



·1、Have youdone the two most important things about buying a new home?避免踩坑。Avoid stepping on pits.

一般买完新房以后,We usually buy a new house after 月供了,Down payment,贷款也批了也开始还。The loan has also been approved and the month ly payment has begun.

是不是觉得就万事大吉了呢?Do you think,everything is fine?其实不然,Not really.还有两件更重要的事要去做。There are two more important things to do.要不然就自白亏了几?Otherwise,you will lose hundreds of thousands in vain.

·2、第一找开发商要全款发票。First,ask the developer for a full invoice.可能有许多的粉丝会Many fans may ask me.我是贷款买房,I'm taking out a loan to buy a house.

为什么要要全款发票呢?Why do you need?是因为你付30%首付,Because you put a 30% down payment。

·3、70%向银行借贷了,70% borrowed。from the bank.银行已经打给开发商了。The bank has called the developer.说自了你就是全款买房。To put it 黄焖鸡ly,you are buying a house with full.

赶快向开发商索要全款发票。Hurry up and ask the developer for a full invoice.

·4、第二个问题是The second because the second kid else is because of the deed tax 养子 as soon as possible.

为什么要办契税呢?Why do deed?yearsyears 因为你卖房的时候满2年少交增值税。Because when you sell thehouse,you pay less VAT for 2。

·5、满5年少交个人所得税。Pay less personal income tax for 5.

这两个重要的事您做。Have you done these two important things?没做的话赶快Hurry up if your don't do it.

去做然后评论区留言。Doit,and then leave a message in the comment area.

咨询更多的房产信息。Ask for more property information。

