
These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

author:People stay in the house
These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

People stay in the house

"People staying in the hands" is protection: protecting plants, protecting green, protecting nature, protecting life?

may be! What we prefer to protect is your heart that loves to read and love nature.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Speaking of cute babies in the insect world,

It's really indispensable


Xiaobian has been a majority of pro-fans

Gather the most adorable caterpillars in the world:

Cute big-headed baby - North American oleracea butterfly caterpillar

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Cool Iron Man - Oleander Moth Caterpillar, the naturalist's own son

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

From a distance, it looks like a watermelon, and up close it looks like a watermelon's green slug caterpillar

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Imitate hello kitty cute rice-eyed butterfly caterpillar

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

On the head grows a "horned" mighty imperial-tailed butterfly caterpillar

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

A black-banded two-tailed boat moth caterpillar with an antenna hanging from the back of the "butt"

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Cute little squirrel big purple butterfly caterpillar

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Dare to president bump hairstyle of the flannel moth caterpillar

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

How is it?

If the above caterpillars are still "beautiful",

That must be indispensable to the "ugly" caterpillar baby:


Lotus mist ochre night moth caterpillar

carea varipes

Ugly cute big-headed doll

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

"Big head, big head, don't worry about raining; you have umbrellas, I have big heads."

The lotus mist ochre night moth caterpillar of the tumor moth family has a large green head that is extremely out of proportion to the body.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

They are small in size, but their heads are round and large, and they look down like small snails dragging round shells, which is funny and interesting.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Their host plant is Lotus Mist, and if you want to catch this big-headed baby, look for it on the back of lotus mist leaves!

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

American nocturnal caterpillar

harrisimemna trisignata

Heavy flavor of guano residue

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

The American nocturnal caterpillar has a somewhat heavy taste because its overall shape resembles a lump of guano, and it is also a thin guano.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

It turns out that the head exoskeleton of these caterpillar babies is the hardest, and the exoskeleton that should be molted every time it molts is not clean, and it will be entangled with "hair" and then hang there. Unexpectedly, this had an unexpected effect: it made the bird droppings look more realistic.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Moreover, who ever thought that the "disgusting and sloppy" caterpillar grew up to be a noblewoman in a snow-white fluffy coat, which is really "eighteen changes in the female eldest, the more it becomes, the more beautiful it is."

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Crab citrine caterpillar

acraga coa

Q bomb q bomb little fat smash

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

The crab citrine caterpillar is a moth larva called "acraga coa" that lives in tropical rainforests. It looks like it's a tickle, and it makes people want to take a bite.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

However, the "eighteen changes of the female eldest" may not all be good-looking, and the way it grows up is not as pleasing as when it was a child.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

In fact, there are many "sparkling" colorful caterpillars like the crab citrine caterpillar, which are called gem caterpillars or crystal caterpillars.

However, Xiaobian would like to call them jelly caterpillars, anyway, it is the feeling of q soft q soft, colorful taste, agar-like transparent tissue like jelly!

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Of course, these caterpillar babies of the bright moth family are not only for the sake of good looks, they can also use this dazzling and shiny appearance to avoid enemies and avoid the disaster of killing themselves!

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!
These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Walking Jelly:

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Small flower ruler moth caterpillar

eupithecia orichloris

Inchworms that eat meat are uncommon

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

When it comes to the inchworms in caterpillars, everyone is familiar with them, they are masters of mimesis, imitating small branches is enough to fake the truth.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

However, these inchworms on the Hawaiian Islands are not ordinary because they are not vegetarian.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

These small ruler moth caterpillars are about 1 inch long, and their forefoots have evolved to grasp and prey, and their claw-like pectoral feet are difficult to escape once they catch their prey.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

They also camouflaged like branches, waiting for an ambush. Lightning fast makes fruit flies, termites, etc. all under its mouth.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Glass filament caterpillar

isochaetes beutenmuelleri

Good-looking babies can't be touched

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

The spun glass moth caterpillar is a strange type of baby that does not look like a caterpillar but more like a delicate crystal artwork.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

They live in North America, and although they are sparkled not by the bright moth family, but by the family Thrush. But don't be deceived by its blingbling beautiful appearance, even if you have the opportunity to encounter it, do not touch it with your hands, because its thorns are poisonous, touching the skin will cause severe allergies.

Alas, the good-looking glass filament caterpillar has lost its color when it grows up, which really interprets the highest realm of the eighteen changes of the female university.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

A glass filament caterpillar and a monkey-shaped spiny moth caterpillar share leaves in a friendly manner:

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Monkey-shaped spiny moth caterpillar

phobetron pithecium

It's just that it looks like "a lot of people"

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

In fact, the picture above is not a group of caterpillars, but a caterpillar, it is a monkey-shaped thorn moth of the stinging moth family phobetron pithecium, the most amazing thing is that it is imitated as a group of poisonous caterpillars to scare off predators.

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

Oh, what a demon-infested era!

These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

What other evil and cute caterpillars do you know?

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These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

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Editor of this issue: Wang Xiaofeng

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These caterpillars interpret the highest state of "ugly cuteness"!

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