
In ancient times, there was a punishment that was unbearable for female prisoners, and now it is a trend for young people

author:Naughty little monkey

Since the beginning of human civilization, in order to ensure the long-term stability of social order, corresponding punitive measures are also indispensable. The feudal period was an era of high concentration of imperial power, and in that period people were divided into three, six, and nine grades, and the nobles could sell and scold slaves at will, and they had their own sense of superiority.

In fact, the rule of law in the entire feudal period served the imperial power, not absolute fairness, but only a means to strengthen the centralized system. Since the ancient period of slavery, punishment has appeared, in the ancient punishment there is a punishment, the ancients are very disgusted, but in today's society has become a popular trend among young people.

In ancient times, there was a punishment that was unbearable for female prisoners, and now it is a trend for young people

Since the beginning of slavery, there have been five major criminal laws, of which ink punishment is the lightest punishment, whether it is the lightest punishment or the heaviest punishment, all of which show disrespect for human nature and disrespect for life. Ink punishment, as the name suggests, is to be engraved on the prisoner's face and then coated with ink, and the ink gradually grows on the prisoner's face as the wound heals, and from then on, it can no longer be eliminated.

In ancient times, there was a punishment that was unbearable for female prisoners, and now it is a trend for young people

People who have been tortured in ink, although they have sound limbs, but they bear the label of a crime, and they will always be pointed out on the street. Ink punishment is actually destroying the psychology of prisoners, although compared with other heavy sentences, ink punishment causes less damage to the body, but when a person's psychology is damaged, his wounds can never be healed.

In ancient times, there was a punishment that was unbearable for female prisoners, and now it is a trend for young people

In the historical classics, it has been recorded that many big figures have been tortured by ink, such as Han Xin, one hundred single and eight generals who were once forced to go to Liangshan in the "Water Margin", many of whom have been tortured by ink, and Song Jiang is one of them. During the period of slavery, when the ink type was introduced, it was mainly engraved directly on the face with a knife, and then applied with ink. It is conceivable how much pain the tortured person endured in the process of execution.

In ancient times, there was a punishment that was unbearable for female prisoners, and now it is a trend for young people

In the Song Dynasty, the tools for practicing ink punishment changed, from knives to needles, and ink punishment was implemented in different positions on the prisoner's face, which can be seen what kind of criminal responsibility the prisoner had committed before, such as applying ink punishment behind the ear, he had committed the crime of theft, but if ink was applied on the face or forehead, then the prisoner committed the punishment of exile.

In ancient times, there was a punishment that was unbearable for female prisoners, and now it is a trend for young people

Once Wu Zetian's side of the big red Shangguan Wan'er, because of offending Wu Zetian was subjected to ink torture, ancient times women treated appearance more than men, so when Shangguan Wan'er was subjected to ink punishment, not only trampled on her self-esteem, but also affected her beauty, so the later Shangguan Wan'er in order not to affect the appearance and even imitate the princess Shouyang's plum blossom makeup, in order to decorate the place where she was punished.

Covered with plum blossom makeup, it also adds a lot of color to the whole makeup. Since then, Shangguan Wan'er's makeup has been imitated by women in the Tang Dynasty, and even become a popular makeup, but not all women who have been tortured by ink are as lucky as Shangguan Wan'er.

In ancient times, there was a punishment that was unbearable for female prisoners, and now it is a trend for young people

During the Tang Dynasty, the location of the ink punishment was probably on the forehead, because the wounds were obvious, so most of the people who were subjected to ink punishment would not choose to escape, because no matter where they fled, they would be recognized by others, and they would also be pointed out by others to point out the once disgraceful history. However, just the inscription on their foreheads does not affect their lives and labor, but psychologically it will make them bear great pressure.

In fact, whether it is a man or a woman, it is difficult to accept after being inked, because everywhere you go, you will be treated with colored glasses, and you will be defensive and mustard. The life of being tortured by ink is like being trapped in shackles, no longer free, and anything they do will be mentioned in the past disgraceful history, so many people who are subjected to ink torture will eventually do wrong things because of psychological distortion.

Although the ancients formulated these punishments with good intentions, they hoped to set an example, they hoped for a clear social environment, but they did not give the offenders a chance to reform themselves. People who make mistakes travel with a huge scar, and under the strange eyes of others, they burn their self-esteem and directly push people into the most cruel bottomless abyss.

In ancient times, there was a punishment that was unbearable for female prisoners, and now it is a trend for young people

Summary: But with the development of the times, the once shameful ink punishment has now become a fashion item for young people, and now many young people will always get tattoos in multiple places on the body in order to highlight their personality, even in order to commemorate something, the tattoo at this time is like the ink punishment of the past, but the mood is completely different, once shameful, and now it is free. What made the ancients retreat, but after thousands of years has become a trend fashion, can only say that the world is wonderful.

Most of the things in life are like this, currently unacceptable, incomprehensible, and when the mentality and timing change, as if everything has become logical, so sometimes, when everyone encounters difficulties in life, when the mentality is on the verge of collapse, it may as well be calmly handled, since it cannot be changed, you can choose to surrender.

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