
(Sun Ce Big Joe) King Glory Fan Story

author:Love two-dimensional d big meow


Big Joe's cat café often came to a boy who loved cats very much lately, and she heard the boy's friend call him Sun Ce, and somehow silently wrote down the name.

Maybe it's because he loves cats as much as he does, or maybe it's because he looks sunny and handsome, and the expression of teasing cats has a feeling of spoiling in her eyes, which makes her unconsciously stare at people.

Her cat coffee is not very big, and the people who come and go are basically easy to get acquainted with, except for Sun Ce, who has been coming for a week, but she has not said a word to him, even the most polite greeting to other guests, or the greeting to leave.

One is a coincidence, and the other is that she deliberately hides.

For a week, she had gone from the strangeness of seeing the boy to his familiar smile, the act of teasing the cat, the occasional sudden glance that made each other blush...

She gradually realized that she might be in love, no, a crush.

"Sun Ce!"

Hearing someone call his name, her heart beat faster, and a faint sense of loss lingered in her heart, because she knew that his friends had come to him to play ball, and it was time for him to leave the cat coffee.

(Sun Ce Big Joe) King Glory Fan Story
(Sun Ce Big Joe) King Glory Fan Story

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