

opencv安裝目錄/doc 下有個檔案:opencv_tutorials.pdf  這個檔案給我們提供很多學習代碼。。有時間可以好好看下。。很有用的。。。我還沒認真看。。。



cv::SurfFeatureDetector surf(2500.); //閥值




typedef SURF SurfFeatureDetector

對于cv::SurfFeatureDetector surf(2500.); -> // SURF類執行個體化對象surf 傳入參數2500

SURF(double hessianThreshold, // = 2500

                  int nOctaves=4, int nOctaveLayers=2,

                  bool extended=true, bool upright=false); ->

SURF::SURF(double _threshold, int _nOctaves, int _nOctaveLayers, bool _extended, bool _upright)


    hessianThreshold = _threshold;

    extended = _extended;

    upright = _upright;

    nOctaves = _nOctaves;

    nOctaveLayers = _nOctaveLayers;




class CV_EXPORTS_W SURF : public Feature2D->

         class CV_EXPORTS_W Feature2D : public FeatureDetector, public DescriptorExtractor ->

                   class CV_EXPORTS_W FeatureDetector : public virtual Algorithm



               CV_WRAP void detect( const Mat& image, CV_OUT vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const;->


               virtual void detectImpl( const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const = 0;


              detectImpl( image, keypoints, mask );

由于FeatureDector中的detectImpl為純虛函數 則調用子類中的detectImpl 即調用到

void SURF::detectImpl( const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, const Mat& mask) const

               (*this)(image, mask, keypoints, noArray(), false);->

                            void SURF::operator()(InputArray _img, InputArray _mask,

                                                                    CV_OUT vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,

                                                                                     OutputArray _descriptors,

                                                                             bool useProvidedKeypoints) const->

                                          fastHessianDetector( sum, msum, keypoints, nOctaves, nOctaveLayers, (float)hessianThreshold ); //這一步進行了角點提取

fastHessianDetector 開始建立尺度空間 接着調用

parallel_for( BlockedRange(0, nTotalLayers),SURFBuildInvoker(sum, sizes, sampleSteps, dets, traces) );->

                 body(range); ->

                              struct SURFBuildInvoker{

                                           void operator()(const BlockedRange& range) const->


                              for( int i=range.begin(); i<range.end(); i++ )

                                        calcLayerDetAndTrace( *sum, (*sizes)[i], (*sampleSteps)[i], (*dets)[i], (*traces)[i] ); //這裡開始計算矩陣的行列式和迹了

(這個函數式通過對每個像素點(邊界點除外)在它9*9領域内的盒子濾波 dxdx ,dydy ,dxdy ) 計算好後通過surf論文公式就能計算出每個像素點的行列式和迹。

 parallel_for( BlockedRange(0, nMiddleLayers),

                      SURFFindInvoker(sum, mask_sum, dets, traces, sizes,

                                      sampleSteps, middleIndices, keypoints,

                                      nOctaveLayers, hessianThreshold) ); ->

                      body(range); ->

                                        findMaximaInLayer( *sum, *mask_sum, *dets, *traces, *sizes,

                                                    *keypoints, octave, layer, hessianThreshold,

                                                            (*sampleSteps)[layer] ); ->



void SURFFindInvoker::findMaximaInLayer( const Mat& sum, const Mat& mask_sum,
                   const vector<Mat>& dets, const vector<Mat>& traces,
                   const vector<int>& sizes, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
                   int octave, int layer, float hessianThreshold, int sampleStep )
    // Wavelet Data
    const int NM=1;
    const int dm[NM][5] = { {0, 0, 9, 9, 1} };  
    SurfHF Dm;

    int size = sizes[layer];

    // The integral image 'sum' is one pixel bigger than the source image
    int layer_rows = (sum.rows-1)/sampleStep;
    int layer_cols = (sum.cols-1)/sampleStep;

    // Ignore pixels without a 3x3x3 neighbourhood in the layer above
    int margin = (sizes[layer+1]/2)/sampleStep+1;

    if( !mask_sum.empty() )
       resizeHaarPattern( dm, &Dm, NM, 9, size, mask_sum.cols );

    int step = (int)(dets[layer].step/dets[layer].elemSize());

    for( int i = margin; i < layer_rows - margin; i++ )
        const float* det_ptr = dets[layer].ptr<float>(i);
        const float* trace_ptr = traces[layer].ptr<float>(i);
        for( int j = margin; j < layer_cols-margin; j++ )
            float val0 = det_ptr[j];
            if( val0 > hessianThreshold )           //判斷每個像素是否超過閥值
                /* Coordinates for the start of the wavelet in the sum image. There
                   is some integer division involved, so don't try to simplify this
                   (cancel out sampleStep) without checking the result is the same */
                int sum_i = sampleStep*(i-(size/2)/sampleStep);
                int sum_j = sampleStep*(j-(size/2)/sampleStep);

                /* The 3x3x3 neighbouring samples around the maxima.
                   The maxima is included at N9[1][4] */

                const float *det1 = &dets[layer-1].at<float>(i, j);
                const float *det2 = &dets[layer].at<float>(i, j);
                const float *det3 = &dets[layer+1].at<float>(i, j);
                float N9[3][9] = { { det1[-step-1], det1[-step], det1[-step+1],       //以該點為中心的3層,每層9個像素
                                     det1[-1]  , det1[0] , det1[1],
                                     det1[step-1] , det1[step] , det1[step+1]  },
                                   { det2[-step-1], det2[-step], det2[-step+1],
                                     det2[-1]  , det2[0] , det2[1],
                                     det2[step-1] , det2[step] , det2[step+1]  },
                                   { det3[-step-1], det3[-step], det3[-step+1],
                                     det3[-1]  , det3[0] , det3[1],
                                     det3[step-1] , det3[step] , det3[step+1]  } };

                /* Check the mask - why not just check the mask at the center of the wavelet? */
                if( !mask_sum.empty() )
                    const int* mask_ptr = &mask_sum.at<int>(sum_i, sum_j);
                    float mval = calcHaarPattern( mask_ptr, &Dm, 1 );
                    if( mval < 0.5 )

                /* Non-maxima suppression. val0 is at N9[1][4]*/
                if( val0 > N9[0][0] && val0 > N9[0][1] && val0 > N9[0][2] &&           //計算val0是否為極大值點
                    val0 > N9[0][3] && val0 > N9[0][4] && val0 > N9[0][5] && 
                    val0 > N9[0][6] && val0 > N9[0][7] && val0 > N9[0][8] &&
                    val0 > N9[1][0] && val0 > N9[1][1] && val0 > N9[1][2] &&
                    val0 > N9[1][3]                    && val0 > N9[1][5] &&
                    val0 > N9[1][6] && val0 > N9[1][7] && val0 > N9[1][8] &&
                    val0 > N9[2][0] && val0 > N9[2][1] && val0 > N9[2][2] &&
                    val0 > N9[2][3] && val0 > N9[2][4] && val0 > N9[2][5] &&
                    val0 > N9[2][6] && val0 > N9[2][7] && val0 > N9[2][8] )
                    /* Calculate the wavelet center coordinates for the maxima */
                    float center_i = sum_i + (size-1)*0.5f;
                    float center_j = sum_j + (size-1)*0.5f;

                    KeyPoint kpt( center_j, center_i, (float)sizes[layer],
                                  -1, val0, octave, CV_SIGN(trace_ptr[j]) );

                    /* Interpolate maxima location within the 3x3x3 neighbourhood  */
                    int ds = size - sizes[layer-1];
                    int interp_ok = interpolateKeypoint( N9, sampleStep, sampleStep, ds, kpt );    //若為極大值點還要進行插值計算求精

                    /* Sometimes the interpolation step gives a negative size etc. */
                    if( interp_ok  )
                        /*printf( "KeyPoint %f %f %d\n", point.pt.x, point.pt.y, point.size );*/
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
                        tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(findMaximaInLayer_m);
                        keypoints.push_back(kpt);             //儲存該點
static int interpolateKeypoint( float N9[3][9], int dx, int dy, int ds, KeyPoint& kpt )
    Vec3f b(-(N9[1][5]-N9[1][3])/2,  // Negative 1st deriv with respect to x      //對該像素點求一階導。。
            -(N9[1][7]-N9[1][1])/2,  // Negative 1st deriv with respect to y
            -(N9[2][4]-N9[0][4])/2); // Negative 1st deriv with respect to s

    Matx33f A(
        N9[1][3]-2*N9[1][4]+N9[1][5],            // 2nd deriv x, x               //對該像素點求2階導
        (N9[1][8]-N9[1][6]-N9[1][2]+N9[1][0])/4, // 2nd deriv x, y
        (N9[2][5]-N9[2][3]-N9[0][5]+N9[0][3])/4, // 2nd deriv x, s
        (N9[1][8]-N9[1][6]-N9[1][2]+N9[1][0])/4, // 2nd deriv x, y
        N9[1][1]-2*N9[1][4]+N9[1][7],            // 2nd deriv y, y
        (N9[2][7]-N9[2][1]-N9[0][7]+N9[0][1])/4, // 2nd deriv y, s
        (N9[2][5]-N9[2][3]-N9[0][5]+N9[0][3])/4, // 2nd deriv x, s
        (N9[2][7]-N9[2][1]-N9[0][7]+N9[0][1])/4, // 2nd deriv y, s
        N9[0][4]-2*N9[1][4]+N9[2][4]);           // 2nd deriv s, s

    Vec3f x = A.solve(b, DECOMP_LU);            //計算極值點的精确位置      

    bool ok = (x[0] != 0 || x[1] != 0 || x[2] != 0) &&
        std::abs(x[0]) <= 1 && std::abs(x[1]) <= 1 && std::abs(x[2]) <= 1;

    if( ok )
        kpt.pt.x += x[0]*dx;
        kpt.pt.y += x[1]*dy;
        kpt.size = (float)cvRound( kpt.size + x[2]*ds );
    return ok;

