


劉漢隆,是中國北京國藝人民書畫院院士;中國國藝人民書畫院長期理事,中央國家機關書法協會會員 ,國家一級書畫家,全球推廣大使。出生1965年,中國廣東省惠州市, 土生土長的惠城區東平人,現已是藝韻閣會員。為人忠厚,從小酷愛書法。其創作奔放自由,法度嚴謹,厚重而不失飄逸,靈動而不失莊嚴。他注重吸收曆代各家各派之所長,無論是作品的題材、構想、章法意境等諸方面,均能多方接納,為我所用。近些年,他将書法意境的延伸和深層次的文化挖掘作為自己創作的方向,賦予以曆史内涵和時代感,由此開拓了一種書法新氣象。





Liu Hanlong is an academician of the People's Academy of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in Beijing, China; Long term director of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, member of the Calligraphy Association of Central State Organs, national first-class calligrapher and painter, and global promotion ambassador. Born in 1965 in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China, this native of Dongping, Huicheng District, is now a member of Yiyun Pavilion. Loyal and devoted to calligraphy since childhood. Its creativity is unrestrained and free, with rigorous laws, heavy yet elegant, agile yet dignified. He pays attention to absorbing the strengths of various schools and schools throughout history, and is able to accept and utilize the themes, concepts, and artistic conception of his works from multiple perspectives. In recent years, he has taken the extension of calligraphy artistic conception and deep cultural exploration as his creative direction, imbuing it with historical connotations and a sense of the times, thus opening up a new atmosphere of calligraphy.


Liu Hanlong has an approachable personality and is simple and friendly. He is naturally eager to learn and admires calligraphy throughout his life. He has practiced it silently and diligently for several years. This persistence stems from his infatuation with the art of Chinese calligraphy and is the expression of his inner emotions. Liu Hanlong likes to create works that express his emotions directly. No matter when or where, the plain paper is spread out, heavily dipped in ink and brush, and the strokes are like flowing clouds and flowing water, with a lively expression. The brush moves up and down, and the strokes are left and right, without any ambiguity or slackness. The technique is all between his fingertips. The smooth lines and beautiful ink fill the paper, emitting refreshing fragrances. The charm and charm of calligraphy art are displayed vividly and brilliantly. He said, "The writing and techniques of calligraphy, as well as the brushstrokes and ink, express the cultural connotations of China to the fullest. Its various brushstrokes, such as sitting, standing, bowing, and bending, each express their own emotions, but they are both contradictory and complementary to each other." Through this different sense of rhythm in writing, Liu Hanlong's calligraphy works are vivid and natural, leaving a lasting impression.


Chinese calligraphy is a carrier of the historical development of Chinese civilization, closely related to the ideological concepts of the Chinese people. Liu Hanlong stated that calligraphy has been witnessing the development and inheritance of culture for thousands of years. From famous nobles and nobles throughout history to scholars and literati today, calligraphy is regarded as a supreme artistic pursuit. They use their own points, paintings, and writing to explain their understanding of calligraphy art and historical life. The charm of calligraphy lies in its combination of form, sound, and meaning. From oracle bone script, seal script, and clerical script to the simplified Chinese characters we use today, every character has been endowed with a meaning of life by our ancestors. This is the written presentation of national culture and history.

