
It can also maintain excellent vision in the water, known as "fish dog", with bright and beautiful plumage


Common kingfisher (scientific name: alcedo atthis): Small bird, fish tiger, fish dog, angler, blue emerald.

It can also maintain excellent vision in the water, known as "fish dog", with bright and beautiful plumage

Body length 16-17 cm, wingspan 24-26 cm, weight 40-45 g, lifespan of 15 years. It is similar in appearance to the spotted kingfisher. But smaller.

It can also maintain excellent vision in the water, known as "fish dog", with bright and beautiful plumage

Individual or paired events. Sexual solitude, usually living alone on branches or rocks near the water's edge, waiting for opportunities to hunt, food is mainly small fish, eating crustaceans and a variety of aquatic insects and their larvae, but also pecking at small frogs and a small number of aquatic plants.

It can also maintain excellent vision in the water, known as "fish dog", with bright and beautiful plumage

After the kingfisher plunges into the water, it can also maintain excellent vision, because its eyes can quickly adjust the contrast in the angle of view caused by the light in the water after entering the water. So the fishing skills are very strong.

It can also maintain excellent vision in the water, known as "fish dog", with bright and beautiful plumage

Prey is usually brought back to its habitat, wrestled on branches or stones, and then swallowed in its entirety after the fish dies. Sometimes it also flies in a straight line along the low altitude of the water surface, flying very fast, often flying while calling.

It can also maintain excellent vision in the water, known as "fish dog", with bright and beautiful plumage

It is found in North Africa, Eurasia, Japan, India, the Malay Peninsula, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

It can also maintain excellent vision in the water, known as "fish dog", with bright and beautiful plumage

Listed on the IUCN 2013 Red List of Threatened Species ver 3.1 – Low Risk (LC).

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