



Winners and losers

Our analysis of which economies have done best and worst during the pandemic


The speed from the enormous recession of 2020 of the economic bounce­back has taken many forecasters by surprise. Output across the 38 mostly rich OECD countries combined probably surpassed its pre­pandemic level a few months ago. The average unemployment rate across the club, at 5.7%, is in line with the post­war average. And aggregate household income, adjusted for inflation, is above its pre­covid level. The overall picture has been remarkably benign, even as several variants of the coronavirus have emerged. But it hides stark differences beneath. The pandemic has created winners and losers— and the dispersion between them is likely to persist in 2022.

◎ OECD:abbr. 經濟合作與發展組織(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

◎ benign:/bɪˈnaɪn/ a. ( formal ) ( of people 人 ) kind and gentle; not hurting anybody 善良的;和善的;慈祥的

◎ stark: /stɑːk/ a. unpleasant; real, and impossible to avoid 嚴酷的;赤裸裸的;真實而無法回避的

◎ dispersion: /dɪˈspɜːʃn/ n. the process by which people or things are spread over a wide area 分散;散開;散布



In order to assess these differences, The Economist has gathered data on five economic and financial indicators—GDP, household incomes, stockmarket performance, capital spending and government indebtedness—for 23 rich countries. We have ranked each economy according to how well it has performed on each measure, creating an overall score (the table on the next page shows the overall ranking, and four of our five indicators). Some countries remain in the economic pits, while others are faring better than they were before the pandemic on almost every measure. Denmark, Norway and Sweden are all near the top, and America has also performed reasonably well. Many big European countries, however, such as Britain, Germany and Italy, have fared worse. Spain has done worst of all.

◎ indebtedness:/ɪnˈdetɪdnəs/ n. the state of being indebted 負債

◎ pit: /pɪt/ n. The pits is a slang word for the worst possible person, place, or thing. (俗語)最糟的人、地方或事情

◎ fare: /feə(r)/ V-I If you say that someone or something fares well or badly, you are referring to the degree of success they achieve in a particular situation or activity. 進展



The change in headline GDP since the end of 2019, our first indicator, offers a snapshot of economic health. Some countries always looked vulnerable to travel bans and a collapse in services spending— in particular those in southern Europe, which rely heavily on tourism. Other places, including Belgium and Britain, suffered high levels of covid­19 infections and deaths, which limited consumer spending.

◎ snapshot:/ˈsnæpʃɒt/ n. If something provides you with a snapshot of a place or situation, it gives you a brief idea of what that place or situation is like. 簡況; 大緻印象

◎ vulnerable: /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ a. ~ (to sb/sth) weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally (身體上或感情上)脆弱的,易受…傷害的


Granular data help fill in the picture. The change in household income gives a sense of how well families have done, as it includes not just earnings from employment but also handouts from governments. Our measure is in real terms, which adjusts for reduced purchasing power as a result of recent surges in inflation.

◎ granular: /ˈɡrænjələ(r)/ a. consisting of small granules ; looking or feeling like a collection of granules 由顆粒構成的;含顆粒的;似顆粒狀的

◎ handout:/ˈhændaʊt/ n. A handout is a gift of money, clothing, or food, which is given free to poor people. 施舍物; 救濟品; 救濟金



In some countries, especially those where the impact of the virus was relatively slight, labour markets did not suffer too much, allowing people to continue to earn. Japan’s unemployment rate has barely budged since the pandemic began. By contrast, Spain’s rate rose by three percentage points between February and August 2020.

◎ budge:/bʌdʒ/ v. to move slightly; to make sth/sb move slightly (使)輕微移動,挪動

[形近詞] budget:n. 預算;政府預算案 adj. 廉價的,經濟型的v. 制定預算;計劃,安排

一些政府通過向人們提供巨額資金,彌補他們失去的勞動收入。這是美國的政策:盡管失業率随着經濟封鎖而飙升,但在2020年和2021年期間,家庭收到以補貼失業救濟金和刺激支票的形式超過 2 萬億美元的政府轉移支付。加拿大也做了類似的事情。然而,波羅的海諸國(the Baltics)等其他國家則将财政火力集中在保護企業現金流或擴大醫療保健能力上。奧地利和西班牙似乎既沒有保住工作,也沒有補償損失者:在這兩個國家,實際家庭收入水準仍比疫情前低6%左右。

Some governments more than made up for people’s lost labour income by sending them vast amounts of money. That was America’s strategy: although unemployment soared as the economy locked down, households received more than $2trn in government transfers in 2020 and 2021, in the form of topped­up unemployment benefits and stimulus cheques. Canada did something similar. Other countries, however, such as the Baltics, focused their fiscal firepower on protecting firms’ cash-flow or expanding health­care capacity. Austria and Spain seemed neither to preserve jobs nor compensate the losers: in both countries real household income is still around 6% below its pre­pandemic level.

◎ topped­up: adj. 加滿的;充值的

◎ the Baltics: 波羅的海國家,主要指現今的立陶宛、拉脫維亞和愛沙尼亞三國,位于波羅的海最東端沿岸地區,有時包括芬蘭和波蘭。

◎ compensate:/ˈkɒmpenseɪt/ v. ~ sb (for sth) to pay sb money because they have suffered some damage, loss, injury, etc. 給(某人)賠償(或賠款)



What about companies? Stockmarket performance hints at their health, as well as a country’s attractiveness to foreign investors. Share prices in Britain are slightly lower today than on the eve of the pandemic—a reflection, perhaps, of Brexit­induced uncertainty. Britain also hosts fewer companies in the higher­growth sectors that have benefited from pandemic­induced technology adoption and lower interest rates. America, which has more such firms, has seen its stockmarket jump. But it has nothing on the bourses of northern Europe, where prices have soared. Three of the ten biggest firms by market capitalisation on the Danish market are in health care, decent stocks to hold in a pandemic.

◎ hint:/hɪnt/ v. ~ (at sth) to suggest sth in an indirect way 暗示;透露;示意

◎ bourse:/bʊəs/ n. The bourse of a European city or region is its stock exchange. (歐洲的)證券交易所

◎ decent: /ˈdiːs(ə)nt/ a. of a good enough standard or quality 像樣的;相當不錯的;尚好的

資本支出是第四項衡量名額,它可以衡量企業對未來的樂觀程度。一些國家正處于資本支出熱潮之中:例如,在美國,企業家正注意到疫情帶來的機遇,而一些公司在居家辦公技術上投入巨資,使得居家工作效率更高。10月,高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)預測,标準普爾500指數成份股公司2022年在資本支出和研發支出方面将比2019年增加18%。相比之下,在其他一些地方的投資則更為穩重。挪威已經削減了石油和天然氣資本支出。

Capital spending, our fourth measure, provides a gauge of businesses’ optimism about the future. Some countries are in the middle of a capex boom: in America, for instance, entrepreneurs are spotting opportunities created by the pandemic, and companies are spending big on technologies that make working from home more efficient. In October Goldman Sachs, a bank, forecast that s&p 500 companies would spend 18% more on capex and research and development in 2022 than they did in 2019. Investment in some other places, by contrast, is more sedate. Norway has seen cuts to oil­and­gas capex.

◎ gauge: /ɡeɪdʒ/ n. ~ (of sth) a fact or an event that can be used to estimate or judge sth (用于估計或判斷的)事實,依據,尺度,标準

◎ capex:abbr. 資本支出(capital expenditures)

◎ sedate:/sɪˈdeɪt/ a. slow, calm and relaxed 鎮定的;泰然的;不慌不忙的



Our last indicator is public indebtedness. All else equal, a big rise in government debt is worse than a small one, since it could indicate potentially larger tax rises and spending cuts in the future. Not every country has amassed enormous debts during the pandemic, even if America, Britain, Canada and others certainly have. Swedish public debt has risen by just six percentage points as a share of GDP. This is a reflection, perhaps, of the fact that the country largely avoided strict lockdowns, necessitating less fiscal support.

◎ amass: /əˈmæs/ v. to collect sth, especially in large quantities (尤指大量)積累,積聚

[近義詞] accumulate: v. 積累,積攢

◎ necessitate: /nəˈsesɪteɪt/ v. ( formal ) to make sth necessary 使成為必要


The spread of the Omicron variant is likely to curtail growth in early 2022 (see next story). But the economic recovery is still likely to continue over the year, and the overall picture will probably mask variation again. The OECD expects some of the worst performers to start catching up: Italy is forecast to grow by 4.6% in 2022, above the average pace for the club of 3.9%.

◎ Omicron:/ˈɑːməkrɑːn/ n. the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet (O, o) 奧密克戎(冠狀病毒變種);希臘字母表的第15個字母

◎ curtail:/kɜːˈteɪl/ v.( formal ) to limit sth or make it last for a shorter time 限制;縮短;減縮


But the laggards have a long way to go. By the end of next year, the OECD expects the combined GDP of our three highest-ranked countries to be 5% higher than its pre­pandemic level. Output for the three worst performers, meanwhile, is expected to be just 1% higher than it was before covid­19. The uneven effects of the pandemic, in other words, will endure.

◎ laggard:/ˈlæɡəd/ n. a slow and lazy person, organization, etc. 遲鈍懶散者;遲緩者;渙散的機構

◎ endure: /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/ v. ( formal ) to continue to exist for a long time 持續;持久


#每天讀一段《經濟學人》# #讀書筆記# #外語學習#

文章到這裡就結束了,它主要讨論了經合組織成員國在疫情影響下的經濟恢複情況。目前,新冠病毒出現一些變種,國内疫情也是此起彼伏,對經濟帶來影響是必然的,但中國在應對疫情方面做得還是很不錯的。希望疫情快點結束,春天快點到來。每個人都要好好照顧自己呀,祝好~ ❤

