


爱新觉罗·恒钺(赵仲杰),鑲黄旗满洲人,1951年生于北京,努爾哈赤第十三世孫,順承郡王府世祖 勒克德渾后人,出身于一个家道渊远,教育頗嚴的家庭,六歲臨習書帖,后專攻繪畫。1983年入中国书画函授大学学习,1986-1988年于中国北京画院研究生班,师从王文芳先生,专攻山水画创作。又受教于姚治华、石齐、史国良、周韶华諸先生。多次参加国内外书画大展,多幅作品被法国友人、博物馆、画廊、市政府收藏。于1989年、2013年、2014年、2016年相繼在美国旧金山多次举办个人画展,并在2017年新西兰举办一带一路个人画展。




他的作品以其质朴、自然、粗一犷,表现大自然内蕴的力量,画面寻求强烈的张力及律动。他在以墨为主的中国画画面中泼墨泼彩,寻求画面具象、意象、抽象 三象归一的构架;利用色彩的色阶变化和墨色的互渗互化,在画中巧妙结合,營造国畫中三美,即 (筆墨美 形式美 意境美)让作品更贴近大自然,使画面更具有视觉冲击力。他把传统与现代巧妙地融合在一起,在追求现代彩墨画的过程中,逐步形成了自己独具特色的山水画表现风格。

Aixinjueluo Hengyue (Zhao Zhongjie), born in Beijing in 1951 in the Manchu region of the Yellow Banner, was the 13th grandson of Nurhaci. He was a descendant of the founder of the Shuncheng County Prince's Mansion, Le Kede Hun. He came from a family with a distant background and strict education. At the age of six, he began studying calligraphy and calligraphy, and later specialized in painting. In 1983, he enrolled in the Correspondence University of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy to study. From 1986 to 1988, he studied in the graduate class of Beijing Academy of Painting, China, under Mr. Wang Wenfang, specializing in landscape painting creation. Also trained by Mr. Yao Zhihua, Shi Qi, Shi Guoliang, and Zhou Shaohua. I have participated in numerous domestic and international calligraphy and painting exhibitions, and many of my works have been collected by French friends, museums, galleries, and municipal governments. In 1989, 2013, 2014 and 2016, he held several personal art exhibitions in San Francisco, the United States, and in 2017, he held a personal art exhibition along the the Belt and Road in New Zealand.


I am currently a national first-class artist, a member of the New Literature and Art Working Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Deputy Secretary General of the World Chinese Artists Federation, Overseas Director of the San Francisco Artists Association in the United States, Visiting Professor of the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in China, Visiting Professor of the China Advertising Academy, Vice President of the Central Museum of Culture and History and the Central Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Art, Executive Director and Deputy Director of the Art Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association's College Calligraphy and Painting Art Innovation Research Base, Member of the Art Committee of the Chinese Public Relations Society, Painter of the Chinese Famous Artists Academy, Deputy Director of the Art Committee of the Beijing Western Academy of Painting, Painter of the Chinese Ethnic Painting Academy, and other positions。


His works, with their simplicity, naturalness, and roughness, depict the inherent power of nature, and the images seek strong tension and rhythm. He splashes ink and colors in Chinese painting, mainly using ink, seeking a unified framework of concrete, imagery, and abstraction in the painting; By utilizing the changes in color levels and the mutual infiltration and transformation of ink, we cleverly combine them in the painting to create the three beauties of traditional Chinese painting, namely the beauty of brushwork, form, imagery, and environment, making the work closer to nature and making the picture more visually impactful. He cleverly integrated tradition and modernity, gradually forming his own unique style of landscape painting expression in the pursuit of modern ink painting.

