國畫院院委委員會委員.副院長,中國國畫院書法研究院院長,同時授予皮恩成院長為《中國十大傑出書畫家》,《大囯名将藝術家》,《中國當代藝術界最具代表性書法家》榮譽稱号。他的名字和作品在社會上得到了廣泛的傳播和認可,這進一步提高了他在當代藝術界的地位。


Famous Artist Pien Cheng's Series of Fine Arts in the Calligraphy of the Book of Changes by National Studies


Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing Calligraphy Art, Skin Style Regular Script, Small Regular Script, Fine Works


魏碑國學小楷《千字文》四扇屏之一。( 138厘米X36厘米)

One of the four screens of Wei Bei Guoxue Xiaokai's Thousand Character Classic. (138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學小楷《千字文》四扇屏之二。( 138厘米X36厘米)

Wei Bei Guoxue Xiaokai's "Thousand Character Script" is the second of the four screens. (138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學小楷《千字文》四扇屏之三。( 138厘米X36厘米)

Wei Bei Guoxue Xiaokai's "Thousand Character Writing" is the third of the four screens.

(138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學小楷《千字文》四扇屏之四。( 138厘米X36厘米)。

Wei Bei Guoxue Xiaokai's "Thousand Character Script" is the fourth of the four screens.

(138 cm x 36 cm).

Pi Encheng, with the courtesy name Mu Shui, the courtesy name Yi Yi, and the room name Yi Nian Cao She. Male, Han ethnicity. Member of the CPC. Born on August 8, 1949 in Tianjin. Graduated from China Correspondence University of Calligraphy and Painting.

Currently, he is: State Guest of the People's Republic of China, State Gift Artist, National First Class Artist of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, Doctoral Supervisor of Oxford Art College, Director of China Popular Literature and Art Research Association, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Painting, Member and Vice President of the Committee of the Chinese Academy of Painting, President of the Calligraphy Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Painting, Honorary President of the Chinese Cultural Heritage and Development Promotion Association, Director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters Association, Judge of the International ISQ9000A Calligraphy and Painting Artists Certification Center, Member of the World Calligraphers Association of Canada, Member of the Calligraphers Association of the China Petroleum Literature and Art Federation, Member of the China Paper Cuttings Association, and Tianjin, China Member of the Folk Literature and Art Association, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligrapher's Association, Senior Art Instructor of Beijing Contemporary Friendship Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Member of the Tianjin Branch of the Chinese Calligrapher's Association, Member of the China News Photography Association, Photographer 315, Journalist Photographer, Research and Application Expert of the Traditional Chinese Studies and Yi Studies on the Academic Expert Committee of the North China Yi Studies Research Center, Founder of the wisdom culture of the freshman Chinese Studies, Senior Advisor of the China Yi Studies Research Association, Academic advisor at the 19th World Conference on the Book of Changes, lifelong academic advisor at the Chinese Academy of Yi Medicine and Geography.

His representative works and deeds have been included in the World United Nations Library's collection of monuments "Biographies of Contemporary World Celebrities" (China Volume), the United Nations "Global Encyclopedia", the Oxford School of Art's "Chinese Pride", the "Collection of Contemporary World Famous Calligraphers and Painters", the "Dictionary of Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters", the overseas version of "Chinese Children", the "Chinese Dream - Revitalizing the Country through Science and Education", as well as multiple large-scale dictionaries such as "The Great Revival - Pioneer of the Era", "Walking into 100 Calligraphy and Painting Artists", "Walking into 100 Yi Studies Experts", "Chinese Yi Studies Inheritance Masters", and "Contemporary World Famous Calligraphers and Painters Authentic Exhibition Encyclopedia". Awarded: Top 10 Outstanding Calligraphers and Painters in China, Famous Artists of Great Powers, Most Representative Calligraphers in Contemporary Chinese Art, Top 10 Artists in China, etc.

Born in the fields of traditional Chinese studies, Yi studies, Taizu martial arts, imperial medicine, and calligraphy and painting collection, Pi Encheng was a renowned figure. Adhering to family traditions since childhood, I have been passionate about the excellent traditional Chinese culture, including traditional Chinese studies, the Book of Changes, martial arts, traditional Chinese medicine, philology, poetry and literature, as well as Chinese calligraphy and painting art. He is a contemporary world-renowned calligrapher and painter, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, disciple of the master of traditional Chinese culture, Wang Xuezhong. He is also a contemporary world-renowned calligrapher and painter, a renowned cultural relic appraiser, and a disciple of the first generation master of traditional Chinese culture, Gong Wang. He is also a renowned scholar of the Northern School of Chinese Studies, known as Liao Moxiang. Thoroughly studying the various forms of calligraphy, utilizing the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and the Book of Changes to integrate the essence of the three major schools of calligraphy: the Stele School, the Tie School, and the Jing School. By integrating the essence of the five arts of traditional Chinese medicine, including traditional Chinese medicine, the Book of Changes, aesthetics, calligraphy, and numerology, and the principles of the Book of Changes, we have created the Pi'en Cheng Pi Ti regular script system and the forward-looking wisdom and cultural system of traditional Chinese medicine for the benefit of society and the public.

For decades, we have been silently cultivating the fertile soil of traditional Chinese culture research and application, cultivating a large number of outstanding talents and disciples for the country and social education. His unique "Guoxue Yijing Calligraphy" has won the essence and charm of the famous calligraphers of all dynasties, including "Zhen, Cao, Li, Zhuan, Xing", and is unique. The work has participated in multiple international and domestic calligraphy competitions and won the "Special Award, First Prize, and Gold Award". In 1995, Pi Encheng created the high-quality regular script "Yueyang Tower Chronicle" for the calligraphy art of the Book of Changes. At the third international calligraphy and painting art exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan, it was finally evaluated by an expert evaluation committee composed of six countries and won the "International Silver Award".On October 25, 1987, Pi Encheng was invited to participate in the first National Copywriting Competition. He received unanimous praise from all the reviewing experts present in the on-site copywriting competition, including numerous experts from across the country and multiple national expert preliminary evaluations, re evaluations, and final evaluations. Received the highest prize, the first prize. Multiple television news media outlets across the country, including China Petroleum Daily, Dagang Oilfield Daily, and major media centers in Tianjin, conducted extensive coverage and publicity, and received interviews and awards from multiple leaders of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee. In December 1995, Pi En Cheng, a renowned calligrapher of the Book of Changes at the National Academy of Chinese Studies, selected the excellent calligraphy work "Yueyang Tower Record" in the middle hall as a selected work for the 6th National Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition, which was evaluated by the Creative Evaluation Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. From 1986 to 1995, calligraphy works were exhibited multiple times at the China National Art Museum. On June 24, 1997, the whole family of Pi Encheng, Yao Enjin, Pi Junpeng and Pi Junwei held the "Celebrating the Return of Hong Kong Calligraphy, Traditional Chinese Painting and Paper Cuttings Baixi Art Exhibition" in Tianjin. The collection of works of famous artist Pi Encheng was published by Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House and distributed all over the country. The series of works of Pi Encheng's fine calligraphy of the Book of Changes were selected into ten national first-class publishing houses and published into ten cover characters.

For decades, he has led his family to be devoted to large-scale public welfare activities, selflessly dedicating love to disaster stricken areas, the Disabled Persons' Federation, and impoverished areas multiple times. He has been awarded the titles of "Leading Charity Ambassador of the Times", "Artist of Virtue and Art", "Boao Asian Calligraphy and Painting Master", and "Chinese Charity and Love Artist". For more than 40 years, I have been engaged in the education and research of traditional Chinese calligraphy art. The students I have trained have won more than a hundred special awards, first prizes, gold awards, and silver awards in the International National Calligraphy Competition, and have been awarded the National Excellent Bole Award and Excellent Tutor Award. The research and teaching papers on the study of calligraphy in the Book of Changes have been published and selected into multiple collections of papers.

On July 9, 2016, at the National Convention Center in Beijing, four national first-class artists from the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, including Pi Encheng, Yao Enjin, Pi Junpeng, and Pi Junwei, were awarded the title of "The First Chinese Academy Calligraphy and Painting Art Home" and included in the world's large-scale dictionaries such as "Great Revival, Pioneer of the Times", "Entering a Hundred Calligraphy and Painting Art Masters", and "Entering a Hundred Yi Learning Experts".

I visited the three Asian countries of Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand twice from April to July 2019 with an artist delegation from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. The fine works of traditional Chinese calligraphy art are collected by the National Art Center Museums in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Awarded the highest award at the Cultural and Art Exchange Exhibition in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, the "Golden Crown Award", as well as the title of "Top 10 Artists from China and Thailand" for Chinese artists.

On January 8, 2021, he won the championship in the on-site finals of the first National New Literati Poetry Competition.

On July 1, 2021, awarded the honorary title of "Art Role Model" to the influential "Super God Art Federation Cup" in Beijing, China.

In December 2021, he was awarded the annual "Special Award, Outstanding Contribution Award, and Star Poet Award" by the Beijing Famous Poetry and Literature Gold List Headline New Media Platform.

Has won the championship and been awarded the title of "Famous Poet" in multiple national cultural and literary poetry competitions.

In 2022, he was awarded the "Outstanding Person of the Year Award", "Special Award", and "Outstanding Contribution Award" by the top new media platform on the Beijing Famous Poetry and Literature Gold List.

In 2023, he was awarded the title of "Innovative and Promising Writer and Poet" by the top new media platform on the Beijing Famous Poetry and Literature Gold List. Specially appointed as the general consultant for multiple national traditional Chinese culture and new media platforms.

Specially appointed as the "Director of Chinese Literature".

On December 30, 2023, he was awarded the "Annual Merit Award" by the top new media platform on the Beijing Famous Poetry and Literature Gold List. On March 16, 2024, I was specially appointed as a Gold V certified member of the World Literary Union and Literary and Art Network.

On January 12, 2024, invited by the Beijing Chinese Culture into Wanjia Calligraphy and Painting Art Center, the China Philatelic Research and Development Organizing Committee, and the China Philatelic Propaganda Center website, Pine Cheng's calligraphy and art works were selected for the limited edition publication of Honor China's "Contemporary Inherited Famous Chinese Philatelic Collection" and distributed worldwide.

In March 2024, invited by the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute:

Comrade Pi Encheng: In view of your outstanding contributions in promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture and your influence in the development of intangible cultural heritage inheritance work, we hereby appoint you as the "Vice President" of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute.

On April 9, 2024, Mr. Pi Encheng: After being reviewed by the China Popular Literature and Art Research Association, you have met the requirements for being a member of the China Popular Literature and Art Research Association. Therefore, we hereby issue the certificate of "Director of the China Popular Literature and Art Research Association" to Mr. Pi Encheng.

On April 11, 2024, Mr. Pien Cheng, a renowned contemporary Chinese artist, was invited by the 33rd Paris Olympic Games in France to:

Mr. Pine Cheng: After studying and deciding by the organizing committee of the 2024 Paris Calligraphy and Painting Culture and Art Online Exchange Exhibition, your work concept is in line with the main theme of "more open Olympics, with the participation of the whole nation", making a huge contribution to the internationalization of Chinese culture. We now invite you to serve as the ambassador for cultural exchange between China and France. Hereby awarded the honorary certificate of Ambassador for Cultural Exchange between China and France at the Paris Olympics.

On April 16, 2014, in recognition of the artistic achievements of renowned artist Dean Pi En Cheng.

After review and approval, I have been specially appointed as the doctoral supervisor of Hainan Guolian Cultural and Art Training Institute.

Famous contemporary Chinese artist Pi Encheng

An outstanding example of artistic inheritance and innovation

Mr. Pi Encheng is a versatile artist whose artistic achievements involve multiple fields, especially in traditional Chinese studies, Yi studies, calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, and other fields. He was born into a family full of cultural atmosphere, adhering to family teachings from a young age and loving the excellent traditional Chinese culture, which enables him to continuously absorb nutrients on the artistic path and form his own unique artistic style.

Mr. Pi Encheng's calligraphy works are unique. He specializes in studying various forms of calligraphy and applies the principles of traditional Chinese culture and the Book of Changes to integrate regular script, cursive script, clerical script, seal script, and running script, creating a unique system of pi ti regular script. His works not only embody the charm of traditional calligraphy, but also incorporate modern aesthetic elements, possessing high artistic value. In addition, he also combined the principles of traditional Chinese culture and the Book of Changes with calligraphy creation, forming a forward-looking intelligent cultural system for the first year of traditional Chinese culture, providing useful reference for society to serve the public.

Mr. Pi Encheng not only achieved remarkable achievements in artistic creation, but also devoted himself to the inheritance and education of traditional Chinese culture. He has been tirelessly cultivating the fertile soil of traditional Chinese culture research and application for decades, cultivating a large number of outstanding talents and disciples for the country and society. His students have won numerous awards in calligraphy competitions both domestically and internationally, which fully demonstrates his outstanding contributions in the field of education.

Mr. Pi Encheng also actively engages in public welfare undertakings, selflessly dedicating his love to disaster stricken and impoverished areas. His good deeds have won widespread praise from society and have been awarded honorary titles such as "Charity Ambassador of the Times" and "Artist of Virtue and Art".

Overall, Mr. Pine Cheng is an artist with both moral and artistic qualities, and his artistic achievements and personal charm have set a model for the contemporary art world. His artistic works not only have profound cultural connotations, but also reflect modern aesthetic concepts, with high artistic and collectible value. I believe that in the future, Mr. Pi Encheng will continue to explore and move forward on the path of art, making greater contributions to the inheritance and development of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The position of Pine Cheng's calligraphy in contemporary art has been established through multiple aspects:

1. Excellent skills and unique style: After years of learning and practice, Pien Cheng has developed his own unique calligraphy style. His works demonstrate superb skills, such as precise control of brushwork, deep understanding of structure, and clever layout of composition. This unique artistic style has made his works stand out among numerous calligraphers.

2. Deep cultural heritage: Pi Encheng's calligraphy works not only express the form of characters, but also inherit and promote culture. His works are mostly based on excellent traditional Chinese culture and positive energy red culture, classic series of Chinese studies, classical poetry, maxims, famous quotes and aphorisms, and thousands of philosophical "Chinese studies and life" poems written by Pien Cheng over 60 years ago, "One Mind, One Mind, One Enlightenment", and seven character quatrains, rhythmic poems, and songs, showcasing the essence of Chinese traditional culture. By appreciating his works, people can gain a deeper understanding and feel the charm of Chinese traditional culture.

3. Widely recognized by society: Pi Encheng's works have received high praise in multiple calligraphy exhibitions and have been awarded the honorary titles of "Contemporary Chinese Traditional Culture Artist" and "Smart Culture Leader in the First Year of Chinese Studies" by the Yidao Cultural Research Institute of the Global Chinese Federation. On June 9, 2017, the international edition of "Chinese Pride" was published and distributed by the Oxford School of Art in the UK, which includes three proud sons of contemporary Chinese art, literature, and science: Pi Encheng, Mo Yan, and Yang Zhenning. The deeds of the three individuals were included in the international edition of "Chinese Pride". Collected and promoted by renowned international institutions such as the Oxford School of the Arts and top 500 companies in various universities. On August 8, 2017, the deeds of Pien Cheng, Liu Dawei, Zhang Hai, Xu Beihong, Picasso, and Van Gogh were included in the "Global Encyclopedia" of the United Nations Art Center. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, world-renowned artists went abroad. With the approval of the Art Center at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the works of Pien Cheng, Liu Dawei, Zhang Hai, Xu Beihong, Picasso, and Van Gogh were included in the world's masterpiece "Global Encyclopedia" and distributed in 100000 copies worldwide. Top art institutions around the world and leaders of over 100 countries will collect this ceremony. The fine calligraphy works of Xiaokai calligraphy created by Pi Encheng in the traditional Chinese study of the Book of Changes have been distributed to millions of national art centers and museums, as well as research institutions of world-renowned institutions, and collected by collectors. On September 1, 2017, the works of eight famous artists, including Pi Encheng, He Jiaying, Chen Hongwu, Jin Shangyi, Liu Dawei, Liu Wenxi, Fan Zeng, and Zhang Hai, were included in the "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Epic" grand edition. The "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Epic" grand edition was edited by the National Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Center, and published by the "China Yanshi Publishing House", a publishing unit under the supervision of the State Council Research Office. The eight artists included will be recorded in the annals of history. On September 18, 2017, the works of eight famous artists, including Zhang Hai, Fan Zeng, Zhan Jianjun, Lu Yushun, Huo Chunyang, Jin Shangyi, and He Jiaying, were included in the compilation of the "Global Hanmo" Grand Classic. The "Global Hanmo" Grand Classic was published and distributed by the central level publishing house "Civil Aviation Press of China", and for the first time, it had a nationwide circulation of 100000 copies for promotion and publicity. On September 18, 2017, the works of Pi Encheng, Shen Peng, and Ouyang Zhongshi were included in the "Brilliant China" grand book ceremony. They were published and distributed by China Tourism Education Press, and for the first time, were publicly designated for distribution in China. They were also recommended and promoted to domestic and foreign media, online, international auction companies, and powerful collectors through Xinhua Bookstore, online shopping mall, and high-end calligraphy and painting galleries. On September 19, 2017, the works of famous artists Pi Encheng, Jin Shangyi, Fan Zeng, and Liu Wenxi were included in the "Chinese National Masterpiece" ceremony. They were published and distributed by the national large-scale comprehensive publishing house "China National Publishing House". For the first time, top art institutions both domestically and internationally distributed 100000 copies in major bookstores across the country. Confucius Institutes have been promoting and recommending them for a long time. On September 19, 2017, the works of famous artists Pi Encheng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Cui Ruzhuo, Liu Wenxi, and Wang Mingming were included in the "Selected Works of Yanhuang Art" grand book ceremony. They were published and distributed by the National Central Radio and Television University Press, and for the first time, 100000 copies were published and distributed internationally nationwide. On September 19, 2017, the works of famous artists Pi Encheng, Li Duo, Lin Xiu, Wang Mingming, and Feng Yuan were included in the "Appreciation of Master's Works" grand book ceremony. It was published and distributed by the renowned national first-class publishing house "Beijing Rongbaozhai", with the first release of 100000 copies. On September 19, 2017, the works of renowned artists Pi Encheng, Su Shishu, and Shen Peng were included in the compilation of the "National Studies" magnum opus. They were published and distributed by the National China Economic Publishing House, and 120000 copies were published and distributed internationally nationwide. On September 19, 2017, the work of famous artist Pien Cheng was included in the special issue of "Calligraphy and Painting Entering Enterprises" in China's Top 500 Enterprises. It was published and distributed in 100000 copies by the China Entrepreneur Federation Publishing House, and for the first time, 100000 copies were recommended for promotion and promotion nationwide and internationally. On December 7, 2017, renowned artist Pi Encheng, along with fifteen renowned artists including Qi Gong, Shen Peng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Su Shishu, Li Duo, Liu Dawei, Fan Zeng, Huang Yongyu, Cui Ruzhuo, Liu Wenxi, Jin Shangyi, Zhan Jianjun, Yang Xiaoyang, and Shi Guoliang, were selected for the "Inheritance of National Art" grand book ceremony after evaluation of their works. Published and distributed 100000 copies nationwide and internationally. Famous artist Pien Cheng has been selected as a cover character for ten major publishing houses. On December 1, 2017, the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, in view of Academician Pi Encheng's artistic achievements in calligraphy, created a high-quality style of Pi Encheng's Pi Encheng regular script art in the Book of Changes. It has been decided to hire Academician Pi Encheng as a member of the Committee of the Chinese Academy of Painting, Vice President, and President of the Calligraphy Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Painting. At the same time, he will be awarded the honorary titles of "Top Ten Outstanding Calligraphers and Painters in China", "Famous General Artist in China", and "Most Representative Calligrapher in Contemporary Chinese Art". His name and works have been widely disseminated and recognized in society, further enhancing his position in the contemporary art world.


Excellent Chinese Learning and Clerical Script "Thousand Character Writing"



One of the Thousand Character Prose in the Zhongtang of Han Bamboo Slips and Li Script (Han Silk). 2X4 feet. 138cm X72cm



The second part of the Thousand Character Classic in the Zhongtang of Han Bamboo Slips and Lishu (Han Silk). 2X4 feet. 138cm X72cm



The third part of the Thousand Character Classic in the middle hall of the Han bamboo slips and clerical script (Han silk). 2X4 feet. 138cm X72cm



The fourth part of the Thousand Character Classic in the Zhongtang of Han Bamboo Slips and Li Script (Han Silk). 2X4 feet. 138cm X72cm


The Six Screen Classic of Li Sao, a Fine Calligraphy Art of the Book of Changes in Chinese Classics


魏碑國學易經小楷《離騷經》六扇屏之一。( 138厘米X36厘米)

One of the six screens of the Li Sao Jing, a small regular script of the Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing. (138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學易經小楷《離騷經》六扇屏之二。( 138厘米X36厘米)

Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing Xiaokai "Li Sao Jing" Six Fan Screen II. (138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學易經小楷《離騷經》六扇屏之三。( 138厘米X36厘米)

The third of the six screens of the Li Sao Jing, a small regular script of the Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing. (138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學易經小楷《離騷經》六扇屏之四。( 138厘米X36厘米)

Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing Xiaokai "Li Sao Jing" Six Fan Screen Four. (138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學易經小楷《離騷經》六扇屏之五。( 138厘米X36厘米)

Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing Xiaokai "Li Sao Jing" six screen five. (138 cm x 36 cm)


魏碑國學易經小楷《離騷經》六扇屏之六。( 138厘米X36厘米)

Six screens of the Li Sao Jing, a small regular script of the Wei Bei Guoxue Yi Jing. (138 cm x 36 cm)
