

  第一課時 概述 學習詞彙常見錯誤: 1. 單詞的英文解釋 1)閱讀 漢語隻能大概的描述英文,不能百分之百的精準的解釋英文 2)翻譯 翻譯中某些單詞在正确答案中對應的漢語釋義是任何字典中沒有的釋義 3)完形填空 考察單詞的深度而不是廣度,考察單詞細微的差異 The oppressed ____ freedom. A. demand     B. require    C. request oppress→op+press 壓迫 press 擠,壓→pressure 壓力 op=against oppressed 被壓迫的 the+形容詞 表示一類人 demand--ask for firmly, unwilling to accept a refusal require--the ruler set a rule with the expectation that it will be obeyed request--ask for politely 2. 單詞的例句 1)精準地了解詞彙 2)給寫作打下紮實的基礎 滿意 satisfied/content 3. 單詞的熟詞生意 late 死亡 I can tell 我能夠看出來 brave 勇敢的,勇敢地面對 brave the enemies' gunfire, march on, march on, march on, on, on... 4. 單詞的發音 1)單詞的發音是提高背單詞效率的最好方法 2)單詞的讀音給未來的聽力考試打下紮實的基礎 community 社群 每天花 5 分鐘時間跟讀單詞,讀準後再背單詞,這樣單詞才會背得立體 如何合理的安排考研的時間: 前兩個月必須把考研詞彙背三遍以上 學習考研詞彙的方法: 1. 形象化 chill 寒冷 snowflake 雪花,雪片 spark 火花 trail 足迹,軌迹 ,拖拉 “一讀,二拼,三變形,四拆,五分,六開屏” 一讀:就是所謂的諧音,就是根據讀音聯想到單詞的意思 nutrition 營養,營養品--諧音“牛吹神” sentimental 情緒化的,多愁善感的--諧音“三屜饅頭” curse 詛咒--諧音“克死” 二拼:就是利用漢語拼音來記單詞 schedule 時間表 = s+che(車)+ du(堵)+ le(了) leisure 休息,休閑 = lei(累)+ sure(一定) 三變形:把詞彙進行形狀上的改變,變成我們能夠編故事的單元 garage 修車廠--g想成哥哥+(c)ar小汽車+age 年齡 gloom 憂愁,郁悶--gl(隔離)+(r)oom 四拆:就是把單詞拆分成幾個有效的記憶單元 discipline 紀律   scream 尖叫 fate 命運       doom 厄運 五分:單詞去掉一、兩個字母,成為認識的單詞,就要用五分的方法 drown 使淹死,使溺死--r 去掉 poise 使平衡--i 去掉 routine 例行的事情--in去掉 六開屏:通過熟悉的長單詞來記憶不熟悉的短單詞 engine 發動機,引擎--engineer 工程師 rub 摩擦--rubber 橡皮 2. 組記 pie 餡餅→lie 撒謊→tie 領帶→die 死亡 car 小汽車→scar 傷疤→scare 驚吓→scarf 圍巾→scarlet 猩紅色的 shirt 襯衫→skirt 裙子→flirt 調戲→dirt 髒話 3. 詞根詞綴 1)辨識單詞 The radio can _____ signals. A transmit     B emit “mit”表示 send發射的意思 submit 送出 transmit 跨越式的發射 emit 發散性的散射 第二課時 disturb,perturb turb = stir 攪動 turbine 渦輪機 turbulent 狂暴的 turbulent weather 騷動的 turbulent crowd 動蕩的 turbulent period dis = away 分開 discard 丢棄,抛棄 per = through 從頭到尾 perfect = per + fect(do) 完美的 pervade = per + vade(walk) 彌漫 2)統一單詞的很多含義 compose 作曲,作圖,寫作,合成,由...組成 pose = put 擺放 expose 暴露,揭露 dispose 處理 depose 罷免 degrade com = together 一起 confess 傾訴,忏悔,坦白 con = fully 完全的 condense 濃縮 conceal 隐瞞,隐藏 fess = speak 說 professor=pro(forward)+fess(speak)+or (人) 教授 progress=pro(forward)+gress(go) 進步 capital 首都,首寫字母,資金,首要的 cap = head   captain 3)猜測單詞的含義 compressed air 壓縮空氣 contact 接觸,聯系 contact lens 隐形眼鏡 intact forest 原始森林 I am explicit. explicit 明确的 plic = fold 折疊 implication 暗示 implicit adj. 暗示的,暗指的 4)詞源 log 原木,航海日志 calcium→calculate(計算),calculator(電腦),calculus(微積分,腸/胃結石) bar→rolling bar(滾動條),barrier,barrel(bucket,drum),stay behind bars car→cargo(貨物),carpenter(木匠),career(職業), derive 起源,來源 thrive 繁榮,昌盛 rival 競争者,敵人 human hum 泥土   humble 卑微的 humid 潮濕的 wet 強調浸潤的狀态 humid 強調悶熱 damp 強調陰冷 moist 強調舒服 humiliate 使丢臉,使羞辱 spirit spir = breath conspire 共謀 aspire 渴望 expire 咽氣,到期 inspire 激發靈感,鼓舞 5)擴充詞彙量 progress 進步 regress = re(back)+gress(go)退步,退化 第三課時 congress = con(together)+gress(go)國會 egress = e(out)+gress(go) 出口 reputation 名譽,聲譽 put(think) computer = com(together)+put(think)+er 計算機 dispute = dis(away)+put(think)+e 争吵 quarrel/argue/debate 4. 詞根詞綴與形象化相結合 duce = lead produce = pro(forward)+duce(lead) 生産 reduce = re(back)+duce(lead) 減少 educate = e(out)+duc(lead)ate 教育 seduce = se+ duce(lead) 勾引 suicide = sui(拼音衰)+ cide(cut) 自殺 cide = cut pesticide = pest(害蟲)+I+cide(cut)殺蟲劑 dilemma 進退兩難 di = away divorce = di(away)+vorce(聲音) 離婚 5. 生活中學英文 rejoice 快樂 safeguard 保護 founder 方正 found 創立,建立 foundation 基礎 futures 期貨 off face off 變臉 take off 起飛,脫衣服 see off 送别 lay off 解雇 modem 數據機 modulate 調制 demodulate 解調 de 分解,拆開 code 密碼 decode 解碼 compose 合成 decompose 分解 detach 拆卸 tach 粘貼,附帶 attach 粘貼,附帶 detect 偵察,偵探 tect = cover 覆寫 protect 保護 inspire the next 激發的永遠是下一次靈感 mind act upon mind 心相印 communication knows no bounds 溝通無極限 education/internet/reading knows no bounds extra value meal 超值套餐 extraordinary 非凡的 6. 熟練 邏輯串記 ability 能力 不能用 of連接配接,要用 to the ability to do sth. inability 無能 in = no indifferent 漠不關心的 inevitable 不可避免的 incredible 不可相信的,難以置信的 credible 可相信的,可靠的 cred = trust 信任 credit 相信 credulous 輕信的 be credulous of ous 充滿,大量 laborious 費力的 superfluous 過剩的,多餘的 able 能…的,有能力的 enable 使能夠 en 使動 enforce 執行 enlarge 擴大 enrich 使富有,使豐富 entitle 給...題名,賦予權利 The ticket can entitle you to have a free meal at the hotel. encourage 鼓勵 discourage 使洩氣 endure 長時間忍受 They endured tremendous hardship during their journey to the South Pole. dur 持續 durable duration 持續時期 bear 忍受(痛苦) tolerate 容忍 put up with 容忍 第四課時 unable 不能…的,沒能力的 un 表否定 unfold 展開 unload 解除安裝 unlike 不像 dislike 不喜歡 alike 相象的(隻作表語) You two are so much alike. unemployment 失業 employ 雇傭,使用 employer 老闆 employee 雇員 er 動作的主動者 ee 動作的被動者 disable 使殘疾 dis = no 表否定 disorder 混亂,失調 disguise 僞裝 Tom escaped by disguising himself as a civilian. able 能…的,有能力的 be able to 主語一定是有生命的 capable 有能力的,能…的 be capableof 主語可以是有生命的,也可以是無生命的 Our corporation is capable of coping with such a big order. ability 能力 capability 能力 capacity 能力 ability和 capability是同義詞,沒有差別(皆指做事情的能力) capacity 容量,能力(學習并掌握技能的能力) cap = catch She has great capacity of learning English. capture 俘虜,抓捕 escape = es(out)+ cap(catch) + e 逃跑 escape doing abrupt ab = off 偏離 abnormal 不正常的,變态的 odd 古怪的 eccentric 古怪的 concentrate 集中 abuse 濫用 abuse one's authority abrupt 突然的,唐突的、魯莽的 rupt = break 斷裂 abrupt death 猝死 abrupt departure 突然離開 abrupt manner 魯莽的言行 bankrupt 破産的,使破産 當所背動詞在字典中的翻譯是使動時,它一定是及物動詞 acquaint 使熟悉,使了解 I have acquainted myself with the custom here. acquaint oneself with I have been acquainted with the custom here. adapt 使适應 I have adapted myself to the weather here. locate 使坐落于 My school is located in Beijing. erupt = e(out)+ rupt 火山噴發,(戰争危機)突然爆發 Violence erupted after the negotiation. interrupt 打斷、打擾,暫時中斷 inter 互相 interchange 換乘站 internet 網際網路 international 國際的 interview 面試 interface 分界面 Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the War. disrupt = dis(away)+ rupt 使混亂 Theaccident disrupted the transportation in the city. corrupt = cor + rupt A錢腐敗的,使敗壞 The violence spreaded by the Internet has corrupted the minds of the young people. co = together 一起 collaborate cooperate coeducation 男女混校的教育制度 coincidence 巧合 colleague 同僚 correspond 相符合,相一緻 These goods don't correspond with my order. collapse 倒塌 collection 收藏品 lect = choose elect 選舉 neglect 忽略 league 聯盟 alliance 聯盟 I am a champion.(實義名詞) I won the championship.(抽象名詞) 第五課時 quality 素質 quality of leadership member 會員 membership fee 會費 a socialist league 實義名詞 become stronger through alliance 抽象名詞 recollect 回憶 remind 使想起 recall 回想起 remember 記得 remember 瞬時想起 recollect/remind/recall 需要思考的時間,慢慢想起 recollect 強調動作 Please recollect what you saw just now? remind/recall 強調結果 remindsb. of sth. The picture reminded me of my childhood. recall sth. to sb. The picture recalled the childhood to me. fect = do 做 affect = af(to)+ fect(do) 影響(身體上的) ,打動 Smoking affects our health. influence= in + flu(flow)+ ence 影響(思想上的) affection 愛慕 effect = ef(out)+ fect(do) n. 影響、效果,v. 促使 affect = have an effect on 對...有影響 dual effect 雙重功效 dual spy Religion effected a real change in her life. infect 感染,傳染 She infected the whole class with her humor. infectious 傳染性的 infectious disease disinfected 已消毒的 defect = de + fect(do) 缺點、缺陷 many defects in the education system perfect = per(through)+ fect 完美的 imperfect 不完美的 以字母 m、p開頭的形容詞,否定字首加 im moral -- immoral mortal -- immortal mature-- immature modest 謙虛的,适度的,得體的 -- immodest measurable– immeasurable possible-- impossible polite-- impolite patient -- impatient partial – impartial fac = do 做 factory = fac(do)+ tory(場所、地點) 工廠 tory 場所、地點 dormitory = dorm(sleep)+ i + tory 宿舍 dormant volcano 休眠性的火山 atory 場所、地點 laboratory = labor + atory 實驗室 observatory = observ(觀察)+ atory 天文台、觀察台 lavatory = lav(沖洗)+ atory 盥洗室、廁所 lav 流淌 lava 岩漿 facile 容易做的、輕易的 ile 易于...的 a facile success fragment 碎片,片斷 the fragment of our conversation fragile a fragile vase facilitate 使變得容易 facilities 便利設施 fic = do 做 magnificent = magn(large)+ i + fic + ent 雄偉壯觀的 magn = large 大的 magnify 放大 ify 使動 purify 純化 purified water simplify 簡化 simplify the procedure beatify 美化 identify 鑒别 humidify 使潮濕 magnifier 放大鏡 humidifier 加濕器 sacrifice =sacr(神聖)+ I + fic(do)+ e犧牲 sacr 神聖 sacred 神聖的 holy 神聖的 holy day 聖日 holiday artificial = art(藝術)+ I + fic + ial 人工的 false artificial intelligence 人工智能 intel 英特爾 significant = sign(标記,标志)+ i + fic +ant 重大的 sign 标記 sign 簽字 resign 辭職 assign 配置設定,指派 designate 指明、表明 de 強調 detail 細節 His uniform designates his rank. efficient 高效的 an efficient secretary revolution revolutionary mission missionary 傳教士 deficient 缺乏的 deficit 赤字、虧損 be deficient in courage proficient 精通的 be proficient at swimming sufficient = suf(超過)+ fic(do)+ i + ent 充足的、大量的 abundant 豐富的、大量的 = an abundance of ample 充足的、大量的 adequate 足夠的(剛剛夠) suffer = suf(超過)+ fer(take) sur = 超過 surface 表面、平面 surpass 超過 surplus = sur + plus(加) 赢餘 export surplus 順差 surplus = sur + plus(加) 赢餘 viv 活 revive survivor = sur + viv(活)+ or 幸存者 survive 幸存于 第六課時 come income 收入 large income outcome 結果 come out 結果是 I came out first in the exam. break out 爆發 outbreak vent,ven = come invent 發明;捏造 discover convincing invent a convincing excuse convince 使确信 convince sb. of sth. I have a very convincing example. uncover/discover/recover prevent 防止,預防 prevent sb. from doing sth. Nobody can prevent us from getting married. preview caution 警告 precaution 預防措施 adventure 冒險(尋求刺激) venture 冒險(有生命危險,有财産損失) v. 冒險 joint venture 合資企業 venture her entire fortune advent 到來 with the advent of computer convention 1、大會 congress 2、大衆接受的社會行為 custom 習俗 habit 個人習慣 event=e(out)+ vent(come) 事件 affair 社會上發生的事情 current affairs 時事 current 現行的 current price accident 偶然的事情,事故 accidental adj. 偶然的 accidental success by accident 偶然地 I won the competition by accident. incident 附帶的事情,小的事情 incidental adj. 附帶的 incidental music 配樂 issue 争論的事情 revenue=re(back)+ ven(come)+ e 财政收入 avenue 大街 the avenue to success intervene=inter(互相)+ ven + e 幹涉(第三方) The government intervened to stabilize the situation. convenient 便利的 convenience n. convenient store adolescent – adolescence Please contact me at your earliest convenience. ventilate 使通風 fragile facile My office is well ventilated. locate 使坐落于 My school is located in Beijing. 1、2、3 isolate=I + sol + ate 使隔絕,使孤獨 identify sol = 單獨 sole 唯一的 sole survivor solo 獨奏 solar 太陽的 eclipse solar eclipse 日食 solitary 獨自的 lead a solitary life desolate 荒涼的;使荒涼 The floods desolated my village. sign designate detail in detail console 安慰 uni 表示“1” uniform 制服 universe=uni(唯一)+ vers(turn)+e 宇宙 version conversely 相反地 reverse=re(against)+ vers(turn)+ e unite 統一 unique 獨特的 transform convert Coal can be converted into gas. mono 表示“1” monopoly=mono + poly(sell) 壟斷 monotonous=mono + ton(tone)+ ous 單調的 monologue=mono + logue(talk) 獨白 dialogue 對話 diameter 直徑 diagram 圖表 bi 表示“2” biscuit 餅幹 bikini 比基尼 trikini monokini nokini bisexual bilingual 雙語的 bilingual school/dictionary linguist 語言學家 bimonthly 兩月一次的 bicycle 自行車 recycle 回收 recyclable 可回收的 tri 表示“3” triangle=tri(三)+ angle(角) 三角形 triplet=tri(三)+ p + let(小的東西) 三胞胎中的一個 booklet 小冊子 piglet 小豬 leaflet 小葉 wallet 錢包 walnuts 核桃 trivial=tri(三)+ vi(六)+ al(all) 瑣碎的 I flew to HK via Beijing. deviate 偏離 第七課時 deviate from his normal habit deprive 剝奪 deprive me of my civil rights cess = ced = ceed go access 通道,入口 have access to 有途徑(接觸,使用,接近) The poor children should have access to the good library. I have access to the most important information. I have access to the president. process=pro(forward)+ cess(go) 過程,工序 the new process for making steel excess=ex(out)+ cess(go) 過度,過分 excessive adj. 過度的,過分的 excessively adv. There is an excess of violence in this film. excessive demand modest 适度的 concession=con(together)+ cess(go)+ ion 讓步 make a concession compromise=com(together)+ promise(承諾) 妥協,讓步 predecessor 祖先;前輩,上一任 successor 繼承者;下一任,晚輩 proceed=pro(forward)+ceed(go)vi. 繼續進行 + with      proceed with our conversation exceed 超過,超出 exceed 500 dollars The result of the competition exceeded our expectation. surpass precede =pre + ced(go)+e 先于…… The flash of lightning preceded the sound of thunder. preceding adj. 先前的 preceding page previous=pre(之前)+ vi(路)+ ous precedent=pre(之前)+ ced(go)+ ent(人) 先例 without precedent in history recede=re(back)+ ced(go)+e 後退 The tide receded. hospital 醫院 hospitable adj. 好客的;殷勤的 (反) hostile adj. 有敵意的 host 一大群,一大堆;主人(男) a host of difficulties hostess 女主人 air hostess host 主人(男)- (反) guest 客人 master - (反) servant 仆人 disease 疾病 ease n. 安适;容易 at ease 自由自在 I never feel at ease in his company. with ease 容易地 I passed the exam with ease. v. 緩解 ease my anxiety (同)relieve 緩解 relieve the burden of my family chronic 慢性的;長期難以解決的 eradicate=e(out)+ radic(根)+ ate 根除 radical 根本上的 eradicate the chronic problem of unemployment acute 急性的;深刻的 acute analysis flu 流感 fluent 流利的 She speaks fluent English. fluid 液體;adj. 不穩定的 fluid situation stable 穩定的 influence 影響(思想) affect 影響(身體) affluent 富裕的 superfluous 過剩的,多餘的 super 1、超 superman supermarket superprofit 超額利潤 supersonic 超音速的 supersonic plane supernatural 超自然的 supernatural force 2、在上面 superstition 迷信 supervise 監督 supervisor 總監;物價員 flush 臉紅 He flushed with anger. flesh flash prescribe 開處方;規定 prescription n. 處方 describe 描寫 description n. 描寫 inscribe 刻字 subscribe 訂閱 subscribe to a magazine manuscript 手稿 manual 手工的 manufacture 制造,生産 emergency room 急救室 emergency case 急診 emergency 緊急事件 emerge v. 從隐藏中出現;問題發生或暴露 merge = sink The truth of the matter emerged. submerge=sub + merg(sink)+e 下沉 第八課時 war 戰争 Farewell to Arms. farewell party war 非常大的戰争 World War II campaign=camp(營地)+aign 戰役(規模較大) battle 戰鬥(規模小) bat=beat 擊打 combat=com(together)+ bat(打) 戰鬥,格鬥(規模比 battle小) fight vt. 抗擊 fight the floods bow 弓 rainbow 彩虹 arrow 箭,箭頭 sword 劍 as every sword has two blades Attitude makes everything. lance 長矛 freelance 自由職業者 patriot 愛國者 fire 開火 charge 沖鋒 retreat 撤退;倒着走 decimate=deci(十分之一)+ mate(在一起的人) 大批殺害 decimal 十進制的 decade 十年 centi 一百分之一 centimeter 厘米 massacre=mass(大量的人)+ acre(英畝) 屠殺 slaughter=s(想象成“死” )+ laughter(笑聲) 屠殺 hatred=hat + red 仇恨 catastrophe 大的災難(人為) disaster=dis(away)+ aster(star) 災難(自然) asterisk 星号 muse music 音樂 musical 音樂的;喜歡音樂的 musical talent a musical boy museum 博物館 um 地點名詞的尾綴 forum 論壇 stadium 體育館 auditorium=auditor + i(音階過渡字母)+um 禮堂 ballot 選舉,選票 blackball 反對票 audit 審計 auditor 審計員;旁聽者 audi 聽 audience 聽衆 audible 聽得到的 - (反) inaudible 聽不到的 audio 音頻的 vacuum 真空 vacuum cleaner vac=vacu=empty 空 evacuate 撤離,清空 vacant 空缺的 hollow 中空的 blank 空白的 vacation 度假 on vacation vocation 職業 advocate 擁護,支援;擁護者,支援者 graduate 畢業;畢業生 delegate 代表 provoke 挑釁 van=empty 空 vanity 虛榮,空虛 vanity box vanish 消失,化為烏有 ish 動詞尾綴 furnish 用家具來布置 + 房間 furniture 家具 furnish my apartment dispose 處理;布置,擺放 dispose the chairs in a circle amuse 娛樂,逗樂 They amused themselves by watching TV. amusing adj. 有趣的,使人發笑的 = funny interesting 有趣的,吸引人的 amusement 娛樂,娛樂活動 amusement park recreation 娛樂 entertainment 娛樂;款待 tain = keep detain 拘留 maintain 維修;維持 contain 包含(空間上) container stain 鏽迹,斑點 musician=music + ian(人) 音樂家 civil - civilian 公民 electric- electrician 電工 politics - politician 政客 statesman 政治家 physical - physician 内科醫生 library- librarian 圖書館管理者 ant accountant 會計 inhabitant 居民 ent patient 病人 student 學生 president 總統 agent 代理人 precedent 先例 ist artist 藝術家 chemist 化學家 dentist 牙科醫生 tele 遠端 telecommunication 遠端通信 telephone 電話 phone = sound 聲音 symphony 交響樂 sym = same sympathy 同情,同情心;贊同 I'm in sympathy with ... symmetry 對稱,勻稱 telegraph 電報 graph 寫 paragraph 段落 para 在旁邊 site 場所,地點 construction site parasite 寄生蟲 photograph 照片 photo 光 photosensitive 感光的 photosensitive materials autobiography 自傳 auto 自己 autonomy 自治 autocriticism 自我批評 bio = life 生命 biology 生物學 biochemistry 生物化學 biography 傳記 television vision 圖像,視力,視野 vis = see 看 visible 看得到的 - invisible 看不到的 revise 修改 supervise 監督 visit 參觀 pay a visit to + 地方 it = go exit 出口 transit 運輸 circuit 電路 initiate 發動 initiate a social reform 第九課時 telescope 望遠鏡 scope 範圍 beyond the scope of our imagination microscope 顯微鏡 microwave 說 dic, dict = speak dictionary 字典 predict 預言 foretell 預言 fore 向前 forward forehead 額頭 dictate 聽寫,口述;指令 dictate a letter to a typist dictation 聽寫 dictator 獨裁者 contradiction 沖突 paradox contra 相反,對立 contrary adj. 相反的 opposite opposite direction on the contrary 正相反 verdict 裁決 nounce = speak pronounce 發音 denounce 痛罵 condemn 譴責 renounce 否認;放棄(說出去的要求又收回來) privilege=priv(private)+ I + leg(law)+e 特權 renounce my privilege announce 宣布,公之于衆 They announced their date of wedding to the public. proclaim 宣布,宣告 proclaim the foundation of China claim 呼喊 exclaim 喊叫 She exclaimed when she saw the present/gift. gift 禮物;禮金 reclaim 收回 reclaim the lost property acclaim 擁戴 amalgamation 合并 The amalgamation of universities is widely acclaimed. sist = stand assist 輔助,協助 A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation. resist=re(against)+ sist(stand)抵制,抵抗 resist temptation resist aggression resistant 抵制的,抵抗的 be resistant to the social reform water resistant insist=in + sist 堅持(做一件事);堅決主張 + on persist=per (through)+ sist 堅持(反複做同一件事);持續 + in The boy insisted on taking the case for the girl. persist in doing physical exercises insist on the policy of opening up to the outside world The bad weather will persist for several days. endure 長時間忍受;持續 consist=con(together)+sist 相符合,相一緻;包含 + with + of Theory should consist with practice. apply theory to practice correspond with accord with Our class is made up of/is composed of/consists of/comprises 500 students. 整體包含所有部分 500 students constitute/comprise our class. include 整體包含某些部分 This tour includes a visit to the museum. contain 空間上包含 include=in + clud(shut)+ e conclude=con(fully)+ clud(shut)+ e 下結論;結束 conclusion n. come to/draw a conclusion exclude=ex(out)+ clud + e 把...排除在外 eliminate=e(out)+ limin(limit)+ e 淘汰 He was excluded from the tennis match. He was eliminated from the tennis match in the first round. exclusive 排外的,專用的 exclusive interview/exclusive recipe be exclusive to sb. The bathroom is exclusive to the president. decline, refuse, reject decline=de+ cline(lean緩坡) 下降;委婉拒絕 incline decline to an invitation refuse=re(back)+ fus(pour 流淌)+e 直接了當的拒絕 confuse=con(together)+ fus(pour)+e 迷惑 transfuse=trans(across)+ fus(pour)+e 輸血 reject=re(back)+ject(噴射,投擲) 厭惡的拒絕 eject 彈射 projector 投影儀 inject 注射 pect=spect=look respect=re(again)+ spect 尊敬 respectable 值得尊敬的 a respectable professor respectful 尊敬的 be respectful to other people’s views respective 分别的,各自的 respective universities prospect=pro(forward)+ spect(look)展望 retrospect=retro(back)+ spect(look)回顧 speculate=spec(look)+ ulate 投機 speculate on futures peep, peek, glance, glimpse, gaze peep = peek 偷窺 peeping tom 不守信約的人;偷窺狂 glance 有意識的快速掃視 glimpse 無意識的一瞥 I can tell at a glance what is wrong with the car? I was shot dead by a glimpse of your eyes. 第十課時 neglect my health 無意識的忽略 ignore my advice 有意識的忽略 note 有意識的注意 notice 無意識的注意 note how he operates He passed by me without noticing me. gaze 凝視 + at 複試中聽力和口語的問題 大學複試一般題型: 1、點聽寫 2、複合式聽寫 3、段落聽寫 4、summary 聽寫規律技巧: 1、單句聽寫(以長句為機關) 2、邊聽邊寫(同步寫出單詞開頭的若幹字母) 3、材料選擇托福聽力 背一個履歷 長遠提高口語水準: 1、從語音入手 2、跟讀一篇文章 3、學習日常口語的對話 1)背誦 2)說  
