
I'm talking about "The Legend of Wukong": This world, I have come, I have struggled, I don't care about the ending

author:There are books to read together

Great stories, mostly tragedies.

Only because of this body, what you know and think, will always be limited, not free. The greatest value that a story can give people lies in this - not a false victory, but a recognition of reality and acceptance of inevitable shortcomings.

Some protagonists choose to concede defeat, so after the seemingly complete ending, only their backs are left. The other, on the other hand, continues to fight endlessly, without knowing their end, which is true heroism.

Such a story is presented in Imaha's "The Legend of Wukong", who said in the preface to the first edition: "The journey to the west in my mind is the path of man. In his view, xitian is the inevitable destination of all people, there is no way to choose, and there is no way to turn back.

However, the road is infinite, life is limited, and trying to see something clearly in this majestic world is tantamount to a blind man touching an elephant.

However, we must continue to search, whether "this is strong or obsessive."

I'm talking about "The Legend of Wukong": This world, I have come, I have struggled, I don't care about the ending

Today, he is at the beginning of the search for answers, in the Spring Festival of 2000.

The launch of the new version of CCTV's "Journey to the West" disappointed him, who was originally looking forward to it, "The theme of Journey to the West is not to fight monsters at all." According to his own understanding, "The journey to the west is a murder that has been carefully arranged as a suicide."

In this regard, the 23-year-old Jin He began to publish the work "The Legend of Wukong" on the Sina Network Jin Yong Inn. "Without this book (The Legend of Wukong), I would probably have stayed in the city where I was born, in the same unit, for decades."

"The Legend of Wukong" made Jin He famous overnight, from an ordinary person to a "best-selling author". "I'll probably spend my life in peace, like a boat in a lake. And now, you are on the cusp of the tide, and the ups and downs are not actually up and down by you. ”

In this way, He Ji met "some people who could not imagine meeting before."

At the end of 2001, he was invited to cooperate with Wong Kar-wai and Liu Zhenwei, became a contract screenwriter of Zedong Films, wrote the film novel "Peerless in the World", and also participated in many film and project planning.

When young man Jinhe created "The Legend of Wukong", the word "ip" was far less hot than it is today. Seventeen years later, in 2017, with the aura of "the first IP of online text", the film adaptation of the same name was released nationwide, and it has been middle-aged, after all, there is still a difference.

By the time of writing, "The Legend of Wukong" had reached the box office of more than 500 million, becoming the best domestic film in the first week since the spring file. The most positive part of the whole movie is the special effects, and the visual effects of several big battles have supported the scene.

In the preface to the first edition, Jin He wrote that he was the only son in the family, and he often played alone after his parents went to work. At a young age, he invented a game of riding a small tricycle for children, with the wheels dipped in water and constantly spinning in circles in the living room.

This made him feel that "the world actually just looks big, but in fact you can't go anywhere, you can only keep drawing circles in this limited space of a few square meters." The impulse that I have always had stemmed from this, "I want to break through something, I want to escape something."

This game full of loneliness also set the tone for the later "Legend of Wukong" - loneliness and the desire to break through barriers.

This desire later made him a slash youth who combines multiple identities as a writer, screenwriter, and game architect.

No one can only do what they want to do forever, we are constantly compromising and giving in, and no one can really be willful. The older you get, the more you will find that no matter how you struggle and how you escape, there are always new boundaries waiting for you.

The higher you fly, the more limits you have, and eventually you have to succumb to fate, and that's life.

As far as he was concerned, he had been making a lot of collision attempts. He said that he did not develop in one direction forever, but he was such a person who dared to try, and if he chose only one of them, he might not have the opportunity to try anything else.

I'm talking about "The Legend of Wukong": This world, I have come, I have struggled, I don't care about the ending

It is like every character in his pen has this mark of loneliness and longing. They are described very cryptically in "Journey to the West", but in the pen of He Zai, they are very straightforward.

Goku is a sentient and righteous person with a little anger, a little idealism, and at the same time very pessimistic and desperate; Tang Monk was a philosopher who could not explore the ultimate truth of the universe; The canopy, on the other hand, disguises his inner pain with superficial happiness, and he suffers alone from never being able to be with his beloved again; The sand monk turned from a god to a demon by breaking the glass cup, and he suffered the pain of never being able to return to the gods...

Each character, in the present and the present, has endowed them with an independent soul and a complex humanity. This delicacy and conflict make up the difference between "The Legend of Wukong".

For example, Goku, he is actually a very simple person, when he made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, he liked to do whatever he liked, and he was still a very frank child at that time.

On the way to the west, Goku understands that many things are difficult to do on his own and need to rely on others, so he also understands sleekness and sophistication, and knows that he must have a good relationship with the gods to make himself live better.

After much hard work, Goku finally understands that no matter how powerful you are, you can't change your destiny.

But --

"This world, I have come, I have fought, I have loved deeply, I don't care about the ending." 」

As in the preface to the first edition, everyone runs to the same destination without choice, so this road is as exciting as possible, learn to be yourself, and make time more meaningful.

For this masterpiece that changed his life, He Zai does not think that he needs to write a work beyond it.

"How do you compare with your old self?" Isn't this exactly the problem that Sun Wukong faced in "The Legend of Wukong"? He could never beat himself. ”

In Peng Yuyan's Weibo, there are photos of the creators of "Wukong" in theaters around the world and fans. Standing next to the star, Jin He seems to have a slightly different style of painting, and he always smiles restrained and shy. Just like the cramped Goku in the sunset.

I'm talking about "The Legend of Wukong": This world, I have come, I have struggled, I don't care about the ending

Q1: Have you ever thought of giving up during the writing process?

A: When I first started writing, some people said good, some people said bad, and stopped for a few days in the middle, but then I found that I still had a lot to express about the work of "Journey to the West", and now I know that in fact, this is normal.

q2: What is the personality concept of each character?

A: In fact, when I was writing, I didn't think about it so much, and later, I understood this work like reading comprehension, and found that many things are your experience of more than 20 years, which are naturally expressed, maybe every character has my shadow, my understanding, so it is different from other works of Journey to the West.

Q3: Do you feel like Goku, a person who dares to push boundaries?

A: I think it should be a way of thinking, when I write "The Legend of Wukong", I will think, why Wukong can only be like this, why Tang Monk can not be another way, why I must learn what I don't like, why I can't go to the road I like, in fact, this kind of daring, more of a way of thinking.

I'm talking about "The Legend of Wukong": This world, I have come, I have struggled, I don't care about the ending

q4: What do you think is the bravest thing you have ever done, or the most out of the limit?

A: In fact, real life is very bland, there is nothing particularly broken through the limit, if there is, that is, when I was in high school, or skip class to escape more, I prefer to hang out with friends, to take pictures.

At that time, and Yu Entai (played lu Xiucai in "Wulin Wai Biao") and another person, our three good friends skipped class together, Yu Entai said that we may not be born ordinary, the college entrance examination is like a thousand troops crossing a single wooden bridge, but there are always people who choose to swim over, maybe most people have failed, but a small number of people have taken risks and succeeded, which is also a breakthrough.

Q5: Everyone in the world talks about "The Legend of Wukong", do you think "The Legend of Wukong" can represent you?

A: It should be difficult for a person to use a book to represent it, after the book is written, it has its independent soul, it does not need to be tied to me all the time, maybe everyone can see different "Wukong Biography", I hope more people find resonance in this book.

q6: Many of our book friends call you Little Monkey, do you like this title?

a: Most of them are called monkeys, there is no small bar, this is a kind of nickname, it is quite good.

q7: There is a lot of tearing content in the book, have you ever been unable to write in the writing process?

A: I feel that I did not write a lot of very sad content, everyone feels sad when they see the book, they see themselves in the book, not how tear-inducing the book is, the work is more like a mirror, let us see ourselves.

Q8: Have you ever seen a beautiful girl handing a note to someone?

a: Ah... It's all someone else handing me a note, hahaha.

Q9: Some book friends asked you, did you really eat Tang monk meat, why can you still be so young?

a: I don't have any maintenance myself, I don't use a mask or anything, if there is, it may be to sleep until I wake up naturally...

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