
How to find our career ideal?

I am going to be sharing about finding our career ideal.Let’s get started!

What are the characteristics of ideal occupation?

This question is not easy to answer.We won’t know what career ideal is until we have rich experience,and a range of vision.Many of us don’t know what our career ideal are,including me.I still have not one thing with a strong desire to do.I try my best to find out.Here is my way.I try to figure out by analysing the characteristics of career.

No 1:Career has society character

Each career has its own society responsibility.Society changes over time,thereby,career changes too.The development of career facilitates society.

No 2:Career has epoch character

the ability of production different,the depth and width of social practice different.It result in different career targets of people chase.

No 3:Career has development character

Personal career will change because of place,time,matter.Career will be clear over age,and the enhancement of social experience

and improvement of knowledge level.You go from volatility to stability.You go from fantasy to reason.

No 4:Individual differences

What kind of occupation a person chooses has a lot to do with his thought, moral character, knowledge structure, ability level, hobbies and so on.