




1. 出生在一個……的家庭

2. 在某人十幾/二十幾/三十幾歲的時候

3. 長相普通/英俊

4. 畢業于……

5. 獲得……(方面的)學位

6. 對……有濃厚的興趣

7. 對……有天賦

8. 竭盡全力做某事

9. 受……尊重

10. 獻身于

11. 為……樹立榜樣

12. 被譽為……

13. 全心全意為……服務

14. 高度評價

15. 為……作出偉大的貢獻

16. 傑克由他當農民的祖父母撫養,從小就對植物和昆蟲産生了濃厚的興趣。

17. 他主修醫學,1989年在中山大學畢業并獲得學士學位。四年後,他出國留學深造。

18. 憑着他的決心和毅力,他在兩年内創下了多項世界紀錄并在田徑界獲得了高度的評價。

19. 他不僅獻身于志願者工作,而且還全心全意為人民服務。

20. 盡管他的相貌平凡,但是他有豐富的教學經驗,深得其他老師和學生的尊敬。


1. be born in a…family

2. in one’s teens/twenties/thirties

3. ordinary/plain-looking / handsome-looking

4. graduate from…

5. get/obtain a…degree in…

6. show (a) strong interest in…/take (a) great interest in…

7. have a gift/talent for…

8. make every/great effort to do sth./try one’s best to do sth.

9. be respected by…

10. devote oneself to

11. set an example to…

12. be honored as…

13. serve…heart and soul

14. think/speak highly of

15. make great contributions to…

16. Brought up by his grandparents, who were farmers, Jack showed a strong interest in plants and insects when he was a child.

17. Majoring in medical science, he graduated from Sun Yat-Sen University with a bachelor’s degree in 1989 and four years later, he went abroad for further studies.

18. With great determination and perseverance, he set several world records within two years and was thought highly of by the athletic circles.

19. Not only did he devote himself to voluntary work, but also he was willing to serve people heart and soul.

20. Ordinary-looking as he is, he has rich teaching experience and he is deeply respected by other teachers and students.


1. 與……為鄰/接壤

2. 由……組成

3. 坐落在

4. 充當/用作……

5. 高度發達的

6. 著名景點

7. 官方語言

8. 第三大城市

9. 以……而著名

10. 因為/作為……而出名

11. 東邊有……

12. 盛産

13. 有(多少)人口

14. 有(多久)曆史

15. 占(多大)面積

16. 中國有十三億多人口。

17. 中國有五千多年的悠久曆史。

18. 這個學校占地面積有6000平方米。

19. 這個地方氣候溫暖潮濕。

20. 每年這如畫的風景吸引了國内外很多遊客。

1. neighbor/border (vt.)

2. be made up of/consist of

3. be located/situated in

4. serve as…

5. highly-developed

6. a place of interest

7. official language

8. the third largest city

9. be famous for

10. be well-known for/as

11. on its east lies…

12. be rich/abundant in

13. It has a population of… / with a population of…

14. It has a history of… / with a history of…

15. cover an area of…(square kilometers/square meters)

16. China has a population of over 1.3 billion.

17. China has a very long history of over 5,000 years.

18. The area of this school is 6,000 square meters.

19. It enjoys warm and wet climate.

20. Every year the picturesque scenery attracts lots of visitors from home and abroad.


1. 作為……被人們所熟知

2. 被當作……

3. 起源于……

4. 從……發展而來

5. 形成/産生

6. 對……有益

7. 居住于/栖息于……

8. 起初

9. 被人們所熟知

10. 在……地方制造

11. 對……造成傷害

12. 友善某人做某事

13. 體積很大/小

14. 由……組成

15. 由……做成的

16. 至于價錢,是相當的低。

17. 這個包小而輕。

18. 這種錢包品質是出了名的好。

19. 蕃茄對人體健康有益。

20. 這款相機使用非常友善。

1. be known as…

2. be considered as…

3. originate from…

4. develop from…

5. come into being

6. benefit…a lot/be beneficial to…

7. inhabit…

8. originally

9. be familiar to people

10. be made in…

11. do harm to…

12. be convenient for sb. to do…

13. with a large/small size

14. consist of…

15. be made of/from…

16. As for the price, it is surprisingly low.

17. The bag is small in size and light in weight.

18. The purse enjoys a good fame of high quality.

19. Tomatoes are beneficial to our health.

20. It is very convenient to use the camera.



2. 和某人分享某事

3. 給某人提供一個平台

4. 交流看法

5. 發展成為

6. 等等

7. 受……歡迎

8. 參加

9. 被認為是……

10. 被允許做某事

11. 複雜的背景

12. 詳細地描述……

13. 按照時間/空間順序

14. 起源于

15. 目的在于/旨在……

16. 第22屆北京國際圖書博覽會于8月26日至30日在中國國際展覽中心舉行。

17. 一年一度的校運會不僅給學生提供展示自我的平台,而且給他們提供互相認識的機會。

18. 我寫信給你是要告訴你這次活動的有關情況。

19. 我将參加籃球比賽。

20. 我從這次活動中學到很多東西。

1. be held from September 25 to 27

2. share sth. with sb.

3. provide sb. with a platform

4. exchange views

5. develop into

6. and so on

7. be popular with…

8. take part in/participate in

9. be considered to be…

10. be allowed to do sth.

11. complex background

12. give a detailed description of…

13. in order of time/space

14. originate from

15. aim to…

16. The 22nd Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) was held at the New China International Exhibition Center in Beijing from August 26 to 30.

17. The annual sports meeting not only provides students with a platform to show themselves but also gives them a chance to know each other.

18. I am writing to tell you something about the activity.

19. I will take part in the basketball match.

20. I have learned a lot from the activity.


1. 春節

2. 端午節

3. 中秋節

4. (某節日)是在(某月某日)

5. 三天的假期

6. 追溯到

7. 遵守風俗

8. 放煙花

9. 表演節目

10. 走親訪友

11. 給小孩壓歲錢

12. 對……表示尊敬

13. 舉行龍舟賽

14. 吃粽子

15. 觀看升旗儀式

16. 燃放煙花慶祝新年的到來是一種古老的傳統。

17. 那是一個充滿歡聲笑語的日子。

18. 人們慶祝端午節是為了紀念我國古代偉大的詩人——屈原。

19. 中國有許多傳統節日,但我最喜歡中秋節,因為它意味着豐收。

20. 在除夕夜,人們會和家人吃一頓豐盛的晚餐,說說笑笑。

1. the Spring Festival

2. the Dragon Boat Festival

3. the Mid-autumn Festival

4. falls on…

5. a three-day vacation

6. date back to / date from

7. observe the customs

8. set off fireworks

9. put on performances

10. visit relatives and friends

11. give children lucky money

12. show respect for…

13. hold dragon boat races

14. eat rice dumplings

15. watch the flag-raising ceremony

16. It is an ancient tradition to celebrate the coming of the New Year by setting off fireworks.

17. It is a day full of pleasure and laughter.

18. People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in honor of Qu Yuan, the great poet of ancient China.

19. There are many traditional festivals in China, but I like the Mid-autumn Festival most, because it means harvest.

20. On the New Year’s Eve, people have a big dinner with their family, talking and laughing.


1. 由……執導

2. 極其吸引某人

3. 文化元素

4. 文化背景

5. 涉及的話題範圍很廣

6. 和某物的大小一樣

7. 最新的版本

8. 為……專門準備的

9. 精确的語言

10. 豐富的内容

11. 适合某人

12. 對……癡迷

13. 特技/特效

14. 國際電影節

15. 紀錄片/喜劇片/恐怖片/武俠片/倫理片/愛情片/卡通片

16. 這些天我在讀一本叫做《簡愛》(Jane Eyre)的書,這本書極大地吸引了我。

17.《海底總動員》(Finding Nemo),由安德魯·斯坦頓(Andrew Stanton)執導,背景是澳洲大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)。

18.《虎媽戰歌》在2010年出版,書的作者是一名美籍華人耶魯大學的教授Amy Chua。

19. 我最喜歡的是一部名叫《英雄》的動作片,這部電影是著名導演張藝謀執導,由李連傑、章子怡、陳道明等人主演。


1. directed by…

2. attract sb. a lot

3. cultural elements

4. cultural background

5. cover a wide range of topics

6. be of the same size as sth.

7. the latest edition

8. be intended for

9. accurate language

10. abundant contents

11. be suitable for sb.

12. be crazy about

13. special effects

14. international film festival

15. documentary film/comedy/horror movie/ swordsmen film/ethical film/ affectional film/cartoons(animated films)

16. These days I am reading a book whose title is Jane Eyre, which attracts me a lot.

17. Finding Nemo, directed by Andrew Stanton, is set off the Australian coast in the Great Barrier Reef.

18. A book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, whose writer Amy Chua is a Chinese American and professor in Yale University, was published in 2010.

19. My favorite movie is Hero, an action film, which is directed by famous director Zhang Yimou and starring Li Lianjie, Zhang Ziyi, Chen Daoming and so on.

20. 2012 is a famous movie made in the USA, which was showed in China last month.




1. 該人物的基本資訊(包括出生時間、地點、受教育狀況等)。

2. 該人物在運動生涯中所取得的成就。

3. 你喜歡他/她的理由。


1. 詞數100左右。

2. 可以适當增加細節,以使行文連貫。


Dear Sir or Madam,

Lin Dan, also nicknamed “Super Dan”, was born in 1983 in Fujian Province. He is considered to be one of the most outstanding badminton players in the world. When he was young, he showed a strong interest in playing badminton. Then, he made great effort to play badminton and was admitted to the national team eventually.

In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, he won the champion. But what impresses me most is his wonderful performance in 2012 London Olympics, when he competed with another excellent player Li Zongwei. With his professional skills and perseverance, he overcame all the difficulties and finally won the competition, becoming the world champion. Because of this, his spirits will never stop influencing me, pushing me to work hard to achieve my goal.


Li Hua.



1. 地理位置。

2. 人口曆史。

3. 其他情況。

3. 開頭語和結束語已為你寫好。

Dear friends,

I would like to introduce my hometown to you.

My hometown, neighboring Hong Kong, is located in Guangdong Province of China. It has a history of more than 300 years and a population of two million. With its highly-developed economy, the people in my hometown are leading a happy life. It offers children modern education and 90% of the high school leavers are admitted to universities.

Every year the picturesque scenery attracts lots of visitors from home and abroad. What’s more, my hometown enjoys warm and wet climate, so it is abundant in fruits and vegetables, most of which are exported to other countries.

Thank you and welcome to my hometown!



1. 大熊貓的習性。

2. 大熊貓的象征意義。

3. 其他你所了解的關于大熊貓的資訊。

3. 開頭語已為你寫好。


竹筍 bamboo shoots

It’s a great honor for me to introduce our national treasure — the panda.

The panda is a world-famous wild animal born in China. It only inhabits the forests in the west part of China. It has lived on the earth for over 10,000 years. Although they have fat figures, pandas are better at climbing trees than any other animal. The favorite food they depend on for living is bamboo shoots.

Pandas like drinking much water, so when finding water, they’ll drink like crazy. Originally, the name “panda” was given by a Frenchman. As is known, the panda is the symbol of luckiness and friendship, and the messenger of peace. Finally and interestingly, the panda tends to lose its temper easily when disturbed.


假定你是李華,你的美國朋友David來信詢問第28屆全國圖書交易博覽會(the 28th National Book Expo)的情況。請你給他寫一封回信,簡介該博覽會。要點如下:

1. 舉辦時間和地點:2018年9月25~27日,山西省太原市。

2. 展出圖書:約26萬種。

3. 博覽會的其他活動。

4. 博覽會的目的和作用:倡導全民閱讀,提供交流平台。

Dear David,

I’m glad that you are interested in the 28th National Book Expo. Now I’d like to tell you about it.

The 28th National Book Expo was held from September 25 to 27, 2018 in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. At the Expo, about 260,000 titles were exhibited, with more than half being new books. The Expo included academic discussions, new releases and recitation contests. Some famous authors like Wang Meng and Cao Wenxuan were invited to the Expo to share their experience and pleasure in reading with readers.

During the three days, over 290,000 people visited the fair and more than 120 million copies of books were sold. The annual book expo not only promotes nationwide reading among Chinese, but also provides readers with a platform to have cultural activities and exchange views on different subjects.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me.

Best wishes!

Li Hua



1. 你推薦的書名及作者。

2. 該書的主要内容。

3. 從該書中你學到了什麼。

Dear Tom,

I am glad to share with you one of my favorite books. These days I am reading a book whose title is Jane Eyre, which attracts me a lot. The book’s writer is called Charlotte Bronte, who was born in England in 1816.

Actually Jane Eyre is a book whose theme is of love. In the story, Jane Eyre lived a hard life, but she was self-confident and perseverant. In her heart, there is always a mind that if you hold a belief and stick to it, you will eventually achieve your dream.

From the book Jane Eyre, I have learnt a lot, which will push me further in my life. I believe I can make my dream come true if I stick to it. And I hope you like it as well.
