
vs2012安裝 error occurred

安裝完vs2012之後,能打開檔案,能讀取C++檔案,但是關閉程式的時候出現如下錯誤資訊: An error occurred while creating or opening the C++ browsing database file Intellisense and browsing information will not be available for C++ projects. Ensure that Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 is installed and that no other applications are accessing the file. If the problem persists, delete the file and reopen the solution. 解決辦法: 1)重新安裝vs;再不行的話用2)的方法; 2)在微軟網站下載下傳中心,下載下傳相應的64位系統或者32位系統的 Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0,安裝即可。
