
Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian lost to the traitors or himself? (1) Coup d'état (2) Unification of the Northern Lands (3) Death and Death (4) Determination to Cut Down the Jin Dynasty (5) Death and Annihilation

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Author: Xu Yunhui

Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian lost to the traitors or himself? (1) Coup d'état (2) Unification of the Northern Lands (3) Death and Death (4) Determination to Cut Down the Jin Dynasty (5) Death and Annihilation

(Battle of Shuishui)

In November 383, more than 800,000 Former Qin troops, which were enough to throw a whip to break the current, were overwhelmed by 80,000 Eastern Jin troops at Shuishui (southeast of present-day Shou County, Anhui Province) with weak victories and strong fires, and the grass and trees were all soldiers, and the wind and sound were cranes, with a net loss of more than 700,000.

Former Qin's campaign, which began with a tiger marching southward and ended with a defeat like a mountain rat in the north, crushed the dream of former Qin emperor Jian Jian to unify the north and south into powder, and also broke the temporarily unified north into pieces. The Battle of Shuishui was the fuse for the disintegration of Former Qin, and it was also the noose that tightened step by step to strangle Jian Jian.

Sadly, Jian Jian took the initiative to put a noose on his neck!

Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian lost to the traitors or himself? (1) Coup d'état (2) Unification of the Northern Lands (3) Death and Death (4) Determination to Cut Down the Jin Dynasty (5) Death and Annihilation

(Schematic diagram of the Battle of Shuishui)

In the last year of the Western Jin Dynasty, the "Rebellion of the Eight Kings" seriously damaged the vitality of the imperial court, and various ethnic minorities in the north took advantage of the opportunity to "five hu chaos". The Western Jin Dynasty was forced to cross south to Jiankang and the Eastern Jin Dynasty, ceding the north to the Five Hu Sixteen Kingdoms. The leader of the Yu tribe, Gong Hong, took advantage of the internal turmoil in Later Zhao and became a hero to dominate the Central Plains. After The Murder of Gong Hong, his son Jian Jian inherited the legacy and invaded Hangu Pass to build Former Qin, with the capital chang'an.

Jian Jian is the grandson of Gong Hong and the nephew of Jian Jian. When Shi Zaiqi was born, there was a faint saying on his back that read, "CaoFu Chen and Tu Wang Xianyang". Because "Caofu" is combined with "苻", "Subjects and Soil" is the traditional character for "Jian", and "Wang Xianyang" will be called Wang Liguo in Xianyang in the future, so it is named Jian jian. Talented and intelligent, when his peers were still addicted to wielding wooden swords to imitate his father and brother's charge game, the eight-year-old Jian Jian "asked the teacher to learn from home." Gong Hong deeply loved this grandson who was "magnificent in appearance and excellent in quality", and greatly praised: "You are from the Rongdi alien, we of the Yu clan can only drink and fight, and it is really rare that you take the initiative to study!" ”

Under the guidance of famous teachers, Jian Jian gradually became "erudite and versatile". After Jian Jian established Former Qin, Bai Jian was made the general of Long Jun. At the solemn ceremony, he tearfully encouraged his nephew: "Your ancestors were once awarded the title of General of the Dragon Dragon, and now that you are entrusted with this post, you must not tarnish this glorious title!" ”

At the age of thirteen, Jian Jian "swung his sword and pounded his horse, and his morale was strong, and the soldiers were not afraid to obey." Since then, he has studied the classics and historical texts more diligently, and established the heroic ambition of helping the people through the world and unifying the world. He recruited the able people and strangers who "Wang Meng and others and have the talent of Wang Zuo" to draw a blueprint for achieving hegemony.

Jian Jian died, and Yao Xiang, the leader of the Qiang clan, invaded Former Qin. After Yao Xiang was defeated and killed by Former Qin, his brother Yao Cang (姚苌) "commanded his people to surrender." After succeeding to the throne, Gong Sheng, the son of Jian Jian, killed people like hemp, killing "the group of subjects to be protected for one day, such as ten years", and everyone was in danger. Under the strong advice of his confidants, Jian Jian decisively launched a coup d'état, killed Zhi Sheng, and called himself the "Great Qin Heavenly King". Yao Cang was made a general of Yang Wu, collected poisonous fangs and claws, and dreamed of dressing up as a pig and eating a tiger every day.

Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian lost to the traitors or himself? (1) Coup d'état (2) Unification of the Northern Lands (3) Death and Death (4) Determination to Cut Down the Jin Dynasty (5) Death and Annihilation

After Zhi Jian ascended the throne, he beheaded yu chen, rehabilitated Zhaoxue for the wrongfully killed Zhongliang, and reused the shrewd and honest Han scholars to participate in politics. Among them, there is Wang Meng, the sage chancellor who is wiser than Zhuge Liang.

Jian Jian was faced with the mess left by Former Qin: Guanzhong was a place inhabited by ethnic minorities, and there was constant hatred and killing between each other; after the founding of the Former Qin Dynasty, the legal system was not perfect, and droughts and floods were frequent, resulting in the rampant lawlessness of the powerful and the people mourning in the wilderness. With the assistance of Wang Meng, Jian Jian adopted a policy of recuperation and recuperation, "teaching farmers and setting up schools", raising "widows, widows, lonely and lonely people who do not survive in high years", and reusing "those whose special talents are different, filial piety and loyalty, and virtue can be called".

In the face of disasters and famines, he personally helped the people to cultivate the land, reduce taxes in the disaster areas, prohibit royal extravagance and waste, and share weal and woe with the people; he strengthened the building of the legal system, severely cracked down on the powerful and powerful according to law, and executed the powerful and powerful who killed the people. This series of policies to promote the prosperity of the country and the strength of the people enabled Former Qin to quickly recover its vitality and significantly enhance its comprehensive national strength, and Former Qin also became the only ruler of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms in which "Guan long qingyan, the people are prosperous". The people of Former Qin wholeheartedly supported Jian Jian and praised it with songs: "Chang'an Avenue, Yang Huai is verdant; down the Chihua car, on the roost luan phoenix; the talents gather, teach my people." ”

After the rich country strengthened its troops, Jian Jian began to conquer the east and west to realize the ideal blueprint. Murong Chui, the king of Former Yan, was ostracized by his brother because of his outstanding military achievements, and in a fit of rage, he defected to Former Qin. Wang Meng knew Murong Chui's father and son very well, believing that the father and son were "like dragons and tigers, not something to be tamed", and asked Murong Jian to take the opportunity to remove Murong Chui. However, Jian Jian ignored him and made him the champion general.

Murong Chui, the dog of the bereaved family, turned into a hibernating snake and lay tamely on Gong Jian's chest, waiting for the arrival of the spring of the anti-devouring benefactor.

He annexed Former Yan, regained Former Qiuchi, captured Yiliang Prefecture, eliminated the Former Liang regime, and replaced the state in the north, and in only seven years, he swept away the smoke and dust from the north, unified the north, and confronted the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the south of the An River.

Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian lost to the traitors or himself? (1) Coup d'état (2) Unification of the Northern Lands (3) Death and Death (4) Determination to Cut Down the Jin Dynasty (5) Death and Annihilation

After the northern kingdoms were pacified, the leaders of sixty-two ethnic minority tribes "all sent envoys to pay tribute to their fangs" to show their submission. Because of the "domestic solidity", Jian Jian fell into a strange circle of arrogance and lasciviousness. His "palace car rides, the utensils are served, and they are decorated with pearls, langjie, qibao, and rare monsters." Under the advice of the sages, Jian Jian suddenly woke up, "ordered to remove the bead curtain", and re-maintained the hard and simple nature.

During the period of crossing the river with the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Jian Jian organized several military operations like fire reconnaissance, and the two sides won and lost each other. A year later, Jian Jian sent people to attack the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and returned home.

Receiving the war report, Wang Meng's dying instructions suddenly rang out in his ears: "Although the Jin Dynasty is located in Wuyue, it inherits orthodoxy and wins the hearts of the people of Jiangnan. At present, it is imperative for our country to be close to people of good character and friendly to our neighbours. After the death of the subject, I hope that His Majesty will not attempt to plot the Eastern Jin Dynasty! The Xianbei and Qiang are the biggest problems in our country, and they must be cut off as soon as possible! ”

If Jian Jian presses the pause button, he will definitely rewrite history. However, Former Qin's powerful comprehensive national strength had inflated itself. Externally, he disobeyed Wang Meng's last words, ignored the rising Xianbei and Qiang ethnic groups in the country, made strategic mistakes, and sent 70,000 troops of laborers to expedition to the western region, where "their people are invincible and their land is uncultivable."; internally, after he put down the rebellion of his cousin in Guanzhong, he deeply felt that "the people of Guandong were widespread and Yin", and once the rebellion recurs, the consequences will be unimaginable. Therefore, in the name of dividing the princes, he divided the Hu clan into 150,000 households, and scattered them to various towns under the leadership of each clan. 150,000 People were forced to leave their original places of origin, and many were forced to leave their fathers and brothers alive and die, "all mourning and mourning, sour pedestrians." ”

The former "throws troops thousands of miles away" and "vainly destroys China" in vain; the latter beats mandarin ducks with sticks, separating flesh and bones and separating people's hearts. Instead of listening to advice, Jian Jian took a fatal step on the road to death.

Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian lost to the traitors or himself? (1) Coup d'état (2) Unification of the Northern Lands (3) Death and Death (4) Determination to Cut Down the Jin Dynasty (5) Death and Annihilation

In 382, Jian Jian consulted his courtiers at a court meeting: in order to complete the great cause of unification, he wanted to lead an army of 970,000 people who were able to throw a whip to fight against the Eastern Jin Dynasty. When the main war faction and the anti-war faction quarreled bitterly, Jian Jian announced to himself: "The carpenter has more crooked houses, and I have my own decision!" Meeting! ”

When his younger brother Zhi Rong was left alone to discuss, he put his heart on the grounds that the heavens were unfavorable, the Kings and Subjects of the Jin Dynasty were united, and Former Qin was "tired and tired of several battles, and had the intention of fearing the enemy", and concluded that this battle was "a big move of vain work, and it will be fruitless!" After the advice was rejected, Zhi Rong wept and advised: The defeat was small, the Xianbei, Qiang, and Qiang ethnic minorities were all over Gyeonggi "gathered like a forest", and the thieves of the destroyed countries were not dead, and they could resurrect at any time. ”。 He also moved out Wang Meng: "Wang Jingluo is a momentary stranger, your majesty every time he intends Kong Ming, his dying words must not be forgotten!" ”

Jian Jian is "Wang Ba eats the scales - iron heart". Famous monks, princes, favored courtiers, favored concubines, and others "wrote advice, dozens of times before and after, and insisted on not following it." ”

Murong Chui, a poisonous snake that had been lurking for many years, keenly heard the thunder of the sting, and vigorously praised Gong Jian as "móu (equivalent) Xuan, Tang, Gong Gao Tang, and Wu", and led a million xiongshi to destroy Jin effortlessly. At the same time, he had an ulterior motive: "If you take the words of the people, how can you build the merits of the world!" "Vigorously encourage Jian Jian to rely on the heavens and places to send troops to cut down the Jin. Jian Jian was photographed by him almost forgetting his gender, regarded him as a confidant who wore the same pair of pants, and ordered him to cross the river and cut down Jin.

Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian lost to the traitors or himself? (1) Coup d'état (2) Unification of the Northern Lands (3) Death and Death (4) Determination to Cut Down the Jin Dynasty (5) Death and Annihilation

In the Battle of Shuishui, Former Qin was defeated, and Jian Jian fled to Huaibei on a single horse, gathering remnants of his troops along the way to return to Beijing. Xiang Rong's worries became a reality: the Xianbei and Qiang tribes took advantage of Former Qin's great injury and successively rebelled and established a divided regime: Murong Chui sneaked back to Former Yan's homeland and initially established Later Yan as emperor; Yao Cang's original form Bilu rebelled again, colluding with various ethnic minority forces to call Emperor Jianhou Qin; Ding Zero and the Karasuma tribes rebelled one after another. The north was suddenly torn apart and wolf smoke was everywhere.

When Murong Chong, who was then the Taishou of Pingyang, learned of the fiasco of Jian Jianshui and fled, new hatred and old hatred surged into his heart. He was a Former Yan nobleman, who was twelve years old when former Yan was destroyed, and because of his handsome appearance, he and his fourteen-year-old sister were included in the harem as male favorites by the bisexual Jian Jian. Later, he was released as an official because of Wang's strong advice. When Murong Chong learned that his uncle Murong Chui had rebelled against Qin jianhou Yan, he also declared himself the King of Jibei with 20,000 troops in Guanzhong, defeated the government army in succession, and besieged Jian Jian in Chang'an for several months, eventually forcing Jian Jian out of Chang'an and establishing himself as emperor.

Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian lost to the traitors or himself? (1) Coup d'état (2) Unification of the Northern Lands (3) Death and Death (4) Determination to Cut Down the Jin Dynasty (5) Death and Annihilation

On the way to escape, Jian Jian was besieged by Yao Cang, and was captured after running out of food. Yao Cang was soft and hard and forced to hand over the Chuanguo Jade Seal, and Jian Jian showed a minimum of dignity, "scolding and begging for death". Yao Cang became angry, "Nai Han jian is in the Xinping Buddhist Temple, when he is forty-eight years old. ”

During his reign of twenty-seven years, due to the defeat of Shouchun (i.e., the Battle of Shuishui), his kingdom was in turmoil, and in the second year, he died at the Xinping Buddhist Temple. "In his lifetime, "his rise is also bold, and his death is also sudden!" In the early stage, he worked hard to unify the north; in the later period, he was full of pride and brazenly launched the Battle of Shuishui, which led to the disintegration of the country and his own death. The reason for Jian guo's death was entirely due to subjective mistakes: he did not listen to Wang Meng's advice, and entrusted Yao Cang and Murong Chui with two white-eyed wolves to his subordinates, and his self-expansion led to the capsizing of the gutter and eventually his death.

Therefore, future generations should learn the lesson of Jian Jian: do not think too high of yourself and be rigid and self-conscious! In the past, Xiang Yu killed himself in Wujiang, some of them died and the country was destroyed, and then there were corrupt officials who went forward and fell into disgrace. Who will be in the future?

Former Qin Emperor Jian Jian lost to the traitors or himself? (1) Coup d'état (2) Unification of the Northern Lands (3) Death and Death (4) Determination to Cut Down the Jin Dynasty (5) Death and Annihilation

【About the author】Xu Yunhui, male, graduated from the Department of Chinese of Yunnan Normal University in 1984 and is now a senior lecturer at Baoshan No.1 Middle School Education Group in Yunnan Province. He has published two monographs and published more than 600,000 words in literary journals at or above the provincial level.

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