

{"info":{"title":{"content":"少抽一包烟,也要养这种“镇宅兰”,花奇色艳,花朵浓香,很好养","en":"Smoke a pack of cigarettes less, but also raise this kind of \"town house orchid\", the flowers are strange and colorful, the flowers are fragrant, and it is very easy to raise"},"description":{"content":"兰花,这一幽雅之花,在大陆文化中拥有着崇高的地位,与梅花、菊花、竹并列为“四君子”,象征着高洁与坚韧。在闲暇之余,我们赏...","en":"Orchid, this elegant flower, has a lofty position in mainland culture, and is listed as the \"Four Gentlemen\" along with plum blossoms, chrysanthemums, and bamboo, symbolizing nobility and tenacity. In our spare time, we enjoy..."}},"items":[]}