
Zheng Zhong won the gold medal of the World Expo Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition and was once hailed as the "original stock" of new ink painting - Tencent News

According to the discovery network reporter, at the just-concluded Expo Dubai 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the "Expo"), Chinese artist Zheng Zhong won the gold medal of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition.

According to public information, the Theme of the Dubai World Expo is "Communicating Ideas, Creating the Future". It is a long-term global event, large exhibition scale, many participating countries, far-reaching influence, known as the "Olympic" event of the world economy, science and technology, culture, and the highest standard platform for countries to show cultural characteristics and brand characteristics to the world.

On March 31, 2022, the Expo Dubai 2020 closed, and more than 120 countries and regions around the world participated in the Expo, showing the colorful civilizations of the world. Among them, the Dubai World Expo China Pavilion is the only official theme venue in China at the World Expo, undertaking the major mission and national task of showing the fruitful achievements of Chinese culture and art, brand products, scientific and technological development and other fields to the global audience.

Dubai Expo venue

According to reports, in order to show the unique charm of Chinese traditional culture and art, highlight the unparalleled cultural self-confidence of Chinese people in the new era, the Chinese Pavilion at the Dubai World Expo held an exhibition of Chinese calligraphy and painting.

In this exhibition, the Chinese painting "Cloud Dream Canghai Series" created by Chinese artist Zheng Zhong was judged by the expert committee and selected for the "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition" held at the China Pavilion of Expo 2020 Dubai and won the gold medal.

Starts with the vision, ends with the mind

Zhang Xiaoling, former vice president of the National Academy of Painting of China, once commented: "Reading Zheng Zhong's masterpiece, the exhibition volume is full of paper and smoke and the atmosphere of smoke is overwhelming and moving. His ink experiments are not glued to the appearance of nature, but are directly in the realm of Dahua pop, during which the ink color is thick, the smoke clouds are flowing, and the wanton and vast, trance, transforming the picture into a huge dome-like sacred field. It is fascinating to look at, and it is amazing to think. ”

Title: One of the Yunmeng Canghuo series

Size: 180x96cm

Materials: rice paper, color ink

Created in: 2019

Title: Cloud Dream Canghai Series No. 10

Size: 60x90cm

Materials: rice paper, color ink

Created in: 2019

Indeed, reading Zheng Zhong's ink begins with the vision and ends with the mind. As a former excellent naval diver, in the boundless darkness of the deep sea, in addition to the fear felt by life itself, it is the sense of emptiness that arises on the level of illusion. These feelings are memories implanted in the depths of Zheng Zhong's consciousness, and they accompany his artistic life path like shadows.

Nie Weigu, professor and vice dean of the Academy of Fine Arts of Nanjing University, also commented on Zheng Zhong's new ink paintings, saying: "I think it is its purity. First of all, in the abstract ink painter's pen, it means a heavy 'cultural content' and the symbols that are not uncommon, but there are no clues in Zheng Zhong's abstract ink painting works; secondly, the more complex painting techniques are made in the abstract ink painters, including some secret killer stunts, and here in Zheng Zhong, it is simplified, so that those with experience in ink painting can see the details at a glance. His technique is straightforward, and can be summed up in just one sentence: rubbing ink. But the difficulty lies in the fact that with such a simple painting method, it shows a twelve-point intriguing sense of form, which does show that Zheng Zhong has a keen understanding and extraordinary talent in grasping the formal language. ”

Title: Cloud Dream Canghai Series No. 11

Size: 138x45cm

Materials: rice paper, color ink

Created in: 2019

Once hailed as the "original stock" of new ink painting

Ten years ago, in 2012, Zheng Zhong created a modern ink painting "Guyin NO.1" and was selected for the "China Ink Painting Live Exhibition" at the Art Newspaper Art Festival. Subsequently, on June 2, 2013, Zheng Zhong was also invited to participate in the "Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art (I) 2013 Beijing Poly Spring Auction", and the lot no. 676 at that time was signed: "Guanlan Zheng Zhong", and Zheng Zhong's ink painting "GuYin NO.18" was auctioned for 126,500 yuan. After the auction, the reporter interviewed some collectors who came to the scene. At that time, a Tibetan friend who was well-known in the Beijing collection circle told reporters: "Compared with Zheng Zhong's artistic achievements, Zheng Zhong is still a 'primitive stock' in the new ink era, and the good drama is still to come." ”

The collector's words were indeed self-evident. Zheng Zhong won the Gold Medal of The China International Abstract Art Exhibition in 2019; The Collector's Investment Guide was awarded the Most Collectible Artist Award. In fact, in the past decade, although the market for calligraphy and painting collection has turned cold, Zheng Zhong has been active in the first camp, and every year he is invited to participate in the exhibition. The exhibition of Chinese ocean paintings, the exhibition of masterpieces of Chinese contemporary power, the national invitation exhibition of Chinese contemporary masterpieces, the guangdong* international art exchange exhibition, the global ink painting exhibition, etc., are too numerous to mention. In these exhibitions, Zheng Zhong's paintings have not only been well received by well-known people in the industry such as Ms. Lu Xiaokun, founder of Art Guangdong and president of the Guangzhou Art Industry Chamber of Commerce, but also in the recently published global ink painting exhibition, the organizers have added a special evaluation to the resume of the artists in the album editors that "he is one of the 500 outstanding painters in the world". Such an evaluation is rare in global art exhibitions. Winning the gold medal at the World Expo not only shows that Zheng Zhongxin's ink painting has reached a new height, but also explains the huge investment collection value of Zheng Zhongxin's ink in the future with irrefutable facts.

Zheng Zhong Profile:

Zheng Zhong is currently a member of the China Artists Association and the vice president of the Beijing Guoyixuan Calligraphy and Painting Institute. Born in Hai'an, Jiangsu Province in 1962, he was a diver of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet from 1979 to 1985, graduated from the School of Fine Arts of Nantong University in 1988, graduated from the graduate class of the Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1999, taught at the Printmaking Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts from 2000 to 2004, and was grandly promoted as a "Master of Fine Arts" in the "Art Observation" of the China Academy of Art in 1997. In 1998, Beijing Literature and Art Publishing House published Wu Guanzhong's autobiography "Landscape of Life" to select Zheng Zhong's works as the cover, and in 2002, he was approved by the Nantong Municipal Archives Bureau as the 144th historical and cultural celebrity in the history of Nantong (F144) and now lives in Beijing and Nantong.

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