

作者:Portico & Bridge


The property market,in Malta has seen,a significant decrease,in promise of sale greements registered last year 2022.

This can be a point of concern for the future of concern for the Free www.portico and bridge.

话虽这么说,his doesn't 但这并不一定意味着房地产市场陷入困境。mean that the property market is in trouble.There are still 仍有投资机会。

888 and it is 而了解正在发生的事情是很重要的。important to understal what's happening?

The decrease in 承诺销售合同的减少可能是由于各种因素造成的promise tree contracts,could be due ta 9 variety a variety of factors. 篮子 of factors for some,潜在买家可能对财务前景感到不确定。

may be feeling Low about their financial future. JPEG prices may 由于建筑材料成本的增加,供应链问题 等 房价对一些人来说可能变得太贵了。

have become expensive for some,due to increase in building material rely, supply chain issues etc. The decrease 下降表明,买家的需求暂时放缓,人们正在等待价格的修正。

Indicates that demand is temporarily , and that people are waiting rices to correct, It's important , 在投资房地产时,不要急于做出任何决定。

to rush into any decisions when 红烧肉 in property two 生意地使用这些信息很重要。and to use this information wisely 花时间研究市场Take your time to esearch the market and stay in tormed 以清醒的头脑和对形势的掌握了解开发情况。

on 散射光 with a clear head and an understanding the of the situation.You can make 在马耳他投资房产时,你可以做出适合你的知情决定。

水源 that works for you investing in property in lowsa. 下期再见!祝大家生活愉快!make it a great day!

