
What the hell is Kiwiberry? Also known as soft date kiwifruit, cultivation technology is coming! Learn about soft date kiwi fruit soft date kiwi cultivation techniques

author:How to engage in brand agriculture

Soft date kiwi, also known as soft jujube, and a tall name called kiwiberry, just like the wife cake is only a cake after all, it is also a member of the kiwi fruit, but it belongs to the thin skin and hairless net fruit group.

What the hell is Kiwiberry? Also known as soft date kiwifruit, cultivation technology is coming! Learn about soft date kiwi fruit soft date kiwi cultivation techniques

Soft jujube kiwi fruit sweet and sour, delicate flesh, unique flavor, not only can be eaten fresh, but also can be used as a raw material for processing, is a kind of wild fruit tree with high economic value and broad development prospects.

What the hell is Kiwiberry? Also known as soft date kiwifruit, cultivation technology is coming! Learn about soft date kiwi fruit soft date kiwi cultivation techniques

Growth characteristics

Soft jujube kiwifruit belongs to the alpine tolerant vine species, in the wild natural conditions is dependent on climbing on other trees to grow, the main trunk is obvious, with strong flexibility; the root system is shallow, the main root is distributed between 5 to 30 cm below the surface; the leaves are alternate, the leaf margin is shallow, the serrated is thin; the poly umbrella inflorescence, 3 small flowers, even single or twin, small flowers, green stalks, hermaphroditic plants; the temperature rises to 13 °C to begin budding, 20 °C into the flowering period, May to July new shoots grow, fruit development, maturity period according to the variety in August to October, Production began in the third year, and the 4th and 5th years entered the harvest period.

Common varieties

What the hell is Kiwiberry? Also known as soft date kiwifruit, cultivation technology is coming! Learn about soft date kiwi fruit soft date kiwi cultivation techniques

▲The main economic traits of the fruit of common soft jujube kiwi varieties are derived from the "Fruit Quality Investigation and Analysis of 10 Soft Jujube Kiwi Varieties| Kong Shuo" click to view a larger picture.

Market prospects

At present, the price of soft jujube kiwi fruit is relatively high, and the domestic is still in the initial stage of development, while foreign countries have not obtained access to China, and it is possible to consider the appropriate land (the demand for cooling is generally 550 to 880 hours) for development. However, the soft jujube kiwi fruit skin is thinner, susceptible to sunburn and not resistant to storage and transportation, the investment cycle is longer, and there are many places that have begun to introduce seeds in the past two years, and it is expected that next year's output will increase significantly, or have an impact on market prices.

What the hell is Kiwiberry? Also known as soft date kiwifruit, cultivation technology is coming! Learn about soft date kiwi fruit soft date kiwi cultivation techniques

Establishment of the park

Soft jujube kiwifruit is a fleshy root, thick and tender, and the distribution depth in the soil is relatively shallow, so it is advisable to choose soil with loose and fertile soil, good drainage, rich in humus, and the pH is slightly acidic or neutral.


Generally, spring planting is expected in early to mid-April every year, and autumn planting should be at the end of October. The spacing between colonized plants is 2 to 3 m, the row spacing is 4 to 5 m, pay attention to the configuration of pollinator trees, and the ratio of female and male plants is 8:1.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the land, and put down a good base fertilizer, after colonization, water the root water or thin sea spirit biological irritant, etc., and the tree tray is covered with mulch film or anti-grass cloth.

What the hell is Kiwiberry? Also known as soft date kiwifruit, cultivation technology is coming! Learn about soft date kiwi fruit soft date kiwi cultivation techniques

Shaping trimming

Shelf type and tree shape: soft jujube kiwi fruit, strong growth potential, although the branches are long and thick, but need to climb to grow, in the artificially erected bracket, the need for higher and longer small trellis or large trellis. The height of the shelf is generally 1.8 to 2.2 m, and the length of the shelf is 5 to 6 m or greater than 6 to 8 m. The tree shape is coordinated with the shelf type, and it generally adopts a single trunk multi-vine shape or a non-trunk fan-like multi-vine shape, and a single trunk multi-vine shape is multi-purpose. The height of the trunk is 1.3 to 1.5 m, and there are 3 to 5 permanent main vines on the main stem, and the number of vines depends on the distance of the plant, and the general distance of the vine is 0.5 m. 1.5m plant spacing is set with 3 vines, 2m plant spacing is set with 4 vines, and 2.5m plant spacing is set with 5 vines. Tie the branches evenly to a horizontal or slightly inclined shelf. The distance can vary from 40 to 60 cm.

First year pruning: Dry at about 1.5 m, cultivate and retain several permanent main vines, fully on the stand and planar frame.

Pruning in the second year: Continue to cultivate the main vine that prolongs growth, reaching a length of 1.5 to 1.8m in that year. The branches emitted from the main vine in the previous year are retained every 50 cm or so, which are used as the mother branches for cultivation results, and the fruits of the next year are prepared, and the remaining branches are erased during the growing season.

Pruning in the third year (including above): For the resulting branches that grow vigorously, pluck the hearts in time before flowering to control growth. After fruit harvesting, 2 to 3 buds at the base of the fruiting mother branch are shortened to promote new shoots, and the fruiting mother branch is cultivated the following year. Winter pruning is carried out 2 weeks after leaf fall to early spring injury flow, mainly to cultivate the skeleton, adjust the tree structure, and cultivate the resulting branch group.

Fertilizer water management

Base fertilizer: Applied in autumn, it should be mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by fast-acting chemical fertilizers, according to the tree potential, age, yield, etc., using strips, ring ditches for application.

Growing period topdressing: young trees are mainly nitrogen fertilizer, it is recommended to drizzle 2 to 3 times a year organic fertilizer liquid such as peanut bran, sea spirit biological stimulator, etc., which is conducive to cultivating tree shape and rapid production; the result tree is in the germination stage, after flowering, the fruit expansion stage and the fruit maturity each time a year, each time topdressing once a year, the early stage is dominated by nitrogen fertilizer, the later stage pays attention to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the pre-flower spraying boron source library is conducive to ensuring flowering treatment, the flowering and fruit period pays attention to the supplementation of boron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and other trace elements, it is recommended to combine foliar topdressing, spraying sea elf leaf type, etc. Improve fruit set rate and improve fruit quality.

Moisture: Soft jujube kiwifruit likes to be wet, neither drought nor water, so we must pay attention to irrigation throughout the year, according to the season, can be combined with fertilization for appropriate and timely irrigation.

What the hell is Kiwiberry? Also known as soft date kiwifruit, cultivation technology is coming! Learn about soft date kiwi fruit soft date kiwi cultivation techniques

Pest control

Diseases: stem base rot, powdery mildew, leaf spot disease, etc.

Insect pests: rusty ticks, red spiders, large green leafhoppers, scarab beetles, drill heartworms, American white moths, bean moths, grape leaf beetles, gray spoon bugs, mesozoans, etc.

Attention should be paid to timely medication, prevention first, and comprehensive treatment.

Source of the article: Agricultural Investment Network, the copyright belongs to the original author

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