
Don't think that young people are careless, even the big star Wu Yanzu is only one day away from dying of illness

author:Haina Baichuan 006

On May 25, the male god Wu Yanzu was interviewed and revealed that he almost died last month.

At first, it was not a big deal, thinking it was just ordinary diarrhea, delaying treatment, resulting in ulcerative explosion of the cecum

Don't think that young people are careless, even the big star Wu Yanzu is only one day away from dying of illness

As a result, the optimal treatment period was delayed, and he did not eat for 9 days from the onset of the disease to the treatment.

Losing 13 pounds, the onset of the disease was Thursday at 12:00 a.m., Wu Yanzu suddenly woke up, vomiting heavily, the next day he went to the doctor, the doctor did not find that he was cecalitis, he himself thought he just ate expired food.

From Thursday to Saturday, he thought he would have a fever or get better, but neither of these things happened, he only felt pain.

Don't think that young people are careless, even the big star Wu Yanzu is only one day away from dying of illness

Moreover, he went to the toilet once every 10 minutes, which made him very miserable, and finally for the sake of decency, he decided not to drink water or eat.

In the hospital near the neighborhood where he lives in a foreign country, the emergency room patients are dying, he just has diarrhea, even if he goes to the doctor, he will be ignored, so he stays at home and suffers, hoping that the body will heal on its own.

In the end, he couldn't resist asking his sister, who lived in the same city, and when she saw him, she felt something was wrong and drove him 30 minutes to take him to a hospital outside the block.

The doctor saw that Wu Yanzu's stomach was swollen, and after examination, he learned that it turned out that his cecum was inflamed and caused the ulcer to explode (rupture), and he wanted to do surgery immediately.

Because Wu Yanzu's cecum has been enlarged, there is no way to take it out, and finally there is only to wash the intestines, eat anti-inflammatory drugs for a week, and the cecum continues to stay in the body, observing for half a year.

Don't think that young people are careless, even the big star Wu Yanzu is only one day away from dying of illness

From the onset of the disease to the treatment, Wu Yanzu did not eat for 9 days, and lost 13 pounds!

The most terrifying thing is that the hospital said that it had not seen such a serious cecalitis for more than 10 years, and said that if Wu Yanzu waited another day, he would die!

Wu Yanzu also often exercised, and he encountered such things, which shows that we usually have to cherish our bodies more.

The People's Daily public account once published an article on "How many people have not survived the dangerous period of 45-55 years old", which wrote: 45-55 years old is a high-risk period for life, and most diseases break out at this stage, and some even endanger lives

Many middle-aged people often socialize outside, eat irregularly, and usually do not exercise, which can easily lead to "three highs": hypertension, high blood sugar, high blood lipids, which are easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. "Rich" but "not strong" has sounded a wake-up call for the health of middle-aged people.

On the evening of October 20, 2021, the Liuzhuang Community Neighborhood Committee in Jining, Shandong Province, received bad news that Sun Enwei, 33 years old, deputy secretary of the community party committee and member of the neighborhood committee, was suddenly ill due to overwork and left forever after all-out rescue.

What is left is the endless grief of her family, and the reluctance and sorrow of the community residents, according to insiders, the night before Sun Enwei also called her to discuss the next day's community activities, but the next day received the bad news of Secretary Sun's death, which is simply unacceptable.

Don't think that young people are careless, even the big star Wu Yanzu is only one day away from dying of illness

Young people often feel that they are in good health, coupled with the fact that they are now under great pressure at work and have heavy work tasks, so that they often stay up late, work overtime, and do not know how to cherish their bodies. The body was overdrawn early, and even now many young people's bodies are not as energetic as those of the elderly.

Before the age of 40, I desperately earn money, and after the age of 40, I spend money to buy my life. It is a true portrayal of many people. Forty years old and not confused, for people around 40 years old, whether it is the family or social burden is very heavy, a serious illness or accident on the impact on individuals and families, may make years of painstaking management back to the original point.

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