
「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

The day after my birthday party

Kipper found a soggy blue balloon in the garden.It was oddbecause the balloons at my party were red and white.I blew it up.生日派對的第二天Kipper在花園裡找到一隻濕漉漉的藍色氣球這很奇怪因為派對上的氣球都是紅色和白色的我把它吹了起來

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

At first I thought it was just an ordinary balloon.But now I am not so sure.It is shiny and squeakyand you can make rude noises with it.And if you give it a rub you can stick it on the ceiling.Just like an ordinary balloon.最開始我以為它隻是一隻普通的氣球但是我現在并不确定它是不是這隻氣球表面富有光澤吱吱作響你可以用它發出噪音如果你擦一下它 它就可以粘在天花闆上就跟一般的氣球一樣

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

But there is something odd about my balloon.It doesn't matter how much you blow it up,it just goes on getting bigger...但是關于這個氣球還有一件怪事就是不管吹多少氣 它都不會爆它隻會越來越大...

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

And bigger until...


「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

You see it never ever bursts. Never ever.I have squeezed it...Squashed it......and stretched it!你絕對見不到它爆炸永遠不會呀我嘗試過捏它...擠它...

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

...and whacked it with a stick....用棍子劈它

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

I have kicked it...run it over......and stretched it!我也嘗試過踢它...騎車碾壓它...


「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

And Kipper has attacked it. But it is Indestructible.I think that my balloon has Strange and Wonderful Powers!Kipper也試着咬它但是它就是堅不可摧我覺得我的氣球可能有奇特的超能力!

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

The other day it disappeared completely......and when it came back it was square!有一天它突然消失得無影無蹤......回來的時候它卻變成了方形!

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

And this morning. While I was taking it for a walk...今天早晨 我帶它出去散步時...

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

...it decided to take me for a fly!...它決定帶我到天上去玩!

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

It took me up...and up...and up...Oops!And finally... ...down一點點把我拉上去...哦哦哦!又下來了

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

It was quite a trip, but we were back in time for tea.真是一次有趣的旅行還好我們及時趕回來喝下午茶了

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

So if you find a soggy old balloon......whatever you do don't throw it away.是以假如你發現了一隻濕漉漉的舊氣球......無論如何都不要把它扔了

「英語有聲繪本」The Blue Balloon 藍色氣球

Especially if it s a blue one.You never know what it will do next.尤其是藍色的氣球你可不知道它接下來會給你什麼驚喜


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