
What happened to the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy? Behind the original hidden these secrets

author:History lesson for the snow-drifting landlord

The assassination of the 35th President of the United States, Kennedy, on November 22, 1963, the mystery has not yet been fully revealed, what earth-shattering secrets are hidden behind it?

What happened to the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy? Behind the original hidden these secrets

Fast forward to November 22, 1963, more than twenty minutes before the Kennedy assassination, a mysterious phone call to the Cambridge Press Office revealed earth-shattering news: major history was about to happen.

At the same time, Kennedy's presidential plane, Air Force One, landed at Raffield Airport, where he would then travel to the Dallas Trade Fair to deliver a speech and a parade.

In order to show "close to the people", Kennedy did not choose to make a special seat with a bulletproof car, but took a convertible. There were six people in the convertible, the first row being the driver and agent Royclementine, and behind them were Texas Governor John Connery and his wife. Kennedy and first lady Jacqueline sat in the back seat, with Kennedy on the right.

What happened to the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy? Behind the original hidden these secrets

The convoy was followed by agents throughout the procession, and the streets were closely checked for security, but choosing to ride in a convertible was a risk in itself.

At about 12 o'clock, after the convoy arrived in Dallas City, in order to welcome the enthusiastic mass interaction in the middle of the road, the car slowly moved forward at a speed of 15-20 kilometers per hour.

Kennedy waved to the crowd from time to time. Half an hour later, the convoy turned into Houston Avenue at Dealey Square, a few steps toward the Texas Textbook Warehouse building and then onto Elm Avenue. In front of this is a railway interchange hub, and on the left side of the street is a lawn, so that the number of citizens welcoming the middle road is gradually decreasing.

What happened to the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy? Behind the original hidden these secrets

Just then, there was a piercing gunshot in the square, and the smile on Kennedy's face froze, and he covered his neck with his hand. Kennedy's wife, Jacqueline, looked at Kennedy in horror when she saw his head plummet.

The accompanying agent, Clinthill, saw this and immediately jumped out of the car and ran to the president's car, but he still slowed down. After hearing the gunshots, the driver sped up in an instant, trying to get out of this danger zone as soon as possible. But then a second shot rang out, Governor Connery was shot, followed by a third shot, and Kennedy's skull was thrown away, and blood splashed all over the car, staining everyone in the car red.

Jacqueline climbed to the rear of the car to pick up the skullcap, and Hill sped up and jumped into the car, protecting the president. Subsequently, the president and the governor were quickly taken to Parkland Hospital, 6.4 kilometers away from the scene of the incident.

What happened to the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy? Behind the original hidden these secrets

The man who shot the president was quickly caught, and his name was Lee Harvey Oswald. The killer fired two consecutive shots at President Kennedy in the head, killing him.

Kennedy's assassination began with the accidental death of a series of people involved in the case within several years after the suspect Oswald was shot and killed. However, the discerning person knows that the mastermind has been at large.

Speculation is that this huge conspiracy was just a pawn in this huge conspiracy, and the real culprits may be vice president Lyndon Johnson and a group of texan business tycoons.

Vice President Lyndon Johnson at the time disagreed with Kennedy because they represented different interest groups—southern interests and northern interests.

Kennedy had told his aides that he would replace Lyndon Johnson and choose another partner after running for re-election. Only when Kennedy is dead, Lyndon Johnson has the opportunity to ascend directly to the presidency.

What happened to the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy? Behind the original hidden these secrets

Kennedy's wife, Jacqueline, also said bluntly that the gunman was just an errand boy, and that the successor of the deceased husband was the mastermind of the assassination. The deceased husband's successor was then Vice President Lyndon Johnson.

Even former President Richard Nixon and others believe that Lyndon Johnson was involved in the killing of Kennedy. Nixon and Lyndon Johnson, officials of the same dynasty, knew and knew each other well.

Johnson's mistress, Madeleine, wrote a memoir in which she said, "The night before Kennedy's assassination, Johnson told me, 'Tomorrow, those Kennedy bastards won't be able to humiliate me anymore.'" ”

Since then, the US authorities have not disclosed the real culprit behind the scenes. The reason is simple, because the mastermind is so powerful that as long as the people involved tell the truth, they will often die.

Until 1992, a bill in the U.S. Congress that classified documents of the Kennedy assassination should be declassified within 25 years. Since then, a number of files about the Kennedy assassination have been released, but the most critical information and mysteries are still "hidden in the snow".

What happened to the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy? Behind the original hidden these secrets

Recently, U.S. President Donald Trump said he would allow the National Archives, at the behest of Congress, to publish the remaining classified documents of Kennedy's assassination in due course.

I believe that soon, the final mystery of the Kennedy assassination will be revealed.

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