
The total GDP of Oklahoma in the United States is about 200 billion US dollars, which province is equivalent to which province in China?

author:Shi Feng

When you think of Oklahoma, you think of the Thunder, the american basketball powerhouse, the endless pasture wheat fields, and the oil derricks that spew black liquid.

The total GDP of Oklahoma in the United States is about 200 billion US dollars, which province is equivalent to which province in China?

Located in the south-central part of the United States and adjacent to Texas, this state covers an area of 181,000 square kilometers, the size of China's Guangdong Province, but its population is only 4 million. The name Oklahoma comes from the Indian language, namely the words "Okla" (human) and "Homer" (red), which mean that this is the land of the red people (Indians).

The total GDP of Oklahoma in the United States is about 200 billion US dollars, which province is equivalent to which province in China?

Since time immemorial, there have been many Indian tribes living in this area. In 1808 the area was transferred from France to American control as part of the purchase of Louisiana. Soon the "five civilized tribes" of the southeastern States of the United States were forced to move to this land. The U.S. government had sworn assurances that the land would forever belong to the tribes that moved in.

However, during the Second Industrial Revolution, with the extension of the railway, the development of the south, and the expansion of the white people also spread here. In April 1889, the federal government announced that part of the land was open to whites. As a result, there was a wave of land grabbing here, and Indian land was seized by whites in large numbers, and the state gained the nickname of "preemptive state" and joined the Federation in 1907, becoming the 46th state of the United States.

The total GDP of Oklahoma in the United States is about 200 billion US dollars, which province is equivalent to which province in China?

Today, the state's whites have become the dominant residents. But there are still more Indians, with nearly 400,000 people, ranking first among the U.S. states, and many of the city's streets still retain Indian names.

Oklahoma is shaped like a kitchen knife, 500 kilometers long from east to west, 300 miles wide from north to south, with a long knife handle in the northwest, and the Red River as the southern boundary is an irregular row of knives. This piece of land. Except for some highland mountains in the east, it is basically a vast plain, so it is also the core agricultural area of the United States. In recent decades, soil and water conservation has received increasing attention.

Through large-scale construction of water conservancy, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation technology and other measures, an agricultural industry pattern with animal husbandry as the mainstay and planting industry as a supplement has been formed. Among them, cattle breeding is a large number, and the number of stocks is among the highest in the states. Now that cattle rearing in Russia has been completely scientific, the ranch only needs to hire a small number of people to manage thousands of cattle.

The total GDP of Oklahoma in the United States is about 200 billion US dollars, which province is equivalent to which province in China?

In terms of planting, the state is dominated by wheat and is one of the most wheat-producing states in the United States. Crops such as forage, cotton, peanuts, soybeans and sorghum are also grown.

The largest source of wealth in Russia is rich in oil and natural gas, and oil wells are dotted with no less than 100,000 eyes. Located between Tulsa and Oklahoma City, cushing is an important crude oil reserve center in the United States, with a storage capacity of about 76 million barrels, and is the world's largest oil inventory base. As an oil distribution center in the central region of the United States, its inventory has always been the attention of oil traders and producers, from Cushing's crude oil inventory situation can roughly predict the trend of the US crude oil market, affecting the price fluctuations of the global oil market.

The total GDP of Oklahoma in the United States is about 200 billion US dollars, which province is equivalent to which province in China?

In recent years, aerospace, electronics and mechanization have also become important industrial sectors in the state, it is the largest tire production base in North America, and GE will also build the nation's largest wind farm in Oklahoma.

From the perspective of total economic volume, in 2019, Oklahoma's GDP output value was about 200 billion US dollars, and the per capita GDP was about 52,000 US dollars, ranking lower than the 50 states in the United States, and the GDP of Heilongjiang Province in China was almost the same. Considering that its population is only about 4 million, it is rare to have such achievements!

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