
城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划



Redesign the Central Station Area of Stockholm - one of the most significant developments of the last decades in the Swedish capital. The international multidisciplinary team proposed to transform the area into a ‘living room’ for the city, by simultaneously improving connections, creating a destination and drawing on the character of place.

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


The Proposal: Living Room


The Stockholm Central Station Area faces a number of challenges not uncommon to railway areas; the historic station complex is attractive in itself and its central waterfront location offers unparalleled opportunities. At the same time, connections within the building and with the urban tissue need to be improved as the railway tracks act as a barrier within the city and the area lacks both character and a diversity in functions, offering little sense of arrival.

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


The Site

竞赛大纲希望建立一个活泼的、与城市结构交织在一起的经典的斯德哥尔摩式街区。反映其独特的在地特征,KCAP创始人Kees Christiaanse提到:"斯德哥尔摩让人联想到优雅的建筑,柔美的色调,多样的屋顶天际线与斯堪纳维亚的天空融为一体。尺度合宜的建筑与庭院创造出公共空间,框界出通往水面的视线,将城市与周围的自然环境联系起来。"

The competition brief called for an urban district that is lively, intertwined with the city‘s fabric and typical for Stockholm, reflecting its unique character of place. Kees Christiaanse, founder of KCAP: ‘Stockholm evokes images of elegant buildings, restrained in pastel tones with diverse roofscapes blending with the Scandinavian sky. Well-proportioned buildings with courtyards mark the public domain, delineating sightlines towards the water, connecting the city with the surrounding nature.’

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


The Design fit into Cityscape


With these as key principles, the team’s proposal for the Stockholm Central Station Area aims to transform the railway yard into a vibrant station district, an urban living room where Stockholmers and visitors meet. It is conceived as a mixed-use area with diverse architecture and programmes but with a strong urban coherence, underpinned by greenery and water; a fine-meshed network of public spaces on three levels, outdoors and indoors, that provides a welcome to everyone. This inspiring, functional, and lucid transport hub comprises a mixed program with gastronomy, business and culture, and acts as an inviting gateway to the city.

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


Gateway to the City

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


Public Spaces by Greenery and Water

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


Street View

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


Multilayered Spatial Network

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


Interior of the Station

延伸拓展历史中心的街道网络,延续被铁轨割裂的城市肌理。弹性空间框架允许单体建筑的设计及功能随时间推移而发展变化。从北到南,两条视觉轴线激活带动整个规划框架,将访客自然导引到车站区域:第一条轴线从Terminalslingan向南,可看到老建筑集聚的历史中心,经过Galleria Klara,可以远眺到Riddarholmen教堂的铸铁尖塔。第二条轴线从Nils Ericson广场一路向北,穿过了新开发的绿谷地带。

The street grid of the historic centre is extended so as to connect the city across the railway tracks. A public space framework allows for the design and programming of the individual buildings to evolve over time. Two strong visual axes from north to south are the drivers of this framework and allude to the railway valley: one axis looks from Terminalslingan towards the historic centre in the south, through the new Galleria Klara, with a vista of the cast iron spire of Riddarholmen church. The second looks from Nils Ericson's Square to the north, through the newly developed, elevated Green Valley.

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


Public Spaces draws on Stockholm’s Strengths

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


A View of the Church Spire

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划



方案旨在改善车站、城市、与滨水带之间的联系,将车站区域最大限度地转变为‘城市客厅’, 提案将Klaraberg 高架转变为无车的人行公共空间,并将Nils Ericson广场的现有停车场转变为开放的‘城市阳台’:提供文化和休闲功能,以及可远观斯德哥尔摩市政厅、历史文化中心及Riddarfjärden水域盛景的开放公共平台。

To further improve the links between station, city and waterfront, the proposal seeks to transform high density traffic arteries like the Klaraberg viaduct into connective, car-free public spaces. Nils Ericson’s Square, which now mainly serves as a parking space, will become the city's balcony for culture and leisure, offering glorious views of Stockholm City Hall, the historic centre and the open water of the Riddarfjärden.

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


Existing Central Station Hall

城市客厅 | 瑞典斯德哥尔摩中央车站区规划设计 / KCAP建筑与规划


Renovation of Central Station Hall

整个提案的基础在于对斯德哥尔摩城市遗产的尊重及补充:新与旧碰撞在不朽的中央车站区域;车站的中轴线将更加绿色生态的中央广场与Galleria Klara联系在一起;新建筑以合宜的体量融入周围环境,精心调整高度以保证视线和阳光通过。KCAP合伙人 Jeroen Dirckx 介绍到:“尊重原有车站建筑、中央大厅、和市政厅,新建筑将以一种谦逊的姿态融入到滨水城市景观中。以这样的方式,创造一个吸引人,同时具有斯德哥尔摩特色的城市客厅。”

The design is based on a respectful and complementary approach to Stockholm’s heritage values. Old and new meet around the monumental railway station building and Central Hall, through which the station's central axis connects the redeveloped, greener Central Square with Galleria Klara. New buildings are adapted in height to preserve sight lines, to ensure sunlight and to adjust to the scale of the surroundings. ‘Towards Riddarfjärden, the new architecture is deliberately kept modest to integrate the project into the existing waterfront cityscape and to respect the original station building, the Central Hall and City Hall,’ says Jeroen Dirckx, partner at KCAP. Thus allowing the Central Station Area to become a welcoming living room for the City that draws on Stockholm’s strengths.

Client 甲方:Jernhusen (瑞典国有车站地产公司)、斯德哥尔摩市、瑞典交通署

Program 规模功能:150.000 m2 of mixed-use program, including a new station building (15万平方米的复合规划及车站建筑设计)

Design team 设计团队:KCAP、Neutelings Riedijk Architects、Arcadis 、Ahrbom & Partner、Landskapslaget 、Iterio

资料来源、 版权所有:KCAP建筑与规划
