
Good poems of the day | the Yellow Crane Tower

Good poems of the day

Good poems of the day | the Yellow Crane Tower

Yellow crane tower

Text/Zhong Yong

"Only my decaying side

Enough for you to enjoy a lifetime - Wan Xia", "Essence""

Full of fame I left the capital. Ride the crane down into the low clouds

Countless eagle claws and thunder stood upside down in the sky, looking at the wind bank

Layers of peaks and peaks are stacked and arranged like ink rolled into a poem somewhere

History will not be forgotten. The progress of pictograms has given rise to the architecture of the Chinese language

Get caught up somewhere in a poem like you're caught up in ink. Three-dimensional involvement in two-dimensional storms

I am still holding a copy of the manuscript of the sages: The Book of Degradation in Chinese.

This magic seems to summon the soul, and thousands of book bones step up from the pen mound

Groaning bitterly in his smoked blue clothes. And my crane flies

It was enough to lift a curtain of green clouds and fall, and the heavens were miserable.

I was still shackled and wrote a book, and when the fire day was approaching, I lowered Xiangrui

Ganlin, meteorology, and landscape. This is the source of the mood

History will not be forgotten. Forget me to the Han Empire

I am a celestial creature of the side plug, a western landscape

It is the obscure intermediary language of the Silk Road, it is the Gobi

It is a rural sound that flickers in the wind and sand, coming from the hometown

I will never forgive a Single Yu with a Latin Alien or Roman accent

I will reconquist the Lands lost by Lema to recover the lost land of Hanyin

Xian Jun drove the flying crane far into the slanting sun, and I stood like a building

A man, writing poetry, for a long, long time.

Everything is the fearless wild dream of the poet.

Good poems of the day | the Yellow Crane Tower

Facing the sea, look for light with black eyes. Founded on November 16, 2015, the Poetry Club takes "giving voice to grassroots poets" as its mission and carries forward the "spirit of poetry" as its purpose, that is, the pursuit of the truth, goodness and beauty of poetry, the artistic innovation of poetry, and the spiritual pleasure of poetry. He has published a collection of poems co-authored by poets, "Spring Warm Blossoms of Reading Sleeping Poems" and "Grass Long Warblers Flying in Reading Sleeping Poems". The poets work tirelessly, the poetry club forges ahead, constantly innovates, recommends excellent poems, produces high-quality poetry collections, recites excellent works, recommends poets' works in various forms, lets more people read excellent works, appreciates poetry culture, we are on the move!

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