
This journalist's day Fan Changjiang Memorial Hall received a "special gift"

author:Sichuan Observation

November 8 is the 22nd Chinese Journalists' Day. On the eve of the Journalists' Day, a very commemorative "gift", the Fan Changjiang Journalism Award Trophy, was officially unveiled at the Fan Changjiang Memorial Hall in Tianjia Town, Dongxing District, Neijiang City. It is reported that this is the only Fan Changjiang Journalism Awards trophy in China that does not have the names of the winners.

This journalist's day Fan Changjiang Memorial Hall received a "special gift"

Throughout his life, Fan Changjiang, a news giant, has the courage to explore, serves the country and the people, and makes selfless contributions, thus setting up a banner and benchmark for China's news front.

With the approval of the Central Propaganda Department, the All-China Journalists Association established the "Fan Changjiang Journalism Award" in his name, which is also the highest award for outstanding middle-aged and young journalists in China. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Fan Changjiang Journalism Award. Over the past 30 years, the Fan Changjiang Journalism Award has become an industry beacon with high standards and high requirements in the hearts of the vast number of journalists across the country.

This journalist's day Fan Changjiang Memorial Hall received a "special gift"

In recent years, Fan Changjiang's hometown Neijiang has repaired Fan Changjiang's former residence, upgraded and transformed the Fan Changjiang Memorial Hall, and played an active leading and exemplary role in inheriting red genes and continuing red blood. In the 12 years since its opening, the Fan Changjiang Memorial Hall has become a "punching card" for the vast number of journalists across the country, receiving more than 6 million visitors and journalists from all over the country, including many winners of the Fan Changjiang Journalism Award.

Duan Ruiming, director of the Fan Changjiang Memorial Hall, introduced that in recent years, although the content of the exhibition of the memorial hall has been continuously enriched, there is a regret: there is no Fan Changjiang Journalism Award trophy in the exhibition hall!

To this end, after selecting the 16th Yangtze River Taofen Award, the All-China Journalists Association specially produced a Fan Changjiang Journalism Award trophy without the name of the winner and donated it to Fan Changjiang's hometown neijiang.

"After the Fan Changjiang Journalism Award Trophy enters the museum, it will further enrich the exhibition content of the Fan Changjiang Memorial Hall, and will also encourage the vast number of journalists, including Neijiang, to take Fan Changjiang as an example and become Fan Changjiang-style reporters." Duan Ruiming said.

It is reported that the trophy is located in the "Yangtze River Classroom" exhibition hall of the Fan Changjiang Memorial Hall, and the trophy is surrounded by photos of the winners of the Fan Changjiang Journalism Award!

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