
Please cherish the takeaway riders who are still on the road

Shanghai slowed down

The delivery riders are busier

Please cherish the takeaway riders who are still on the road

"Starting tomorrow, our community will also be sealed, so I leave work early today, buy good food and go home to prepare."

On the other end of the phone, the takeaway rider Lu Ge said to the Bund Jun. When he left work at 7 o'clock in the morning, he found that the door of his community had also posted a closure notice.

Because of the sudden epidemic "spring cold", in the past few days, the pace of Shanghai has slowed down a lot.

Many people are locked up in their own neighborhoods, and the issue of eating has become a top priority. The delivery rider became the busiest and freest person in the city.

But they who "stop their hands and stop", in this wave of the epidemic, they also have to face their own anxiety.

What has changed in their lives in the past few days?


Come home from work late at night

The next day he was also sealed

Lu Ge is 40 years old this year, working alone in Shanghai, and his wife and children are in his hometown in Jiangsu. My son is in his third year of high school and will take the college entrance examination this year.

He came home from work at ten o'clock in the evening and chatted with me for a while on the speakerphone, making food at hand.

"Tomorrow morning our community will also be sealed, which is the kind of unified 48 hours."

So he finished his work early on this day, returned to his residence with the meat and vegetables he had bought during work, and prepared food for the next two days.

Please cherish the takeaway riders who are still on the road

The news that the community will be sealed tomorrow was only known to Brother Lu before going out that day, but he did not panic, because he knew that this was sooner or later.

It is also because it is expected that the income may be unstable in the next few days, and Lu Ge has worked extra hard these days, leaving work on time at seven o'clock in the morning and returning home at eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening.

"Usually can run fifty or sixty singles, these days the single amount will be a little more, but it is not too exaggerated, because it is a saturated state, no amount can be done."

Lü Ge ran the Changning Tianshan Mountain, originally there were 300 riders in this area, and during this time he had only less than one-third of his visual estimation.

"The platform is dispatched according to the number of personnel, so the amount of orders distributed to each person's hands is more than those, it will not be said that it is oh the original 300 people list you now 50 people to send out, impossible."


Platforms dispatch orders by the number of riders

"Hands stop, shut up and can't afford to stay up"

Lü Ge came to Shanghai to work in 1999, and he was reluctant to talk about his past career, only using "the past is unbearable to look back" to brush it over.

Seven years ago, he started delivering takeaways, "then there was Baidu takeaway, and then no one used it."

He has seen many new people, just came to Shanghai from his hometown, heard others say how much money can be earned in a month by running takeaways, and gave up after two days.

On the record of today's platform, Lu Ge's punctuality rate and satisfaction rate are more than 97%. "Even if there are more orders in the past few days, I still try to deliver them on time."

He said that the recent customers are particularly polite, many people will wait behind the community cordon early, watching us deliver to the food cabinet, the attitude on the phone is very good, you can feel that everyone is not easy.

Please cherish the takeaway riders who are still on the road

Brother Lu will occasionally time out, say two nice words to guests, say hello, and the other party will not complain about embarrassing him.

"Today there is a very difficult order, I sent the meal to the door of the community not to let in, the phone called to let the other party out to take, the result is that there is a foreigner, twitter and I told a bunch of I can't understand." Finally, the security guard at the door took the takeaway to the door, and it took a long time. ”

He saw on the news that riders from other cities, because they were afraid of being closed and isolated, carried sleeping bags to cover and run for takeaway. Although I don't do this myself, I understand the thoughts of these peers very well.

Lu Ge said that takeaway is a typical service industry, hand stop, work is equivalent to taking a job bowl outside to beg for a living. If you are closed at home, the rider with poor economic conditions will have a harder time in life.

"If there is a better way out, who wants to do this?" It is indeed difficult to survive in the wind and rain, but what is the return without paying? As an adult, that's life. ”


There are 200 riders in this area,

There are now more than 30 left

Ah Hao, 26, from Changde, Hunan Province, has not been delivering takeaways for a long time, after failing to do fruit business in his hometown, came to Shanghai last year and became a rider under the introduction of his hometown.

When he answered the phone in the afternoon, Ah Hao said that he was sitting on a bench outside the mall resting, surrounded by three or three riders with resting legs, "yellow, yellow, blue and blue."

On this day, the weather in Shanghai was exceptionally clear, and I could hear Ah Hao's chewing sound on the other end of the phone.

Due to the epidemic, more than 20 shopping malls in Shanghai have stopped operating and cancelled the restaurant eating service, but takeaway is still being done.

Ten meters away from Ah Hao's leg, there is a unified meal for takeaway in the mall restaurant, and there are many riders standing waiting for the meal, picking up and running.

Please cherish the takeaway riders who are still on the road

"It feels amazing, we seem to be one of the few people in the city who can move freely."

The area he usually runs belongs to Dapuqiao, an area where there are usually more than 200 riders, but now there are only 30 people left, and everyone else is closed at home.

"So there's no secret (to avoid isolation), everyone is the same, when you are blocked, you honestly stay at home, and if you don't have it, you continue to run, it's very simple."


To hide from the closed sleeping bridge hole?

At least not in Shanghai

"Now this line is relatively free, like I am lazy, every morning at ten o'clock to come out, to the end of the night, more often a day can run forty or fifty orders, remove expenses and expenses, a month can earn nine thousand to ten thousand." 」

Ah Hao said that the cost is mainly the accommodation fee, and his residence is a collective apartment on the takeaway platform, which is much cheaper than renting a house.

"I also saw on the Internet that there are takeaway riders in other places who will sleep outside in the bridge cave park or something because they are afraid of being isolated, and I have never seen such a thing in Shanghai."

Please cherish the takeaway riders who are still on the road

Ah Hao was very open to these things, his collective apartment was near Longhua, and our call had not yet been blocked.

"If it is really blocked, it will rest for two days, the problem is not big, and the platform has been stressing to us that it is necessary to cooperate with the epidemic management, which must be observed."

During this time, most of the community doors have set aside a separate meal to pick up, and the rider puts the takeaway on the shelf and calls the customer to inform the customer that "your meal has been delivered".

A few days ago, he would also encounter a community where he could enter the gate, and he could enter by showing a health code, but he would hardly let him in these two days.

"Long live understanding", this is a sentence that Ah Hao often hangs on his lips at work.

In the past two days, the weather in Shanghai is cloudy and uncertain, and sometimes heavy rain falls and orders surge, and overtime is inevitable, but customers, merchants, and riders are in such an environment, and they need mutual understanding and trust.

At the moment when manpower is scarce, I also hope that everyone can cherish these takeaway riders who are still running on the road, have more understanding, and have more patience.

Text, Editor/Cardi C

Photography / Wiley

The above content is from "The Bund TheBund" (WeChat: the-bund)

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