
ROS Stage學習



stageros 是一個2D的機器人模拟器,主要通過.world檔案來定義這個仿真世界。包括機器人,lidar,camera和障礙物等等。



rosrun stage_ros stageros [-g runs headless] < world > [standard ROS args]

world : 要加載的.world檔案

-g : 如果設定,此選項将以“headless”運作模拟器,不顯示任何GUIsgare




rosrun stage_ros stageros < world >



$ rosrun stage_ros stageros /opt/ros/kinetic/share/stage_ros/world/willow-erratic.world 



ROS Stage學習


rostopic list


ROS Stage學習


那麼可以知道ros stage中最重要的是.world檔案




   //the name of the world, as displayed in the window title bar. Defaults to the worldfile file name.
   name            "[filename of worldfile]"

	//the length of each simulation update cycle in milliseconds.
   interval_real   100

	//the amount of real-world (wall-clock) time the siulator will attempt to spend on each simulation cycle.
   interval_sim    100
	//the amount of real-world time between GUI updates
   gui_interval    100

   //specifies the resolution of the underlying bitmap model. Larger values speed up raytracing at the expense of fidelity in collision detection and sensing.
   resolution      0.0



模拟器的視窗包含了 菜單欄、狀态欄和仿真出的"world"

  # gui properties
  center [0 0]
  size [700 740]    	//視窗大小
  scale 1.0

  # model properties do not apply to the gui window


仿真出的model有一些基礎屬性: 位置,大小,速度,顔色,各種傳感器的可見性等,一些基礎模型是由可以由其他模型對象來實作

  pose [0 0 0]			//specify the pose of the model in its parent's coordinate system
  size [1.0 1.0]		//specify the size of the model
  origin [0 0 0]		//specify the position of the object's center, relative to its pose
  velocity [0 0 0]		//specify the initial velocity of the model. Not that if the model hits an obstacle, its velocity will be set to zero.

  # body color
  color "red" 

  # determine how the model appears in various sensors

  obstacle_return 1		//if 1, this model can collide with other models that have this property set
  laser_return 1		//if 0, this model is not detected by laser sensors. if 1, the model shows up in a laser sensor with normal (0) reflectance. If 2, it shows up with high (1) reflectance.
  ranger_return 1		//if 1, this model can be detected by ranger sensors
  blobfinder_return 1	//if 1, this model can be detected in the blob_finder (depending on its color)
  fiducial_return 1		//fiducial_return [fiducial_id:int]  if non-zero, this model is detected by fiducialfinder sensors. The value is used as the fiducial ID.
  gripper_return 0		//iff 1, this model can be gripped by a gripper and can be pushed around by collisions with anything that has a non-zero obstacle_return.
  audio_return 0		//if 1, this model will be an obstacle to audio and will be used to precalculate the audio paths. warning: don't use this for moving objects

  fiducial_key 0

  # GUI properties
  gui_nose 0		//if 1, draw a nose on the model showing its heading (positive X axis)
  gui_grid 0		//if 1, draw a scaling grid over the model
  gui_boundary 0	//if 1, draw a bounding box around the model, indicating its size
  gui_movemask ?	//gui_movemask[int]   define how the model can be moved by the mouse in the GUI window

  # unit square body shape
  polygons 1
  polygon[0].points 4
  polygon[0].point[0] [0 0]
  polygon[0].point[1] [0 1]
  polygon[0].point[2] [1 1]
  polygon[0].point[3] [1 0]

  bitmap ""


1.Postion model

postion model 仿真了一個移動機器人底盤

#position propertise
drive "diff"
velocity[0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]

localization "gps"
localization_origin[<default to model's srart pose>]

#odometry error model parameters,only used if localization is set to "odom"
odom_error [0.03 0.03 0.00 0.05]

#only used if drive is set to "car"
wheelbase 1.0

#[xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax zmin amax ] 
velocity_bounds [-1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -90 90 ]
acceleration_bounds [-1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -90 90]

#model properties

PS: 在1.6.5版本之後,odom這一項被删除類,取而代之的是localization_origin


2.localization_origin[x y z theta]

3.velocaity [x:< float > y z heading ]

4.velocaity[xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax amin amax] xyz線速度範圍,a角速度範圍

5.wheelbase 将小車的速度預設為1m/s


  # ranger properties
  scount 16
  spose[0] [? ? ?]
  spose[1] [? ? ?]
  spose[2] [? ? ?]
  spose[3] [? ? ?]
  spose[4] [? ? ?]
  spose[5] [? ? ?]
  spose[6] [? ? ?]
  spose[7] [? ? ?]
  spose[8] [? ? ?]
  spose[9] [? ? ?]
  spose[10] [? ? ?]
  spose[11] [? ? ?]
  spose[12] [? ? ?]
  spose[13] [? ? ?]
  spose[14] [? ? ?]
  spose[15] [? ? ?]
  ssize [0.01 0.03]
  sview [0.0 5.0 5.0]

  # model properties
  watts 2.0


The ranger model allows configuration of the pose, size and view parameters of each transducer seperately (using spose[index], ssize[index] and sview[index]). However, most users will set a common size and view (using ssize and sview), and just specify individual transducer poses.

3.Laser Model

  # laser properties
  samples 180    //每次掃描180個樣本點
  range_min 0.0
  range_max 8.0
  fov 180.0   //掃描角度

  # model properties
  size [0.15 0.15]
  color "blue"
  watts 17.5 # approximately correct for SICK LMS200


define kinetic ranger(
		range[0.05 10 ] //雷射範圍
		fov 180.0 //角度
		samples 700 //雷射束
#generic model properties
color “black”
size [ 0.4 0.4 0.1]

define block model(
size [0.4 0.4 0.1]
gui_nose 0 //是否有箭頭訓示

define turtlebot position model(
pose [0 0 0 0]
odom_error [0.00 0.00 1111 0.02]

size [1.3 0.8 0.4]
origin [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
gui_nose 1
drive "onmi"
color "gray"
block(pose [0.7000 0.000 0.000 0.000] color "red")
kinect(pose [ 0.065 0.0 0.3 0.0])

花了幾天時間還是把ros stage搞明白了
