
The sercect of love relationship愛情密碼


There are six chemicals can affect romantic love relationship,they are 苯基乙胺,多巴胺,去甲腎上腺素,内啡肽,腦下垂體荷爾蒙,資訊素

苯基乙胺的作用就是調動你的熱情have a crush on someone,多巴胺維持你的激情remain the relationship ,give you more motivation去甲腎上腺素,it it the key chemical,that let you fall into the love内啡肽是協調好激情的物質,let you calm down ,腦下垂體荷爾蒙protect the relationship and let you be more responsible for the relationship ,資訊素就是讓你make some reaction on your partner.

喜歡上一個人有時很容易,但持久的愛需要彼此的欣賞appreciate,包容tolerate,妥協make some compromise,互相成長help each other,有人說“談戀愛是和一個人的優點談,婚姻是和一個人的缺點談”

也有說最終選擇和誰一起早就注定好了,原生家庭決定你會喜歡上誰。果真如此嗎?那麼你對你的人格了解嗎?maybe we can learn it in next article .