
Like the year of water flow - China's Khitan \ Liao

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Khitan Liao (916–1125)

  The Khitan and Liao dynasties passed down nine emperors, enjoying 209 years of the country, and were established by the Khitan ethnic minority in the span of time after the Qing Dynasty in Chinese history. Khitan means "iron" and is a national title; the national name "Liao" is derived from Liaoshui.

  The Khitan originated in the Xilamulun River (Inner Mongolia) and the Laoha River Valley (Lushan Mountain, Liaoning). One says that it is a descendant of Donghu Xianbei, and the other is that it is another species of Xiongnu (the tribe that merged into the Xianbei tribe after the fall of the Xiongnu), and it is a homogeneous race with The Room Wei and Kumo xi, who also speak Mongolian. In Khitan legend, the goddess of heaven and the immortals meet on green cattle and white horses, love and combine, and breed eight sons to form the eight tribes of the Khitans.

  In the fourth year of Tang Tianyou (907), the leader of the Diela clan, Yelü Abaoji, became the Khan of the Khitans. According to Khitan tradition, chiefs were to be elected every three years and replaced in turn, but Yelü Abaoji was bent on establishing hereditary power modeled on the Emperor of the Central Plains. In the end, Apaochi defeated several brothers in the "Rebellion of the Brothers" and opponents of seven other tribes to establish a unified Khitan regime.

  During the Liao Dynasty, its territory stretched from the Sea of Japan in the east, the Altai Mountains in the west, the Erguna River and the Daxing'anling Mountains in the north, and the Baigou River in the south of Hebei. After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, Central Asia, West Asia, and Eastern Europe saw Khitan as synonymous with China. To this day, the pronunciation of Chinese in Russian is still "Khitan".

  Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji (916-926), who reigned for eleven years (excluding the nine years of the Reign of the Great Khan), was a heroic figure in the history of the Khitan nation and had a great influence on the course of Chinese history.

  Abaoji unified the eight khitan departments, opened up the territory, ordered the creation of writing, reused Han Chen, Han Yanhui, and others, and practiced the policy of "dividing the Han dynasty into Han Dynasties" for the first time in Chinese history, which was the first practice of "one country, two systems" in the true sense of The Khitan Nation, and these measures greatly promoted the civilization process of the Khitan nation from backwardness to progress, and also maintained the long-term stability of the Liao Empire.

  In the first year of the Divine Book (916), Jeroboam was proclaimed emperor.

  In the third year of the Divine Register (918), Yelü Abaoji built Xilou City as the imperial capital (later named Shangjing LinhuangFu, in present-day Balin, Inner Mongolia).

  In the fifth year of the Divine Book (920), Yelü Abaoji ordered that Turubu and others should refer to the Chinese characters and create the Khitan characters. Later, Apaoji's brother Dieli created khitan small characters with reference to Uighur and Chinese. Writing carried civilization, and the Khitan began to accelerate its development.

  In the second year of Tianzan (923), Later Tang replaced Later Liang.

  In the fourth year of Tianzan (925), Yelü Abaoji led an army to personally conquer the Bohai kingdom.

  In the fifth year of Tianzan (926), Yelü Abaoji destroyed the Bohai Kingdom and changed its name to Dongdan Kingdom, which means "khitan east", and ordered his eldest son Tulu (Yelü Bei) to be the king of Dongdan.

  After the destruction of the Bohai Kingdom, a part of the Jurchens moved south with the Bohai people to Liaoyang Province, and were incorporated into the Liao, as mature Jurchens, and the Jurchens who were not from the Liao nationality in the Changbai Mountains of Heilongjiang were called Shengnu Zhen.

  In July of the same year, Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji died of illness in Buyeo (present-day Sipingxi, Jilin) on his way to the imperial capital of Bohai, at the age of fifty-five.

  In the same year, the Khitan changed the yuan to "Tianxian", and Shu Luping, the empress of Yelü Abaoji, temporarily called her "Lord Shaoguo Doubt".

  Shu Luping, born in the Uighur Shu Law Department, can be regarded as a rare stoic and decisive fierce character in Chinese history. She did not like the eldest son Yelü Bei, who was seriously Sinicized and conscious, and was bent on letting her second son Yelü Deguang succeed to the throne, so Shu Luping dug a "big pit" for those ministers who were contrary to her political views.

  She asked the ministers, "Do you miss the Emperor?" The ministers naturally said yes. She said, "If that's the case, you'll go with you, and then, without saying a word, cut off the heads of these people." Sometimes, she would also "send messages" to the former emperor, and of course, some opponents would "send letters". This move made the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu tremble and tremble, even if one day the empress dowager was unhappy and she would die.

  But the pit is dug a lot, and if you enter, you will inevitably fall on yourself. Once Shu Lu also touched the nail, and Zhao Siwen, a Hanchen, refused to die, questioning her: "The person close to the former emperor is the empress dowager, why didn't the empress dowager be martyred?" I wait for my courtiers to go and serve, how can I do what the emperor intended? Just when everyone wanted to see Shu Luping's good play of being questioned and dumbfounded, she actually drew out her waist knife, cut off her right hand, and put it into a coffin as a funeral offering. This fierceness shocked everyone, and from then on, no one dared to disobey her words.

  I don't know if I thought that if I forced people too tightly, I was afraid that there would be some unpredictable chaos, Shu Lu stopped killing, and Zhao Siwen was spared.

  In the second year of Tianxian (927), Shu Luping invited his ministers to his tent and asked them to take sides with the saddle whoever they thought was suitable to be emperor. The people who understood the empress's intentions scrambled to grab the saddle of the empress dowager and shouted "May the Emperor of Deguang", and Yelü Bei, who saw the bad situation, was depressed in his heart, but he had no choice but to "ask the empress dowager to give way with the courtiers."

In November of the same year, Yerushalayim ascended the throne.

  Emperor Taizong of Liao (927-947) reigned for twenty-one years and was the second emperor of the Khitans. During the reign of Yelü Deguang, he personally led a large army south to the Central Plains, and set up a dual-track official system of southern and northern officials, with "the system of the clan governing the Khitan and the Han system treating the Han people."

  In the fifth year of Tianxian (930), after being constantly suppressed and weakened by Yelü Deguang, Yelü Bei crossed the sea from Liaodong to defect to Later Tang, but his eldest son Yelü Ruan did not accompany him.

  In the eleventh year of Tianxian (936), Shi Jingyao made a request for help to the Khitans, and Yelü Deguang seized this fleeting opportunity to send troops to assist.

  Shi Jingyao invaded Luoyang, and the late Tang Emperor Li Congke summoned Yelü Bei to self-immolate with him, and Yelü Beibu was killed, when Chinese New Year's Eve was eight years old. The Khitan obtained the Central Plains land of youyun Sixteen Prefectures from Shi Jingyao, and its strength soared.

  In the seventh year of the same year (944), Yelü Deguang marched south on the grounds that Shi Chonggui refused to be a vassal and went to war with the Later Jin.

  In the ninth year of the same year (946), Yelü Deguang attacked the Later Jin for the third time, and Yelü Bei's eldest son, Yelü Nguyen, went out with his uncle. The Later Jin general Du Chongwei led the Khitan army south to attack Kaifeng, and Shi Chonggui was captured.

  In January of the first year of Datong (947), Yelü Deguang ascended the throne in Kaifeng, changed his title to Khan, and changed the name of the country to Daliao.

  Although the Liao people who had just entered the Central Plains were prosperous, they were fundamentally blind to the Han people and the agricultural economy in the Central Plains, and could not be supplied, so they could only plunder in the form of "threshing grass". This aroused great hatred among the people of the Central Plains, who raised troops to attack the Liao army, and the liao's rule could not be maintained.

  In April, Li Congyi, the son of Emperor Mingzong of Tang and Li Siyuan, became emperor, and then led his army to retreat north, dying of illness at Zhenyang (present-day Luancheng, Hebei) on the way. The Great King of the Southern Courtyard, Yelü Roar, and the Great King of the Northern Courtyard, Yelü Wwa, succeeded Yelü Nguyen before the coffin of Yelü De's coffin.

  The bad news reached the capital of the Liao Kingdom, and Empress Shulu was killed and did not believe that her son was dead, and ordered that the living should see people, and the dead should see corpses. At this time, it was summer, and it was still very far away from the capital of the LiaoGuo, and the body could not be preserved and transported back. Helplessly, a royal cook, Wei Sandao, came up with an idea: to dispose of the emperor's corpse by making "羓", that is, to use salt to remove the water, and then dry the body with fire, which is equivalent to the "bacon" in the Central Plains. Thus, Yelü Deguang was the only mummified emperor of ancient China.

  Everyone put yelü Deguang's body into a jar, sealed it and transported it back to Liaojing City. When Empress Shulu opened the altar for Yelü Deguang to summon the soul, she was furious when she saw her son's corpse and executed Wei Sandao.

  While learning of her son's death, what upset Empress Shulu even more was that she also received news of Yelü Ruan's succession. Shu Lu, who wanted to be his favorite third son, Yelü LiHu, became emperor and immediately sent Li Hu to lead an army to "rebel", but Li Hu was defeated. Empress Shulu personally led the army, and the two sides confronted each other at the crossing of the Huang River (present-day Silamulun River), and then after being persuaded by Yelü Wu to make peace, the covenant of crossing was reached. Shu Luhou and Li Hu were forced to recognize Yelü Nguyen's throne.

  After the regime was secured, Yelü Nguyen moved Yelü Lihu and Shu Luping to be imprisoned in Zuzhou (southwest of The Left Banner of Balin, Inner Mongolia). In this year, the Later Han replaced the Later Jin regime.

  Emperor Yelü Nguyen of Liao (947-951) reigned for five years and was the third emperor of the Liao Dynasty. During the reign of Yelü Nguyễn, there were constant rebellions by khitan nobles, and his rule was not stable.

  In the second year of Tianlu (948), Yelü Tiande, Xiao Han, and others rebelled, and Yelü Ruan killed Yelü Tiande and rebuked Xiao Han with a staff.

  In the third year of Tianlu (949), Xiao Han plotted rebellion with the princess Abori and the Ming king Yelü Anduan. Yelü Nguyen killed Xiao Han, and Aburi died after going to prison. Yelü Anduan's son, Yelü Tsang, wept bitterly to expose his father's crimes, thus gaining the trust of Yelü Nguyen, who simply relegated Yelü Anduan to command the tribal army in the field.

  In the fifth year of Tianlu (951), Later Zhou replaced the Later Han, and the remnants of the Later Han established the Northern Han regime.

  In September, at the request of the Northern Han Emperor Liu Chong, Yelü Nguyen sent an army to attack Later Zhou. On the way to Xianggu Mountain in Naturalization (present-day Hohhot, Inner Mongolia), Emperor Yelü Nguyen of Liao was killed by Yelü Cha by night, and Chinese New Year's Eve was four years old. Emperor Taizong of Liao's eldest sons, Yelü Jing and Yelü Wuqian, led troops to kill Yelü Chacong, and Yelü Jing was made emperor, that is, Emperor Muzong of Liao.

  Emperor Muzong of Liao (951-969) reigned for nineteen years and was the fourth emperor of the Liao Dynasty.

  Yelü Jing was a famous emperor and tyrant during the Liao Dynasty, and was called "Sleeping King" at the time. During his reign, the internal political situation of the Liao Dynasty was turbulent, and externally it united with the Southern Tang and Northern Han dynasties against the later Zhou and Northern Song dynasties, which were gradually strengthening.

  In the ninth year of the Ying calendar (959), the Later Zhou army northern expedition to the Khitan and broke through all the way. Liao's Nanjing (Youzhou City, present-day Beijing) left Xiao Siwen in an isolated city, and reported to Yelü Jing for support. Yelü Jing, who was hunting and playing, behaved quite "Buddhist" after hearing the news, and only said lightly: "Guannan was originally a place for Han People, and if people want to take it back, they will give it to others, what a big fuss." Having said this, Yang spurred the horse to hunt again. If chai rong had not retired from the army due to illness, perhaps Chinese history would have looked different.

  In the tenth year of the Ying Calendar (960), Zhao Kuangyin replaced Later Zhou, and the opponents of the Liao Dynasty also changed from Later Zhou to Song. Zhao Kuangyin adopted a unified strategy of "first south and then north, first easy and then difficult", and Liao and Song maintained a relatively peaceful state.

  In February of the nineteenth year of the Ying Calendar (969), Emperor Muzong of Liao hunted in the Great Black Mountain in Huaizhou (present-day BalinZuoqi, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia), where he had always been drunk and brutal, and he said that he wanted to eat bear meat, and six people, including the close attendant brother and the Kuren Xingu, could no longer bear it, and in anger joined forces to let the "sleeping king" sleep forever.

  When Emperor Muzong of Liaomuzong was nine years old, he Chinese New Year's Eve. After that, Yelü Ruan's second son Yelü Xian was elected emperor, that is, Liao Jingzong, and changed his name to Baoning.

  Emperor Jingzong of Liao (969-982) reigned for fourteen years and was the fifth emperor of the Liao Dynasty.

  Yelü Xian was diligent in government affairs and was a hundred times stronger than his fainting father, but Yelü Xian was weak and sickly, and fortunately with the help of his empress Xiao Wei, the Liao Dynasty became strong again.

  In the eighth year of Baoning (976), the Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin died, and the Liao Dynasty's opponent was replaced by Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi.

  In the Tenth Year of Boryeong (978), the Song Dynasty completed the unification of southern China and targeted the Northern Han Dynasty.

  In the eleventh year of Baoning (979), Zhao Guangyi led an army to personally march and defeat the Liao army supporting the Northern Han, and the Northern Han lord Liu Jiyuan surrendered, and the Northern Han fell. Zhao Guangyi led his army to continue the Northern Expedition, trying to take advantage of the hot iron to retake the land of Yanyun, but the result was first hindered by the Liao State Han Chen Han De rang under the city of Youzhou, and then at the Gaoliang River by the Liao general Yelü Hugo, Zhao Guangyi fled back by an ox cart wounded by an arrow, and this battle was the Battle of Gaoliang River.

  In October of the second year of Qianheng (980), YelüXian personally led a large army to attack the Song, and defeated the Song army at Waqiao Pass.

  In September of the fourth year of Qianheng (982), Emperor Jingzong of Liaojing inspected Yunzhou (present-day Datong, Shanxi) and died of illness at the palace of Jiaoshan (present-day Datong, Shanxi) at the age of five Chinese New Year's Eve. His twelve-year-old son, Yelü Longxu, succeeded to the throne and changed his name to Yuan Unification the following year. Xiao Wei took the title of empress dowager and presided over major national affairs.

  In that year, Li Jiqian, a Dangxiang clan in western China, attacked Xia Prefecture (夏州, in modern Jingbian County, Shaanxi) and has since embarked on a path of confrontation with the Song Dynasty.

  Liao Shengzong Yelü Longxu (982-1031), who reigned for forty-nine years, was the sixth emperor of the Liao Dynasty, the longest reigning emperor of the Liao Dynasty, and the only emperor in ancient China with the temple name "Shengzong".

  Yelü Longxu's mother, Xiao Qi (萧匫宷), was an outstanding female politician in Chinese history, and she was the famous "Empress Xiao" in opera novels. In the twenty-seventh year of xiao's regency, in close cooperation with her lover Han Derang, she vigorously reformed internally and implemented the Qihan Tongfa; externally suppressed the Northern Song Dynasty, and fought against Goryeo and the northwestern tribes, and its prestige spread far and wide to Central Asia, and the national strength of the Liao Dynasty in this period reached its peak.

  In the first year of reunification (983), the Liao restoration was called the Great Khitan of the Great Liao.

  In the first month of the fourth year of reunification (986), Zhao Guangyi, the Emperor Taizong of Song, took advantage of the regency of the Khitan state and his mother's queen to launch another large-scale Northern Expedition. The Song army divided into three routes, attacking Youzhou in the east, Weizhou (蔚州, in modern Wei County, Hebei) in the middle, and Shuozhou in Yunzhou in the west, which was the last attempt of the Song to seek unification. The Khitan army defeated the Song army again and captured Yang Ye, the commander of the Western Route Army who was in charge of cover, and Yang Ye went on a hunger strike for three days and died. Since then, the Khitan has continued to move south, and the Khitan and Song offensive and defensive have reversed.

  In the seventh year of reunification (989), the Khitan began to accept tribute from uighurs, Khotan, Shizi, Tubo, Dangxiang, Assalan, etc., at this time the Khitan influence was growing.

  In the eighth year of reunification (990), the Jurchens sent emissaries to pay tribute to the Khitans, and the Four Northern Jurchens requested that the Khitan be annexed. In December, the Khitan sent emissaries To li jiqian as king of Xia.

  In the eleventh year of reunification (993), in order to prevent Goryeo from allying with the Northern Song Dynasty and thus threatening eastern Khitans, the Khitan decided to go to war against Goryeo. The Goryeo minister Xu Xi negotiated with the Khitan general Xiao Hengde, and a rhetoric went so far as to impress the Liao state, ending the First Goryeo Khitan War on the condition that the Song Dynasty and the Khitan were eliminated.

  In the twelfth year of reunification (994), the Khitan gave Goryeo two hundred and eighty miles of land east of the Yalu River, and Goryeo expelled the local Jurchens, where they successively built the "Six Prefectures of Gangdong", and a hundred years later, the Goryeo people praised Xu Xi and said: "The country still has ten million miles in the northwest, and Lai Qili is also!" "Liao suppressed the territory with a large army, in addition to getting the face of the chennagong, lost the land and lost people, and the lizi was completely lost, which can be said to be a bad move."

  In the fifteenth year of reunification (997), Zhao Guangyi died, and the Khitan opponent was replaced by Zhao Heng, the True Emperor of Song.

  In the seventeenth year of reunification (999), the Khitan southward was frustrated at Suicheng (遂城, in modern Xushui, Baoding, Hebei), and Yang Ye's son Yang Yanzhao (Yang Liulang) became famous in the army.

  In the twenty-second year of reunification (1004), Empress Xiao and Yelü Longxu personally led a large army to attack the Song Dynasty. At the insistence of the chancellor Kou Zhun and Zhao Heng personally went to Liaozhou (澶州, in modern Puyang) to supervise the battle, the Khitan general Xiao Taorin was killed in the forehead by Zhang Gui, the head of the Weihu army of the Song army, with a large arrow shot from a three-bow crossbow. Realizing that the song dynasty was still strong, the Khitan proposed a peace treaty.

  In the twenty-third year of reunification (1005), the Khitan and the Song reached a peace treaty, and the Song gave the Liao dynasty 100,000 silver coins and 200,000 silk horses every year, and the two sides guarded the border, did not harass each other, and became a brotherly state, which was the alliance of The Yuanyuan. From then on, the two dynasties ended twenty-five years of war and reconciled for one hundred and twenty years.

  In the 25th year of reunification (1007), the Khitan moved the capital to DadingFu (present-day Ningcheng County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia).

  In November of the 27th year of reunification (1009), Xiao Yu held the traditional Khitan "Chai Book Ceremony" for Yelü Longxu, officially handing over the imperial power to Yelü Longxu.

  After that, Xiao Yu contracted an illness on his way to Nanjing (present-day southwest Beijing) and died in the palace at the age of fifty-seven.

  It is rumored that Xiao Yu remarried to Han Derang, but the specific record is controversial. However, Xiao Yu's love for Han Derang is an indisputable fact, the courtesy she gave to Han Derang is extraordinary, cohabitation, surname, and various privileges are not a word, and she, as a full-fledged "little third child", also jealously killed Han's wife.

  Xiao Wei's death made the elderly Han De feel desolate, and fifteen months later, Han De let go. Yelü Longxu personally held a state funeral for Han Derang and buried him next to Xiao Qi's mausoleum. Han Derang became the only Han chinese and subordinate buried in the tomb of the Liao Emperor.

  After the formal pro-government, Yelü Longxu vigorously rectified the administration of officials, strengthened the integration of the internal Khitans and Han people, implemented the Qihan Tongfa, and at the same time united the party to resist the Song Dynasty, and the Khitan state was unprecedentedly strong.

  In June of the eleventh year of the Taiping Dynasty (1031), Emperor Yelü Longxu of Liao died of illness at the north palace of the Dafu River (present-day Huhuer River, Inner Mongolia) at the age of sixty-one. His son Yelü Zongzhen succeeded to the throne and changed his name to Yuan Jingfu.

  Emperor Yelü Zongzhen of Liaoxing (1031-1055) reigned for twenty-five years and was the seventh emperor of the Liao Dynasty.

  During the reign of Yelü Zongzhen, domestic politics tended to be corrupt, and his two conquests against Western Xia failed, and the Khitan state declined. When Yelü Zongzhen succeeded to the throne at the age of fifteen, his birth mother Xiao Yun (nòu) Jin secretly stored a will and established herself as empress dowager, thus stealing military and political power. Xiao Yunjin stared his son to death, and in spite of Yelüzong's real opposition, he gave death to Yelüzong's real adoptive mother, Empress Xiao Bodhisattva of Liaoshengzong, and Yelüzong had the name of emperor but could not be rescued, and he had a grudge with his mother from then on.

  As Yelü Zong really grew up day by day, Xiao Yunjin was worried that his son would not be good for him after he pro-government, so he consulted with his brother Xiao Xiaoxian and plotted to establish his younger son Yelü Chongyuan, but Yelü Chongyuan informed his brother Yelü Zongzhen of the empress's plot, and Yelü Zongzhen was horrified and decided to preemptively attack and regain power.

  In May of the third year of Chongxi (1034), Yelü Zongzhen and Xiao Yunjin went to the palace to cool off. Yelü Zongzhen took the opportunity to detain Xiao Xiaoxian, then surrounded the palace with his own soldiers and escorted Xiao Yunjin to Gyeongju under house arrest. Yelü Zong named his brother Yelü Chongyuan "Emperor Taidi" and promised to pass it on to him in the future when he was drunk, which laid the hidden danger for the later Liao civil unrest.

  In October of the seventh year of Chongxi (1038), Li Yuanhao, a party leader, declared himself emperor at Xingqing Province (present-day Yinchuan), and founded the country with the title of Bactria . Relations between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Western Xia Dynasty were formally broken, and the two sides went to war and suffered heavy losses. While watching the two sides fight and reap the benefits of the fishermen, the Khitan stepped up the competition for the Dangxiang tribes in Liao territory, digging up Li Yuanhao's corners.

  In the first month of the eleventh year of Chongxi (1042), the Khitan took advantage of the internal and external difficulties of the Northern Song Dynasty, while creating a momentum at the border with heavy troops, on the other hand, they sent Xiao Ying and Liu Liufu to negotiate with the Northern Song Dynasty and demand waqiao Guannan ten counties. The Song Dynasty sent Fu Bi to negotiate with Khitan envoys.

  In September of the same year, the Khitan and the Northern Song Dynasty reached an agreement to add another 100,000 silver coins and 100,000 silk horses to the basis of the Khitan coin that was stipulated by the Alliance of The Yuanyuan, and at the same time the Khitan restrained the Western Xia and the Northern Song Dynasty to negotiate peace, which is known in history as "Chongxi Coin Increase".

  The Khitan accepted the money from the Northern Song Dynasty, and the direction of the speech also changed, and Li Yuanhao was extremely angry but helpless. Since then, there has been no more war between the Liao and Song Dynasties, and the story of The True Cultural Attainment of Emperor Yelüzong of Liaoxingzong is quite high, gong poetry, shan Danqing, and the exchange of calligraphy and paintings between him and Song Renzong has been passed down as a beautiful talk.

  Relations between the Khitan and Song became warmer, but the Khitan and Xia countries intensified due to the problem of the ownership of the Dangxiang tribes in the border areas, and finally developed to Li Yuanhao to persuade the Khitan Dangxiang people to defect.

  In the thirteenth year of Chongxi (1044), the Khitan internal party Xiang clan rebelled, the Khitan sent troops to suppress it, Li Yuanhao sent troops to rescue, and even killed the Khitan envoys, and Yelü Zongzhen prepared to personally conquer Western Xia.

  Western Xia stepped up negotiations with the Northern Song Dynasty, western Xia promised to take the Song Dynasty as Zhengshuo, and set up a field with the security army in GaopingZhai, and the Song Dynasty raised the "year gift" to "silver, qi, silk, and tea 255,000", and the two sides reached a "celebration calendar peace agreement", which was obviously more inconsistent with the political interests of the Khitans.

  In October of that year, Yelü Zongzhen led 100,000 cavalry to cross the Yellow River in three ways and go deep into the summer realm. Li Yuanhao apologized to the Khitan and asked the Khitan to retire. Xiao Hui, a privy councillor of the Northern Yuan, was a firm advocate of conquering Western Xia, and Emperor Yelü ordered the Khitan army to march towards Hequ (河曲, in present-day Yikezhao, Inner Mongolia). Li Yuanhao retreated while fortifying the scorched earth policy of clearing the wilderness, and the logistics support of the Khitan army was in trouble. Li Yuanhao immediately launched an onslaught, and during the battle, a strong wind suddenly rose and blew towards the Khitan army. The Western Xia soldiers took advantage of the counterattack and defeated the Khitan army, capturing dozens of Khitan noble ministers, and Emperor Yelü Zongzhen of Liaoxing only barely escaped with dozens of horses, known in history as the "Battle of Hequ".

  At that time, Li Yuanhao caught Khitan soldiers and often cut off his nose. There was a drama around Yelü Zongzhen named Luo Yiqing, and when he saw the defeated soldiers, he joked with them: "And let me see, is your nose still there?" Jeroboam was so angry that he decided to slaughter Luo Yiqing.

  Prince Yelü Hongji hurriedly dissuaded: "It was not Huang Ha who played the joke (the famous funny drama at that time, whose status was roughly equivalent to today's Guo Degang). ”

  Knowing that this Luo Yi had done a good job in his mouth, he immediately answered in passing: "The leader of the marching troops is not Tang Taizong." "Still a look of refusal to be soft."

  During this war, Yelü Zongzhen gradually realized the threat of the Dangxiang tribe to the western border of the Khitans, and in the same year Shengyun Prefecture was established as Datong Prefecture in Shanxi, which was upgraded to one of the five capitals of Liao.

  In the eighteenth year of Chongxi (1049), the Khitan took advantage of the new death of Li Yuanhao, the Jingzong of Western Xia, and sent troops to attack Xia in three ways. As a result of the war, the Southern Route Army was defeated again, and the Middle Route Army withdrew its troops on the news, and only the widow of Li Yuanhao, captured by the Northern Route Army, returned without moving the empress and the family members of the bureaucrats. After that, the Western Xia paid tribute to the Khitan and the war between the two sides subsided.

  The two wars greatly depleted the national strength of the Khitans, and the Khitan began to decline, and the Western Xia has since gained a firm foothold, forming a foothold with the Khitan and the Northern Song Dynasty.

  In the twenty-fourth year of Chongxi (1055), Emperor Yelüzong of Liaoxing fell seriously ill while out on a tour and died shortly afterwards at the age of forty. The crown prince Yelü Hongji succeeded to the throne before the coffin of Emperor Xingzong and served as Emperor Daozong of Liao.

  When Yelüzong really died, his mother Xiao Yunjin did not look sad at all, and when she saw her daughter-in-law, Empress Xiao Taoli, weeping like a courtesy, she said to her: "Ru is still young, why should she mourn like this!" ”

  Emperor Yaohongji of Liao (1055-1101) reigned for forty-six years and was the eighth emperor of the Liao Dynasty. During his reign, Yelü Hongji reused traitors, became more corrupt in politics, and the country declined even more.

  In July of the ninth year of Qingning (1063), civil unrest broke out within the Khitan state, and the emperor's uncle Yelü Chongyuan, instigated by his son Nelugu, took advantage of yelü Hongji's autumn hunting to launch a rebellion and attack yelü hongji's palace, known in history as the "Rebellion of the Luan River".

  The rebellion was quickly put down, Nerugu was killed, and Jeroboam fled into the desert on horseback, killing himself in exhaustion. Yerushalayim was greatly trusted by Yelü Hongji for his efforts in suppressing the rebellion.

  In the second year of Xianyong (1066), Yelü Hongji restored the Khitan state name to "Liao".

  In the fifth year of Xianyong (1069), Yelü Yixin was ordered to act as a taishi, and for a time the power of the government and the opposition poured in, and there was an endless stream of bribes and horse shooters.

  In the first year of Taikang (1075), the crown prince Yelü Yixin began to participate in the government, and Yelü Yixin, who was restrained, felt threatened.

  In November, Yelü Yixin used the Ten Fragrant Words to frame Empress Xiao Guanyin for having an affair with the court musician Zhao Wei. Xiao Guanyin was a famous female poet of the Liao Dynasty who was snubbed for repeatedly advising Yelü Hongji to hunt. In anger, Yelü Hongji put Xiao Hou to death, and his body was returned to Xiao's family, and the crown prince was deposed as a shuren and soon killed.

  Whether Xiao Guanyin and Zhao Only really had a private affair has been disputed in history, but it is indeed an indisputable fact that Yelü Yixin used the "Ten Fragrant Words" incident to gain political benefits.

  In the first month of the fifth year of Taikang (1079), Yelü Hongji was about to go hunting again, and Yelü Yixin left the emperor's grandson Yelü Yanxi in the capital. The Northern Yuan Xuanhui envoy Xiao Wuna and others reminded the emperor of the safety of the emperor's grandson, and Yelü Hongji accompanied the emperor's grandson, and Yelü Yanxi thus escaped the assassination. Thereafter, the vigilant Yelü Hongji degraded Yerushalayim.

  In the seventh year of Taikang (1081), Yerushalayim was arrested for "forbidden objects in foreign countries" and executed two years later. Yelü Yixin was good at government for fourteen years, which brought great harm to the rule of the Liao state. Later, Yerushalayim ascended the throne, and the following year he pulled Yerushalayim out of the grave and opened a coffin to vent his anger.

  In the first month of the seventh year of Shouchang (1101), Yelühong died of genetic disease at the age of seventy. Yelü Yanxi ascended the throne by his will, and his subjects were honored with the title of "Emperor Tianzuo", and in the same year they changed their name to "Qiantong".

  The Liao Tianzuo Emperor Yelü Yanxi (1101-1125) reigned for twenty-five years, making him the ninth and last emperor of the Liao.

  Yelü Yanxi was dazed and addicted to hunting, and did everything possible to squeeze and extort the various tribes of the Jurchens, and the Khitan nobles also called the forced trading of the Jurchens "beating the Jurchens", and the rising Jurchens fought hard and finally destroyed the Liao Empire.

  In February of the second year of Tianqing (1112), Yelü Yanxi went on a hunting tour to Chunzhou (present-day Baoshi Town, Tuquan County, Inner Mongolia) and summoned the chiefs of the nearby Jurchen clan to the court, and the younger brother of the leader of the Completed Yan Tribe, Wu Yashu, completed Yan Akuta, was present on behalf of his brother.

  At the "Head Fish Feast" (eating the first batch of fish from the Songhua River) held in the Mixed River (Songhua River), the drunken Yelü Yanxi ordered the chiefs to dance for him, but only Yan Ah Bone resolutely refused. This storm planted the seeds of hatred in the heart of Yan Ah Bone.

  In October of the third year of Tianqing (1113), Ah Kuanta succeeded his brother Wu Yashu as the head of the alliance, and was called Du Bo Ji Lie.

  In the fourth year of Tianqing (1114), 2,500 people led by Yan Akuta held an oath-taking meeting in Lailiushui (present-day Buyeo County, Jilin Province), officially declaring the rebellion against the Liao. Subsequently, the Jurchen army destroyed the decay and won successive battles.

  On the first day of the fifth year of Tianqing (1115), the state was established by Yan Aku, and the name of the country was Dajin, and the name of the year was received.

  Realizing that the Jurchen problem was serious, Yelü Yanxi personally fought a crusade, and the result was a complete defeat. The roof leaked during the overnight rain, and at this time there was also a rebellion in the Liao Dynasty, with Yelü Zhangnu in Liaoshangjing and Bohai Gao Yongchang rebelling in Liaodong. Liao quelled the Rebellion in Shangjing, and Jurchen also took the opportunity to kill Gao Yongchang and occupy Liaodong and Shenzhou.

  In the tenth year of Tianqing (1120), Jin and the Northern Song Dynasty formed an alliance at sea, forming a pinch attack on the Liao from the north and south directions.

  In the first year of Bao Da (1121), the internal regeneration incident in Liao, the deputy governor of the army, Yelü Yuyan, and others plotted to depose Yelü Yanxi, and established Yelü Yanxi's second son, Yelü Aolu, the king of Jin, as emperor. The matter was revealed, and Yelü Yu saw the rebellion and surrendered gold.

  In the second year of Bao Da (1122), Yelü Yuzhi led Jin soldiers to attack Yelü Yanxi, who was stationed at Mandarin Duck Po (present-day northwest of Zhangbei, Hebei). In order to avoid future troubles, Yelü Yanxi killed his second son, Yelü Aolu, which in turn caused more people to rebel against him. Yelü Yu saw that instead of guiding the Jin army to advance, Yelü Yanxi fled all the way and finally entered Jiashan (in present-day North of the Left Banner of Tumut, Inner Mongolia).

  Yelü Dashi and Li Chuwen and others in Nanjing, Liaoning, did not know where Yelü Yanxi went, so they supported Yelü Yanxi's cousin Yelü Chun as emperor, that is, the Tianxi Emperor, known in history as Northern Liao. Yerushalayim sent envoys to the Jin Dynasty and begged to become vassals. Soon Yelü Chun fell ill and died, and his wife, Princess Liaode, took the title.

  Li Chuwen's father and son felt that the prospects were not good, and began to smuggle Tong Guan of the Northern Song Dynasty to the south, intending to kidnap The Liao De Concubine Na Tu in the Song Dynasty, and then to the north to smuggle the Jin people, intending to be the internal response of the Jin. Princess Liao discovered their actions and put Li's father and son to death.

  In December, the Jin army attacked Nanjing, Liaoning. Princess Liao, with her entourage of officials, defected to Yelü Yanxi and was killed.

  In August of the third year of Bao da (1123), Jin Taizu died of illness on the way back to Jin Shangjing, and his brother Wanyan Wu begged for the throne.

  In the winter of the fourth year of Baoda (1124), Yelü Yanxi did not heed the persuasion of Yelü Dashi and others, and led the remnants of his army out of Jiashan and went south to Wuzhou (present-day Shenchi, Shanxi) to try to retake Shanxi Prefecture, but was again defeated.

  In February of the fifth year of Bao Da (1125), the Liaotianzuo Emperor Yelü Yanxi was captured by the Jin dynasty at Yingzhou Xincheng (present-day western Huairen County, Shanxi).

  In August, Yelü Yanxi was sent to Jin Shangjing (金上京, in modern Baichengzi, Acheng District, Harbin), and Wu Begmai made him the King of the Seashore. According to the History of Liao, after Yelü Yanxi was captured by Jin, he became depressed and died three years later. There is also a theory that the emperor of the Jin Dynasty ordered Yelü Yanxi to participate in a polo match with the Song Dynasty, and Yelü Yanxi tried to take advantage of the chaos to ride out of the siege and escape, but was killed by random arrows.

  With the Capture of Emperor Tianzuo by the Jin army, the Liao Empire collapsed.

  Although the Liao perished, the remnants of the Liao Dynasty continued to resist. Among them, the Liao dynasty nobleman Yelü Dashi was forced to abandon the Mongolian plateau under the pressure of the Jin army, and led his troops to the west to establish a powerful Western Liao regime.


Western Liao (1132-1218)

  In the second year of Shaoxing and the tenth year of the JinTianhui (1132), Yelü Dashi was proclaimed emperor at Yemili (present-day Emin, Xinjiang), known historically as the Western Liao (known in the West as the Black Khitan or The Khitan of Hala), and the capital was Husi Luduo (present-day Burana City in Kyrgyzstan).

  The Western Liao defeated the Islamic empire established by the Turks in Central Asia and West Asia, the Seljuks, and once dominated Central Asia.

  After the death of Yelü Dashi, the Western Liao went through the rule of Xiaota Buyan (Empress Dashi), Yelü Yilie (Dashi's son), Yelü Pusuquan (Dashi's daughter), Yelü Zhilugu (Yilie's second son) and the usurper Qu Chulu, and finally was destroyed by the Mongol army led by Genghis Khan's fierce general Zhebei, and the state was established for eighty-seven years.

  In present-day Kyrgyzstan, there are half a million descendants of Liao, accounting for one-tenth of Kyrgyzstan's population.

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