
Although Emperor Taizong of Yuan's empire expanded its territory and governed the country, it was difficult to change its brutal and poisonous nature

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Today's introduction to you is: the second great khan of Mongolia, the temple name of Taizong' Bo'er Only Jin Wo Kuotai, he is the third son of Genghis Khan of the Yuan Taizu, known in history as "Wo Kuotai Khan".

Although Emperor Taizong of Yuan was able to inherit his father's legacy to open up the territory and govern the Central Plains, he always maintained his cruel and poisonous nature, and in his later years he was even more indulgent, and eventually died of illness in the hall because of his difficult to change his disposition.

Although Emperor Taizong of Yuan's empire expanded its territory and governed the country, it was difficult to change its brutal and poisonous nature

Motota sect image

Let's talk about the extraordinary life story of Wokoutai.

One. Because of his bravery and resourcefulness, he was valued by his father Khan

Wo Kuotai, born in 1186, was the third son of Genghis Khan Temujin and Empress Dowager Guangxian. Growing up in a war-torn environment, he began to learn to ride a horse and shoot archery at an early age, and spent his youth on horseback. Because he followed his father around the conquest, after many wars, he gradually grew into a brave and warlike tiger general.

In 1203, Temujin led an army to fight against King Han of Keliebu at the land of Helan Zhenshatuo (in the north of present-day Erzhu Muqin Banner). At that time, when he was only 18 years old, Wo Kuotai accompanied the army to fight, and he fought hard to kill. Because the war was quite brutal, in the melee, his neck was wounded by the enemy's arrows, and the blood flowed, and after the general Bor suddenly smacked the neck blood for him, Wokoutai bravely continued to kill the enemy with wounds, and finally together with the soldiers, he killed a bloody road, broke through the siege, and met Temujin.

Genghis Khan's eldest wife, Bo Erti, had four sons: the eldest son, Shuchi, the second son, Chagatai, the third son, Kuotai, and the fourth son, Tuolei. They accompanied Genghis Khan on his eastern expeditions to the west and jointly made great contributions to the foundation of the Mongol Empire.

Although Emperor Taizong of Yuan's empire expanded its territory and governed the country, it was difficult to change its brutal and poisonous nature

Portrait of Wokoutai

Of the four concubines, Genghis Khan's favorite young son, Tuolei, was the most successful young son. But as the Mongol Empire began to take shape, the deep and rough Genghis Khan realized that he needed a statesman to consolidate and develop the empire he had created to accomplish his unfinished business, not just a military strategist.

Genghis Khan gradually discovered that Wokoutai was resourceful and could govern the country more comprehensively than tore the mines. Therefore, starting from the future of the empire, Genghis Khan restrained his love for his young son, used talent, broke the old Tradition of Mongolia, and wisely chose Wokoutai as his heir.

Two. After taking the throne, he opened up the territory and expanded the territory and implemented the new political theory of zhongyuan

After clarifying the status of successor, Wo Kuotai continued to accompany his father in the southern conquest of the northern war, creating a lot of merit and establishing his own prestige. In 1226, Genghis Khan accused the Lord of Western Xia of defaulting and again personally conquered Western Xia. In June of the following year, Li Wei, the lord of the Western Xia Kingdom, could not hold on and sent envoys to surrender. After defeating the main force of the Western Xia army, Genghis Khan turned his generals to the Jin Dynasty.

Although Emperor Taizong of Yuan's empire expanded its territory and governed the country, it was difficult to change its brutal and poisonous nature

Nest broad platform

Genghis Khan led an army across the Yellow River. Passing through Jishi Prefecture (present-day Xunhua, Qinghai), it invaded Lintao Road (林洮, in present-day Gansu). In July, he captured Jingzhao (Xi'an). However, the elderly and sickly Genghis Khan eventually died in the tent of Liupan Mountain due to overwork.

According to the feudal system, the emperor should be enthroned by his designated heir immediately after his death. However, since the Mongol kuriletai system (tribal council system) still worked, Wokoutai could not succeed to the throne because of his father's will, but had to wait for the final decision of Kuriletai. Within two years of the vacancy of the throne, the regent was overseen by Tuo Lei.

In 1229, the Kuritai Assembly supported the ascension of Wokoutai to the throne and administered the entire Mongol Empire. After he ascended the throne, he inherited his father's legacy, expanded his territory, went south to destroy the Jin Dynasty, and sent Batu to expedition to Europe, during which his territory expanded to Central Asia, North China and Eastern Europe.

After becoming the Great Khan of the Mongols, Wokoutai governed the Central Plains through the implementation of the New Deal, making it a major rear area for foreign conquests. After he came to power, he ordered people to strictly abide by the decrees formulated by Genghis Khan and appointed the Khitan Yelü Chucai as the Zhongshu Ling, further improving the legal and political system of Mongolia.

Although Emperor Taizong of Yuan's empire expanded its territory and governed the country, it was difficult to change its brutal and poisonous nature

Yuan Taizong painting

In 1237, Wo Kuotai adopted the proposition of Yelü Chucai, established a national school, opened a discipline to obtain scholars, and obtained 4,030 people, of whom a quarter had been originally reduced to slavery, and only after the middle test was they freed from the status of enslavement. The confucian students who passed the examination were exempted from taxes, and the best of them were also appointed to official positions. He strongly advocated the adoption of the Han method and the reuse of the Zhongyuan literati.

In order to strengthen the rule of the Central Plains, Wo Kuotai established Zhongshu Province, with Yelü Chucai as the Zhongshu Ling, Glued Ton shan as the left chengxiang, and Zhenhai as the right chengxiang. He set aside ten ways to levy taxes. Introduction of banknote delivery. Liyanjing Editing Institute and Pingyang Scripture Institute. Although this measure increased the state's tax revenue, it increased the burden on the people of the Central Plains.

Three. Cruel and poisonous nature is difficult to change, and eventually died of drowning

In the struggle of the Mongol court, Wokoutai showed his harsh and vicious nature. His fourth brother Tuolei has always been a hidden danger to Wokoutai's stable Khan's position, he has eighty percent of the Mongol army, has a strong military strength, and in the campaign to attack Gold, Tuolei showed his outstanding military ability, all of which had to arouse the envy of Wokoutai.

Although Emperor Taizong of Yuan's empire expanded its territory and governed the country, it was difficult to change its brutal and poisonous nature

Wokoutai photo

Therefore, on the way back from the Jinguo Class, Wokoutai pretended to be a ghost, pretended to be sick and dying, and Tuolei, who was very fond of his brother, immediately came to his side to serve, and unsinkablely picked up the cup and prayed, and drank the water of the Shanman wizard to clean up the disease.

As a result, Wokoutai recovered from his illness and Tuolei resigned and set off to return to the camp. Because the curse water he drank was poisoned by his brother, he died a few days later. In this way, Wokoutai used superstition to eliminate his greatest political enemy.

After the destruction of Jin, Wo Kuotai began to assign the generals of the dynasty to lead the conquest, and he did not want to suffer from the conquest anymore. He was hard-moving by nature, drunk as he was destined to die, and embarked on the path of indulgence. In his later years, he was even more indulgent in wine, and every drink would be endless all night.

Although Emperor Taizong of Yuan's empire expanded its territory and governed the country, it was difficult to change its brutal and poisonous nature

Wokoutai stills

In November 1241, when the midwinter fell, Wokoutai went out hunting, rode and shot for five days, and then went to the Guhulan Mountain, where he watched songs and dances in the tent, got close to The Song Andi, and drank wine. He was in high spirits and drank heavily until late at night. The next day, he visited and found that Wokoutai had suffered a stroke and could not speak, and he died in the hall soon after. He was 56 years old and had reigned for 13 years.

In short, Emperor Taizong of Yuan, after taking the throne, was able to inherit his father's legacy to open up the territory and govern the Central Plains, but he always maintained his cruel and poisonous nature, and in his later years he was even more indulgent, and eventually died of illness in the hall because of his difficult to change his disposition.

Wokoutai's spirit of daring to fight heroically for the country and being good at using wise men to govern the country deserves to be promoted; but his innate cruelty and poisonous nature should be criticized and punished. As a leader of the country, he should love the broad masses of the people and govern the country properly; as ordinary citizens, he should be loyal to the country, do more things that are beneficial to the country and the people, and dedicate his wisdom and talents to the motherland without reservation.

Although Emperor Taizong of Yuan's empire expanded its territory and governed the country, it was difficult to change its brutal and poisonous nature

Wokoutai sculpture

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