
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

author:Tide entertainment pioneer Q


Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

In 2024, with the deepening of globalization, exchanges between different cultures will become more and more frequent. The Wa region of Myanmar, due to its special geographical location on the border with China's Yunnan province, has become the epitome of this cultural exchange. Here, Chinese characters are not only a tool for communication, but also a bridge connecting the two peoples. This article will lead you into this mysterious land and explore its integration and collision with Chinese culture.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

1. Wa State: A place where Chinese characters and culture blend

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

In the northeastern part of Myanmar, there is an autonomous region closely linked to China's Yunnan province, the Wa State. Here, Chinese characters are not only used as official scripts, but are also deeply imprinted in people's daily lives. Whether it is the signboards and road signs in the streets and alleys, or the school textbooks, they are full of traces of Chinese characters. This kind of cultural blending is not only reflected in the text, but also in people's lifestyles and values. The Wa people respect the elderly, value the family, and pay attention to etiquette, which coincide with the core values of traditional Chinese culture. This deep cultural connection has brought the relationship between Wa and China even closer.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

At the same time, the Wa people are also deeply influenced by Chinese culture. They love traditional Chinese festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, etc., which are celebrated according to Chinese customs. Sticking Spring Festival couplets, setting off firecrackers, and eating reunion dinners are also popular in Wa State. In addition, Chinese character textbooks are also widely used in schools in Wa State, and students learn Chinese characters and read Chinese books from an early age. This blending of cultures not only allows the Wa people to better understand China, but also promotes friendly relations between China and Myanmar.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

Second, the historical shadow of the drug problem

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

However, in this land full of cultural mixing, there was also a shadow of the drug problem. Due to geographical conditions and economic reasons, opium poppy was cultivated on a large scale in the Wa area, which became a source of "drugs". This not only caused physical harm to the local population, but also destroyed their families and society. Many people have lost their jobs, families and loved ones to drugs, and the whole society has been plunged into deep suffering.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

Fortunately, in recent years, the Myanmar government and the international community have worked together to crack down on the drug problem in the Wa region. They have strengthened border patrols and controls, strictly prohibiting the cultivation and smuggling of drugs. At the same time, a large number of anti-narcotics propaganda and education activities have also been carried out to enhance people's anti-narcotics awareness. The implementation of these measures has effectively brought the drug problem under control in the Wa area and brought hope and rebirth to the local population.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

3. The prevalence of telecom fraud and its response

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

In Wa, a land closely linked to Chinese culture, the problem of telecom fraud is becoming increasingly prominent. Because Wa people are fluent in Chinese, they are a new target for telecom fraudsters. From phone scams to online scams to investment traps, scam methods are constantly emerging and difficult to prevent. These scams have not only caused economic losses to the Chinese people, but also severely damaged the reputation of the Wa region.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

In response to this problem, the Wa government has strengthened its cooperation with the Chinese government. Together, they established an anti-fraud center to strengthen information sharing and joint law enforcement. At the same time, the Wa government has also stepped up its crackdown on telecom fraud and severely punished those involved. In addition, Wa State has also actively carried out anti-fraud publicity activities to raise people's awareness of anti-fraud. The implementation of these measures has effectively curbed the problem of telecom fraud and brought a safer living environment to the local people.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

Fourth, China and Myanmar will work together to build a line of security defense

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

In the face of the challenge of transnational crime, the governments of China and Myanmar have demonstrated firm determination and close cooperation. On May 6, 2024, the police of China and Myanmar conducted a joint operation to successfully dismantle a telecom fraud den in the Wa region and arrested a number of criminal suspects. This action not only demonstrates the determination and strength of the two governments to fight crime, but also brings tangible benefits to the people of the two countries.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

This cooperation not only cracked down on telecom fraud, but also deepened the trust and friendship between the two countries. The governments of China and Myanmar pledged to continue to strengthen cooperation and jointly crack down on transnational criminal activities. They will jointly maintain regional peace and stability by strengthening information sharing and joint law enforcement. This close cooperation not only helps to combat criminal activities, but also brings more security to the people of both countries.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

Editor's Comment: In the context of globalization, transnational criminal activities are becoming increasingly rampant. However, by strengthening international cooperation and jointly fighting criminal activities, we can effectively maintain regional peace and stability. The cooperation between China and Myanmar in combating transnational crimes, such as telecommunications fraud, is a successful example. We believe that in the future, the two countries will continue to strengthen cooperation, jointly address various challenges, and bring more benefits to the two peoples.

Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China
Another "China": Chinese characters are everywhere, and TV stations use Chinese, but they do not belong to China

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