
Automation Anywhere A2019 Advance Certified認證 RPA Professional 真題和詳細攻略


Automation Anywhere A2019 Advance Certified認證 RPA Professional 真題和詳細攻略


Automation Anywhere A2019 Advance Certified認證 RPA Professional 真題和詳細攻略

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Automation Anywhere A2019 Advance Certified認證 RPA Professional 真題和詳細攻略






Automation Anywhere A2019 Advance Certified認證 RPA Professional 真題和詳細攻略


Automation Anywhere A2019 Advance Certified認證 RPA Professional 真題和詳細攻略



  1. The Bot Runner wants to run a bot with a different device, which is not registered in the Control Room. To activate the local device, the Bot Runner installs the Bot Agent to the local device. What should the Bot Runner do next?

    Set the local device login credentials to the user profile in the Control Room

    Set the Bot Runner’s Control Room login credentials to the user profile in the Control Room

    Set the local device login credentials to Device > My devices in the Control Room

    Set the Bot Runner’s Control Room login credentials to Device > My devices in the Control Room

  2. ABC, a manufacturing company emails a PDF file that includes a list of items to be procured to many vendors. All vendors reply to ABC with quotations in the standard Excel format. Quotations from all vendors are consolidated in a master Excel file and the three lowest bidders are identified. Based on the quality of service from the three vendors, one is chosen by the Manager and an email is sent for confirmation. Which packages from A2019 would help the bot developer automate this process?

    Packages: Excel, PDF, and Prompt

    Packages: Excel, PDF, Email, and Prompt

    Packages: Excel, PDF, Email, and Message Box

    Packages: Excel, Email, and Prompt

  3. A clerk in an insurance office consolidates 100 customer details daily, which are scanned and saved in a folder. Which packages from A2019 would help the bot developer automate this process?

    Packages: OCR, Loop, Dictionary

    Packages: OCR, Loop, String

    Packages: PDF, Loop, Dictionary

    Packages: Image Recognition, Loop, String

  4. On the first of the month, Database package version 1.0.0 was the default version in the Control Room. On the fifth of the month, Database package version 1.1.0 was uploaded and set as default. Which two descriptions are correct? (Choose two.)

    All existing and future bots will use version 1.1.0 when executing the bots.

    Only bots created after version 1.1.0 has been set as the default will use version 1.1.0.

    Only the user with Upload Package permission can set the default.

    Whenever uploading a newer version of package, it must be set as default.

    Every bot developer should set the default for themselves before executing the bots.

  5. A bot developer must create an automation that processes several files in a directory. How can each file be opened dynamically?

    By creating the string variables f i l e n a m e filename filename and e x t e n s i o n extension extension and then in each iteration reading these variables

    By assigning two variables of type ‘List’ to the loop that will contain the filenames and extension (each at the same position of the respective list)

    By determining the list of filenames and extensions before executing the loop and then accessing the information from inside the loop

    By assigning a variable of type ‘Dictionary’ to the loop that will contain the keys ‘name’ and ‘extension’ of which the value items contain the related information

  6. A bot developer is designing a bot to perform automation on an SQL server database. There are multiple conditional queries affecting multiple records of dependent tables in different databases. The developer must ensure that if the bot fails midway during the query execution process, the changes in the tables will be successfully completed or rolled back to their original state. How would the developer accomplish this?

    The developer should use the Managed Stored Procedure action in the Basic Excel package

    The developer should use the Run Stored Procedure action in the Advanced Excel package

    The developer should use the Connect/Disconnect action in the Database package

    The developer should use the Begin/End Database Transaction action in the Database package

  7. The procurement team needs to feed all the temporarily logged purchase information from one large CSV file into the correct finance database. What loop types can the bot developer use to meet this request? (Choose two.)

    ‘Iterator CSV/TXT’ / ‘For each row in CSV/ TXT’

    ‘Iterator LOOP’/ ‘For n times’

    ‘Iterator EXCEL ADVANCED’/ ‘For each row in worksheet’

    ‘Iterator XML’/ ‘For each Node in a XML Dataset’

  8. The finance team needs to automatically email dozens of reports to different managers in the company. What two methods can the bot developer use to achieve this? (Choose two.)

    Use the Email: Send Email action specifying the local Windows messaging service with its relevant access information to send the email

    Use the Email: Send Email action specifying Outlook to send the email

    Use the Email: Send Email action specifying a privately hosted POP3 email server with its relevant contact and access information to send the email

    Use the Email: Send Email action specifying an email server with its relevant contact and access information to send the email

  9. For security reasons, Organization A has collected citizenship cards of all 15000 employees which need to be uploaded to an HR Portal. All employees have submitted the citizenship card in PDF format. The HR portal allows only JPG image files to be uploaded. How should the bot developer automate this process?

    Loop through each PDF file saved in a folder. Use the Image Recognition package to convert the PDF to Image format and upload the image to the HR Portal using Recorder.

    Loop through each PDF file saved in a folder. Use the Extract Image Action from the PDF package to convert PDF to Image format and upload the image to the HR Portal using Recorder.

    Loop through each PDF file saved in a folder. Use the Capture Window action from the Screen package to capture the PDF window, save as Image format and upload an image to the HR Portal using Recorder.

    Loop through each PDF file saved in a folder. Use the OCR package to convert the PDF to Image format and upload the image to the HR Portal using Recorder.

  10. A bot developer would like to know how many cells that contain email address are in a specific Excel sheet. They will create a bot to search the cells for “@” for email address. Which two procedures are suitable for his bot? (Choose two.)

    Use the Excel basic package: Find action to assign the result to a “dictionary” type variable. Inside the Loop “for each key in the dictionary”, use Number package: Increment action to increase the “number” type variable by 1. After looping, you will see the “number” variable contains the number of email addresses.

    Use the Excel basic package: Find action to assign the result to a “list” type variable. Inside the Loop “for each item in the list”, use the Number package: Increment action to increase the “number” type variable by 1. After looping, you will see the “number” variable contains the number of email addresses.

    Use the Excel basic package: Find action to assign the result to a “dictionary” type variable. Use the Dictionary package: Size action and assign the result to a “number” variable. The “number” variable contains the number of email addresses.

    Use the Excel basic package: Find action to assign the result to a “list” type variable. Use List package: Size action and assign the result to number variable. The number variable contains the number of email addresses.
