
PaddleOCR 識别資料制作

PaddleOCR 識别資料制作

    • OCR 常見資料集準備
    • 生成PaddleOCR識别資料集
    • Python常見轉義符号
    • ChineseOCR 資料集轉PaddleOCR 資料集訓練格式

以PaddleOCR 為基礎

OCR 常見資料集準備






PaddleOCR 識别資料制作

根據描述,街景資料集根據真值圖crop 下載下傳資料集後打開标注,會發現有illegibility和difficult這個字段,根據這個字段的真值去crop圖,point是相對應的坐标

import json
import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
import re
def get_region(box):

    max_all = np.max(box, axis=0)
    min_all = np.min(box, axis=0)

    x_max, y_max = int(max_all[0]), int(max_all[1])
    x_min, y_min = int(min_all[0]), int(min_all[1])
    # cv2.rectangle(img, (x_min - 10, y_min - 10), (x_max + 10, y_max + 10), (0, 0, 255), 3)

    # cv2.imwrite('./images/crop_img.jpg', img)
    return x_max  , y_max  , x_min , y_min

def cv_imread(file_path = ""):
    return img_mat

def cv_imwrite(file_path , frame ):
    cv2.imencode('.png', frame)[1].tofile(file_path)

def protxt(txt):
    res = []
    txt = txt[1:-1]
    txt_sp = txt.split(',')
    for i in txt_sp:
    return res

def find_txt(txt):
    txt = re.findall(r'\[(.+?)\]', txt)
    txt = re.findall(r'\d+', txt[0])
    res = [int(i) for i in txt]
    return res

def get_dict(txt):
    txt = txt[1:-1]
    txt = txt.replace(': false', ': "false"').replace(': True', ': "True"').replace(': False', ': "False"').replace(': true', ': "true"').replace('}, {', '}${').replace("'",'"').replace('/','').replace('\\','')
    txt = txt.replace('(','(').replace(')',')')

    b = txt.split('$')
    res = []
    for i in b:
        d = {"transcription": '', "points": '', "difficult": ''}
        n1 = i.index(', "points"')

        d["transcription"] = i[19:n1 - 1]

        for i in b:
            d = {"transcription": '', "points": '', "difficult": ''}
            n1 = i.index(', "points"')
            n2 = i.index('[[')
            n3 = i.index(']]')
            d["transcription"] = i[19:n1 - 1]
            g = i[n2 + 1:n3 + 1]
            g = g.replace(' ', '').replace('],[', ']&[')
            g2 = g.split('&')
            temp = []
            for u in g2:
            d["points"] = temp
            if 'difficult' in i:
                n4 = i.index('cult":')
                d["difficult"] = i[n4 + 8:-2]
            if 'illegibility' in i:
                n4 = i.index('lity":')
                d["illegibility"] = i[n4 + 8:-2]
        return res

file_path = 'det_data/train_det.txt'
with open(file_path,'r',encoding = 'UTF-8') as f_obj:
    lines = f_obj.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        # 逐行讀取資料
        line =  line.split('\t')
        # 處理圖檔對圖檔進行讀取
            path_img = './det_data/'+line[0]
            # path_img = './det_data/det_test_imgs/gt_0.jpg'
            # train_data / det_data / det_test_imgs /¥3998700.png
            img = cv_imread(path_img)
            # cv2.imshow('im',img)
            # cv2.waitKey(0)

            con_txts = get_dict(line[1])

            for txt in con_txts:
                points = txt["points"]
                transcription = txt["transcription"]
                transcription = transcription.replace('"',"''")
                if transcription != '###'  :
                    x_max, y_max, x_min, y_min = get_region(points)
                    img_crop = img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max]

                    # cv2.imshow('im_crop', img_crop)
                    # cv2.waitKey(0)

        except Exception as e:
            print(path_img+' '+transcription +'寫入錯誤')
        # 對point進行讀取



PaddleOCR 識别資料制作

在編寫腳本的時候遇到很多轉義的問題 發現2019ICDAR中文資料集标注使用的是雙引号,2015ICDAR使用的是雙引号,在處理單雙引号的時候遇到了一些轉義的問題。


轉義字元 描述
(在行尾時) 續行符
\ 反斜杠符号
\’ 單引号
\” 雙引号
\a 響鈴
\b 倒退(Backspace)
\e 轉義
\n 換行
\v 縱向制表符
\t 橫向制表符
\r 回車
\f 換頁
\oyy 八進制數yy代表的字元,例如:\o12代表換行
\xyy 十進制數yy代表的字元,例如:\x0a代表換行
\other 其它的字元以普通格式輸出

ChineseOCR 資料集轉PaddleOCR 資料集訓練格式

ChineseOCR Github 位址

主要是将chineseOCR 數字序列轉換為paddleOCR的文字

PaddleOCR 識别資料制作

chineseOCR 的資料标注 這些數字一一對應着字典裡的字


PaddleOCR 識别資料制作
with open('char_dict.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f_obj :
    dict_key = f_obj.readlines()
# print(dict_key)
dict_key = dict(enumerate(dict_key))

with open('data_test.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f_obj:
    data_labels = f_obj.readlines()

for data_label in data_labels:
    label = data_label.split(' ')
    img_file = label[0]
    img_labels = label[1:]
    label_txt = ''
    for img_label in img_labels:
        txt = dict_key[int(img_label)]
        label_txt += txt
    label_txt = label_txt.replace('\n','')
    with open('test_label.txt','a+',encoding='utf-8') as f :
        f.writelines(img_file+'\t'+label_txt + '\n')

